AMES, Iowa -- The largest and longest-running fundraising campaign conducted by Iowa 4-H members for 4-H members has gone above and beyond its goal for the year.

"This year, 481 clubs representing 83 counties raised an extraordinary $31,433.91 to support Iowa youth," said Joe Leisz, executive director of the Iowa 4-H Foundation.

"The 4-H'ers for 4-H program has been in existence for 26 years, and 4-H members have raised a tremendous amount of funds for 4-H to support programs and youth activities," Leisz said.

Since 1985, Iowa 4-H members have raised more than $690,000 for Iowa 4-H Youth Development, the youth program of Iowa State University Extension.

Funds raised in the campaign help families involved in 4-H, by providing financial assistance for program fees. The funds also help youth attend camps, conferences and other leadership activities.

The top fundraising counties for this year's campaign were Kossuth, Webster and Johnson counties.

"This year's campaign totals truly show the passion and dedication Iowa 4-H members have for this great program. I congratulate every person who was involved in this campaign," Leisz said.

For more information about the 4-H'ers for 4-H campaign or other ways to get involved, visit


What helps children mature with a positive sense of self?

Age? With age, a child will learn increased control, gain memory, develop cognitively, and learn language and a sense of how to plan for the future.

Supported waiting? Children have difficulty waiting, but can be supported while they wait. Talk to them. For example: "In 5 more minutes, dinner will be ready. I know you can wait that long."

Follow through? Follow through after a child waits. Do not imply a reward will come if it will not. This is part of trust!

Modeling? Adults who control their own anger, aggression, language, and needs provide positive models for their children.

Feeling in control? Provide children with age-appropriate choices. Offer two choice you can live with, and give the child an opportunity to learn to make decisions by choosing.

For Preschoolers

· Build on a child's interest by helping him or her experience or learn more about a topic. 
· Involve children in real chores and helping tasks to give them a sense accomplishment. 
· Treat children with respect. Ask their opinion and listen. Give mean-ingful feedback. Learn about typical stage develop-ment, including the development of trust, independence, and initiative. 
· During times of disappointment, let your child know you still love and support him or her. After the crisis has passed, reflect on and discuss possible ways to cope in the future.

For School-Age Children

· Respect a child's strengths, and they will respect you. 
· Help the child set goals, and then link ongoing effort with success. 
· Examine values. Self-esteem is grounded in what a person values.

For Teens

· Keep talking to teens even if it seems they don't listen or care. 
· Talk to teens about making good choices and about the many ways we express how we feel about others. 
· Say two good things before talking about any bad things. 
· Tell the teen something about yourself so they will feel safe sharing, too.

Contact Information:

Karen DeBord, Ph.D., State Extension Specialist, Child Development, North Carolina State University

Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and the Iowa Beef Center (IBC) will host a manure management field day on July 13 at the Mike Bettin feedlot in Sac County. The field day, which is set for 1 to 4 p.m., will provide information on manure management issues and offer alternative manure handling options for open feedlots and dairies with less than 1,000 animal units. ISU Extension beef program specialist Beth Doran said there's a lot of confusion about the definition of a medium-sized concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) and who might need a permit.

"ISU Extension agricultural engineering program specialist Shawn Shouse will present information on the definition of a medium CAFO and how feedlot operators can work with the definition," Doran said.

Other topics at the field day include manure storage and handling, technical assistance and cost-share opportunities, and using a manure analysis in the cropping system.

"Feedlot and dairy producers can no longer discharge feedlot effluent into a road ditch, so this year's field day features a demonstration of an economical way to pump feedlot effluent from the solids settling system," ISU Extension agricultural engineering program specialist Kris Kohl said. "There also will be a demonstration on how to calibrate a manure spreader to achieve the correct application rate."

The Bettin feedlot is located 2¼ miles north of the intersection of Hwy 175 and Hwy 71. The specific address is 3087 Hwy 71, Odebolt, and the field day will be held at the north feedlot.

Attendance is free, thanks to a grant from IBC. For more information, contact Doran by phone at 712-737-4230 or by email at or Kohl by phone at 712-732-5056 or by email at A flyer is available on the Iowa Manure Management Action Group website.


AMES, Iowa - The floods, storms and tornadoes of 2011 are taking their toll on the nation's children, who may be stressed, worried or frightened about what is happening to them and their families. Staff members from Project Recovery Iowa offer tips on talking to kids about natural disasters in this month's Science of Parenting radio program podcast from Iowa State University Extension.

The podcast is available for free download from the Science of Parenting website or iTunes.

Science of Parenting podcast co-host Douglas Gentile is an ISU Extension specialist and associate professor of psychology. He said, "We know from research that kids of different ages are scared by different things, they worry about different types of things, they have a totally different understanding of what's happening. So how do we work with kids of different ages?"

Keep Kids Safe
First, adults, parents and other caregivers need to let children know that "we're here to keep them safe and to provide a safe environment," said Teresa Zilk with the Iowa Department of Human Services, which implements Project Recovery Iowa, a free and confidential, federally funded crisis counseling program.

Remain calm and try to alleviate the children's fear, added Abby Lamont, a crisis counselor with Project Recovery Iowa. Listen to them and let them talk on numerous occasions. Let them know they are reacting normally to an abnormal circumstance.

Limit the Details
Both Zilk and Lamont suggested limiting children's exposure to the details of the disaster. They don't need to see all the news coverage. However, Zilk said, ask them about what they've seen and how they feel about it. Give them a lot of hugs and face time, and let them know the family will get through this difficult time.

"They might keep asking about [the disaster]. You might have to revisit the subject a few times," Zilk said. And, it's OK for parents to say they don't know the answer to their child's question or how to explain what's happening.

However, reinforce children's feeling of safety, Zilk said. "Yes, this terrible thing happened. But we're still a family. We're still whole. We're still able to make it."

Give Kids Times to Talk
Give older children ample opportunities to talk about their feelings, Lamont said. She also suggested engaging young children in activities that will build their resilience. For example, keep track of every time it rains but doesn't flood by marking the days on the calendar. After a few months, count the marked days to help kids learn that it can rain a lot but not flood, and they can remember that they got through it.

Children at any age may show signs of trauma, Lamont said. For example, young children may have night terrors or regress to a behavior they had when they were younger, such as clinging to their parents or bedwetting. Such behaviors are normal reactions to the stress of a disaster. However for all children, parents should watch for signs of unusually aggressive behavior, loss of concentration or inability to sleep, which may indicate that the child needs additional help to cope with the crisis.

Project Recovery Iowa serves residents of Hamilton, Story, Polk, Jasper, Warren, Marion and Wapello counties with counseling and referral related to natural disasters. Lamont said, "We're a listening ear, we're a peer counselor. We try to reassure them that, 'yes, everything that you're feeling is very, very normal.'"

Zilk encouraged other Iowans to call ISU Extension's Iowa Concern Hotline, 800-447-1985. "Someone is available 24 hours, seven days a week. You will not be able to get a crisis counselor to come to your door, but you will be able to speak to someone over the phone," she said.

Download Science of Parenting Podcasts
Science of Parenting podcasts are available for free download from the Science of Parenting website,, or can be subscribed to in iTunes. Each month a new, 30-minute Science of Parenting program, as well as previous programs, will be available, as well as blog posts and other research-based parenting information.


AMES, Iowa – The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC) is assisting producer groups gathering information to use in applying for the USDA Rural Business and Cooperative Service (RBCS) value-added producer grants, announced in the Federal Register June 28, 2011.

AgMRC is a virtual library of agricultural value-added opportunities, business development and consulting resources for producers, located at

"There is a direct link on the home page of the site to take producers directly to the federal notice of solicitation of applications, grant templates and a directory of consultants and service providers," said Ray Hansen, director of the center. "Additional resources for producers to develop their business or to find a new market opportunity for an existing business also are available."

Producers can investigate specific commodity information on many different niche opportunities and locate specific laws, consultants and individual contacts within their individual state to assist them in the grant application process.

"The consultant database available on the website includes specific commodity consultants, business development consultants and those consultants specializing in grant writing," Hansen said.

RBCS announced the availability of $37 million in competitive grant funds for fiscal year 2011 to help independent agricultural producers enter into value-added activities. The grant will fund one of the following two activities:

Developing feasibility studies or business plans (including marketing plans or other planning activities) needed to establish a viable value-added marketing opportunity for an agricultural product; or
Acquiring working capital to operate a value-added business venture or an alliance that will allow the producers to better compete in domestic and international markets.
Value-added products are defined as follows:

A change in the physical state or form of the product (such as milling wheat into flour or making strawberries into jam);
The production of a product in a manner that enhances its value, as demonstrated through a business plan (such as organically produced products);
The physical segregation of an agricultural commodity or product in a manner that results in the enhancement of the value of that commodity or product (such as an identity preserved marketing system).
Value-added also includes using any agricultural product or commodity to produce renewable energy on a farm or ranch.

Applications must be completed and submitted no later than August 29, 2011.

Located at Iowa State University, AgMRC is a national center for value-added agriculture resources. For more information, visit or call toll-free at 866-277-5567.




One of the pure pleasures of summertime in Iowa is eating sweet corn fresh from the garden or farmers' market. Gardeners have questions when it comes to getting the ears from field to plate. ISU Extension specialists offer answers to those questions; to have additional questions answered, contact the experts by emailing or calling the ISU Extension horticulture hotline at or 515-294-3108.

When should I harvest sweet corn?

Sweet corn should be harvested at the milk stage. At this stage, the silks are brown and dry at the ear tip. When punctured with a thumbnail, the soft kernels produce a milky juice. Over-mature sweet corn is tough and doughy. An immature ear will not be completely filled to the tip and the kernels produce a clear, watery liquid when punctured.

The harvest date can be estimated by noting the date of silk emergence. The number of days from silk emergence to harvest is approximately 18 to 23 days. Prime maturity, however, may be reached in 15 days or less if day and night temperatures are exceptionally warm. Most hybrid sweet corn varieties produce two ears per plant. The upper ear usually matures one or two days before the lower ear.

Harvest sweet corn by grasping the ear at its base and then twisting downward. Use or refrigerate sweet corn immediately after harvest. Optimum storage conditions for sweet corn are a temperature of 32 F and a relative humidity of 95 percent.

The ears on my sweet corn are poorly filled. What are possible causes?

Poorly filled ears are often the result of poor pollination. Hot, dry winds and dry soil conditions may adversely affect pollination and fertilization and result in poorly filled ears. Water sweet corn during pollination if the soil is dry. Improper planting may also affect pollination. Corn is wind pollinated. Plant sweet corn in blocks of four or more short rows to promote pollination.

How can I keep raccoons out of my sweet corn?

The most effective way to prevent damage to the sweet corn crop is to encircle the area with an electric fence. A two-wire fence with one wire 4 to 6 inches above the ground and the other at 12 inches should keep the raccoons out of the sweet corn. Mow or cut the vegetation beneath the fence to avoid electrical shorts. To be effective, the electric fence should be installed about two weeks before the sweet corn reaches the milk stage.

Are there special corn varieties that are grown to produce "baby" corn?

The small size of "baby" corn suggests that it's a special variety. However, most baby corn is actually grown from regular sweet and field corn varieties. The ears are harvested when they are 2 to 4 inches long and one-third to one-half inch in diameter at their base. Most corn varieties reach this stage one to three days after the silks become visible. While many sweet and field corn varieties are suitable for baby corn production, there are a few varieties, such as 'Babycorn' and 'Bonus,' which are grown specifically for the miniature ears.


AMES, Iowa ? Harold and Kay Whipple, along with Iowa Learning Farms, will co-host "Conservation Conversations on the Prairie" at the Whipples' farm in rural Lacona on Tuesday, July 19, beginning at 3 p.m. The event is free and the public is invited to attend, but registration is required. The Warren Soil and Water Conservation District is a sponsor for the event as well.

The evening will offer an opportunity for area residents and conservation organization representatives to network with one another and explore new partnerships and projects to enhance conservation in Iowa. The Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Station will be on site to aid in the discussion of why quality soils and clean water are so important to Iowa's future. Also, the Whipples will conduct walking or riding tours of their recently restored prairie. There will be a time for discussion of ideas for working together to improve and enhance conservation practices in Iowa prior to a complimentary dinner.

The Whipples have worked ? and continue to work ? to create a diverse, productive and sustainable property. They have put in a pond and windbreaks, 25 acres of prairie, thousands of trees and shrubs, as well as some corn and soybean acres used mainly for wildlife food plots. Their land includes hundreds of plant species, which draw a diverse collection of birds, mammals and insects. They are very proud of the increased bluebird population since their work began.

To register for this event, contact Harold or Kay Whipple by email,, or phone, 641-534-3039, by July 12. The Whipples' farm is located at 22307 Highway S23; one-half mile north of the intersection of G76 and S23 in Lacona. Look for the "Bluebird Family Farm" sign.

Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) is building a Culture of Conservation, encouraging adoption of residue management and conservation practices. Farmers, researchers and ILF staff are working together to encourage farmers to implement the best in-field management practices that increase water and soil quality while remaining profitable.


AMES, Iowa – Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) is sponsoring a field day at the Craig Embretson farm in Clayton County on Wednesday, July 13, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The field day will include a complimentary lunch, information about strategies for no-till and also cover crop management. The event is free and the public is invited to attend.

Pat Schaefers, Clayton County Natural Resources Conservation District (NRCS) District Conservationist, will share information about no-till and farmer Craig Embretson will share his experiences from 20 years of no-till crop management. Field day attendees will see no-till corn following corn, no-till corn following soybean, and no-till soybean following corn. Tom Kaspar, plant physiologist with the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, will discuss the potential of fall-seeded cereal grain cover crops to reduce soil erosion, improve soil quality in corn-soybean rotations and provide early spring grazing feedstocks for cattle. Laura Christianson, Ph.D. candidate in the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering department at Iowa State University, will discuss bioreactors and other techniques to limit nitrate transport to water bodies.

Farmers and non-farmers are encouraged to bring their families to the field day to see the Iowa Learning Farms' Conservation Station. The Conservation Station is a mobile learning lab that teaches audiences of all ages about soil conservation and ways to protect quality of our soil and water resources. The back of the Conservation Station houses a rainfall simulator, demonstrating the effects of rainfall on undisturbed soils with a variety of land covers, showing both surface water runoff as well as subsurface drainage. At the front is a learning center with hands-on displays and tools to learn about soil, water and wetlands.

Craig Embretson's field day site is located at the intersection of County Road X16 (Gunder Road) and Eagle Avenue (southeast corner of intersection), approximately six miles north of Elkader.


July 26                                   
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office

August 5                                
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office

August 23                              
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office

September 2                          
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office 

September 27                        
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office

October 5                              
Aquatic, Forest and Roadside Pest Management CIC, $35 if registered by 9/28/11, after that $45
At the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am

October 7                              
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office 

October 25                            
Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office

October 27                            
Mosquito & Public Health Pest Management CIC, $35 if registered by 10/20/11, after that $45
At the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am 

November 4                           
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office 

November 9                           
Ornamental & Turf Applicators CIC, $35 if registered by 11/2/11, after that $45
At the Scott County Extension Office, 1:30pm-4pm 

November 16                         
Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, and Plant Disease Management CIC, $35 if registered by 11/9/11, after that
$45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am 

November 29                         
Fumigation CIC, $35 if registered by 11/22/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office,

December 2                           
Pesticide Applicator Testing
10am-2pm at the Extension Office 

December 7                           
Pest Control Operators CIC, $35 if registered by 11/30/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension
Office, 9am-11:30am

MOLINE, ILLINOIS - Inspired by his attorney father and following in the footsteps of his great grandfather, Justice Charles M. Waterman, who served on the Iowa Supreme Court from 1898 to 1902, newly elected Justice Tom Waterman sits down to talk with Jim Mertens on "The Cities." The program will air on Thursday, July 7th at 6:30 pm and Sunday, July 10 at 5:30 pm.

Speaking about his appointment, Justice Waterman said "I was thrilled to land the position for the Quad Cities. We haven't had a resident justice here since Linda Neumann retired in 2003..." he went on to say "...It's important both for the court and for the Quad Cities to have a resident justice here again. It improves communications, and a lot of what our Supreme Court does is to administer the rules and the personnel in the judicial branch..." Justice Waterman said he was honored to have been appointed to the court and "After 9-11, like many American's, I felt an impulse to give back to the community." He feels strongly that this job fulfills that goal.

Host Jim Mertens asked if it bothered him how the court was politicized the way it was prior to the 2010 elections. Waterman responded "Well, it was a shock to the judicial system, and one thing I've seen now that I'm serving on the court is the backlog the new justices have inherited because the court was at barely over half strength for a number of months and very distracted before it.  It had never happened before, and normally the Supreme Court changes one justice at a time, normally through retirement. It never lost three and never had three new members join all at once. At the same time, that made the need all the greater and the opportunity to serve all the more important..." he went on to say "I think it's very important to our system of checks and balances that our court not get politicized, and two of the downsides to what happened are the risks that justices and judges will get intimidated and base a decision on what they think is popular rather than what the law requires."

Among his plans on the court, he wants more of Iowa's citizens to see how the court works." I hope to bring the court to Davenport within the next year or so. It provides the public with an opportunity to come to a local auditorium, see the court in action and one of my favorite parts of the job is the oral arguments," Waterman said.

Other innovations on the court, is the videotaping of arguments before the court. By archiving the cases, people can go to the Iowa Supreme Court website and be better informed about the cases before the court and their outcomes. Justice Waterman feels that it is the job of the justices to "protect the integrity of the system" and said that upcoming cases include civil, criminal and constitutional issues. To find out more about Justice Tom Waterman, tune in to WQPT Thursday at 6:30 pm.

WQPT is a media service of Western Illinois University located in Moline, Illinois.
