Friday, September 24, 2010

WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley is asking the Labor Department to justify how it counts arbitrators, mediators, conciliators, financial analysts, investment underwriters, marketing managers, personal financial advisers, public relations specialists, and reporters in its definition of what is a green job.

Grassley said the Labor Department is apparently allowing stimulus dollars that were supposed to support green jobs to be spent on these sorts of positions.  The Labor Department also administers the spending of $125 million a year on "energy efficiency and renewable energy" worker retraining through the Green Jobs Act of 2007.  That law specifies that federal dollars will support retrofitting buildings, biofuels and wind turbines.

"I'm a strong supporter of green jobs, and taxpayers deserve an honest reporting of how their money is being spent.  This kind of work is not what most people would think of as green jobs," Grassley said.  "It's a matter of responsible stewardship of tax dollars.  Since February 2009, the Department of Labor has given out $490 million in stimulus dollars for 'green jobs training,' and the Department tells me that it's still working to define green jobs."

Grassley began pressing the Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, for information about how the administration defines a green job in June.  In response, an assistant secretary said that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is "working to develop a definition for green jobs sectors and jobs" and directed Grassley to the Occupational Information Network of the Labor Department, or O*NET.  O*NET listed jobs that could be classified as green, including those now in question.

Grassley followed up on his initial inquiry in a letter sent today which asks the Secretary of Labor what changes, if any, are being made to the stimulus spending program at the Department of Labor to make sure tax dollars aren't squandered on jobs that aren't really green and on programs that produce few employment results.  Grassley's June letter and the Labor Department's response are attached to today's letter.

Grassley is conducting congressional oversight of stimulus spending by various federal agencies, including the Department of Energy and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  The stimulus bill enacted in February 2009 has an $814 billion price tag.  Grassley did not vote for the measure.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Grassley Continues to Press for Release of Congressionally Mandated Report on Medicaid's Status

WASHINGTON - Sen. Chuck Grassley is again pressing the federal Department of Health and Human Services to finish and release a long overdue, congressionally mandated report on Medicaid's financial and enrollment status.  The report was due Jan. 1, 2010.

"I said before that the report might contain bad news, but we all need to see it," Grassley said.  "The new health care reform law expands Medicaid by the greatest amount in the program's history, yet states are already struggling to afford their existing Medicaid responsibilities.  A true picture of Medicaid's financial state is necessary to ensure that services are funded adequately for the millions of people who rely on the program.  It would really bother me if HHS were withholding the report because they don't want people to know what the true picture of Medicaid is."

Grassley is ranking member of the Committee on Finance, with jurisdiction over health care programs including Medicaid.  The text of his letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is available here.
Dr Joe Seng and Mark Riley have agreed to debate on 21 October at St Ambrose University (see attachment).  The format and moderator are still being worked out by the candidates, but they have agreed to the time and place.  Please feel free to contact either campaign for any further information.  Riley at 563-579-0408 and Seng at 563-391-1627.  Additionally Mark Riley will be appearing at the legislative forum sponsored by the school board on 19 October at
Central High at 0630 pm.

During his weekly video address, Chuck Grassley discusses legislation he co-sponsored that would require Congress to give final approval before major federal regulations can take effect.

Senator Grassley:  "I would like to visit with you about the runaway federal government bureaucracy. Consequently, this week I joined a group of senators introducing a bill that would require Congress to give final approval to major federal regulations before those regulations can take effect.

The new bill responds to growing regulatory burden and its negative impact on job creation.  The Constitution vests all legislative power in the Congress, which is the branch most accountable to the people.  Yet, year after year, Congress passes legislation that delegates more power to the executive branch.  In doing so, it also fails to assess the full impact of those laws and how that power is used.  As a result, federal agencies are increasingly bypassing Congress and imposing new regulations that Congress never intended.  Unfortunately, these regulations often have grave consequences for average Americans that don't appear to be explored or are ignored by the federal agency.

For instance, a tidal wave of new regulations is hitting the private sector with health care reform and other big pieces of legislation like the financial system regulation.  The uncertainty about the real impact and cost of these new regulations, along with the uncertainty of looming tax increases, make it much harder for employers to make commitments to create new jobs and hire workers.

The financial burdens of new regulations are estimated to be in the many trillions of dollars.  The Heritage Foundation estimates that the rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide alone could reach nearly $7 trillion in the next 20 years.  This is a cost that Americans simply can't handle.

This bill is a step in the right direction.  It will help establish greater accountability for major regulations handed down from the executive branch.  And, it will restore some badly needed checks and balances in our system of government that have been eroded."

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Announce Recovery Act Funding For Rural Library Projects in 30 States Throughout the Country

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2010 - TODAY, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will announce funding to build and enhance 129 rural libraries in 30 states. These library projects will provide rural residents with computer access, modern equipment and new training and educational opportunities.  The projects are being funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) under USDA Rural Development's Community Facilities program.

States benefiting from this announcement include Ala., Alaska., Cali., Colo., Del., Fl., Hawaii, Iowa, Ind., Kan., Mass., Mich., Minn., Mo., Miss., N.H., N.Y., N.C., N.J., N.M., Nev., Okla., S.C., Tenn., Texas, Utah, Va., Vt., Wash., and W.V.

September 27, 2010

Skip-a-Long Child Development Services is naming its "Business Volunteer of the Year" as part of its 40th birthday party today. Also on hand for the celebration are Representative Pat Verschoore and Rock Island Dennis Mayor Pauley.

Skip-a-Long Child Development Services opened its doors forty years ago--on August 24th --with one student and grant monies from the state, local  churches, individuals, businesses and the Deere Foundation. Today there are four campuses in the Quad Cities serving more than 900 children on a daily basis.

As a way to celebrate its past and look forward to its future the centers are hosting birthday parties during the month of September and organizers are putting out the call for all alumni to come visit the campus they attended years ago.

The Rock Island party will take place from 12:00 pm until the center closes with a cookout for all alumni, parents and staff. There is a short awards program at noon to recognize family and business volunteers. State Representative Pat Verschoore and the Mayor Dennis Pauley, will speak at the program and then cut the special birthday cake for all the children. The media is invited to attend.

WHO: Rock Island Skip-a-Long Child Development Center WHAT: Birthday party with dignitaries, alumni, staff and friends

WHEN: Monday, September 27th party at the Rock Island campus (1609 4th Street) Noon cookout and program with Mayor Pauley and Rep. Verschoore

WHY: To celebrate the oldest child care center in the Quad Cities

Quad City residents are invited to recycle their 'gently worn' shoes for people in need

Nashville, TN - DATE - Every 9 seconds, Soles4Souls Inc. gives away another pair of shoes to someone in need.  The shoe charity has earned glowing endorsements from Hollywood stars and professional athletes, but the people that truly make the non-profit organization effective are those who clean out their closets to personally drop off their 'gently worn' shoes at a participating location, such as the QC Child Development Center.

For a limited time, Soles4Souls and Quad Cities Child Development Center will be collecting your gently worn footwear and/or donations to ship the shoes to a person in need, whether they are victims of a natural disaster or subject to living in extreme poverty.  It is estimated that Americans have 1.5 billion pairs of unused shoes lying in their closets.  The charity can use each and every one of these pairs to make a tangible difference in someone's life.

"We can use the shoes taking up space in your closet to change the world one pair at a time," said Founder and CEO of Soles4Souls, Wayne Elsey.  "We need our partners in the Quad Cities to 'STEP UP' and get behind our call for action.  It's one of the most simple yet profound gifts you can make, because it will greatly improve someone's life in the most difficult of times," he said.

Come to the Quad Cities Child Development Center, 4959 Utica Ridge Road, Davenport, October 29, 2010, 3:00-5:00 pm

People and companies interested in donating can visit the organization's website at

What:  39th Annual Quad City CROP WALK

When:   Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Concert:  12:45pm,  Walk:  2 pm

Where:   Modern Woodman Park, Davenport (Gaines & River Drive)

Event: Join this bi-state effort as Churches United hosts its 39th QC CROP WALK.  This 6 mile/10K walk run will begins and ends at Modern Woodman Park in Davenport will have hundreds and hundreds of walkers.  This is a bi state effort that benefits local hunger organizations including Churches United. This truly is an interfaith event.   Concert with Lojo Russo begins at 12:45 as she entertains the walkers after they register.

For further information contact Anne Wachal at 332-5002 or view our website at

Unveils Portrait of a Soldier Memorial Exhibit in Freeport

FREEPORT - September 24, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today joined Gold Star families to honor the sacrifices that Illinois servicemembers have made in the global war against terrorism since Sept. 11, 2001. Governor Quinn unveiled the Portrait of a Soldier Memorial exhibit today at the Freeport Public Library.

"Illinois service members have served this country bravely throughout the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." said Governor Quinn. "I am proud today to stand with Illinois' Gold Star families to honor the sacrifice they and their loved ones have made.

The Portrait of a Soldier Memorial exhibit, which has been viewed by thousands of people throughout Illinois, is a series of hand-drawn portraits of more than 250 Illinois men and women who have died in service to our country since Sept. 11, 2001.

Governor Quinn was joined by Gold Star families including: Steven Bartelt and Jeannie Kyker, parents of Marine Staff Sgt. Justus Bartelt of Polo and Donna Vanderheyden, mother of Army Sgt. Andrew W. Lancaster of Stockton.

Artist Cameron Schilling of Mattoon drew the first portrait of a soldier in August 2004, after Army Spc. Charles Neeley, also of Mattoon, was killed in Iraq. Schilling presented the portrait to Spc. Neely's parents to convey his sympathy for their loss. In Oct. 2005, while a student at Eastern Illinois University, Schilling decided to draw a portrait of every Illinois servicemember who has fallen during the Global War on Terror.

Governor Quinn is encouraging Illinois residents to visit the Freeport Library to view the exhibit where it will be on display through next week and recognize the servicemen and servicewomen who have lost their lives fighting for democracy overseas.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Senator Chuck Grassley made the comment below about the Senate Majority Leader delaying a decision on whether to raise taxes until after the November elections.  As Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Grassley worked to get through Congress bipartisan tax relief, including the 2001 across-the-board rate reduction.  This legislation made the tax code more progressive.  It reduced the tax rate on the lowest taxable income from 15 to 10 percent. It removed millions of low-income workers from the tax rolls entirely.  It increased the child tax credit from $500 to $1,000 and expanded the credit to low-income people without any tax liability.  The legislation included marriage penalty tax relief.  Twelve Democratic senators supported the 2001 legislation.  Two years later, after 9-11, Grassley worked to get through dividends and capital gains tax rate cuts to help spur economic growth.  The result was more revenue to the federal Treasury.  The expanding economy helped reduce the annual budget deficit from $415 billion in 2004 to $167 billion in 2007.

Grassley comment:

"This delay is irresponsible and reckless.  It's no wonder the American people are fed up with the leadership of Congress.  Every family in America faces a major tax increase next year because the Senate majority leader has failed to take action to prevent it.  Without congressional action, a family of four who earns $50,000 will see a $2,155 increase next year.  If congressional leaders are stalling in order to protect their members from votes or to raise more revenue for even more government spending, they are completely out of touch with reality.  People understand the problem isn't that they're taxed too little, but that Washington spends too much.

"Leaving people with uncertainty is a dereliction of duty.  One party has control of the White House and both houses of Congress and still can't get the people's business done.  And uncertainty is terrible for the economy.  Small businesses don't hire people while they sit in limbo, wondering if they'll get hit with a tax increase."
