• Both rezonings for THF Realty's proposed Super Wal-Mart development are getting first considerations (rezonings require three considerations before passing) even though only a small portion of the information requested by council has been submitted by THF, let alone reviewed by council. They are willing to proceed regardless.
• A third consideration for a rezoning request from Richard Ryan for 15.73 acres from R5 (multi-family residential) to C2 (high density commercial) is up for final vote without any site or development plans whatsoever. The council is still willing to proceed without having any idea what will develop there.
• The council will vote on Cypress Point Developer's (Niki Bowles) request for rezoning of 10 acres from A1 (agriculture) to C1 (commercial). If they vote against, the developer will have to wait another year before bringing it back to the council. The developer has asked to have it tabled for three to four cycles, but the council appears to be refusing because they want to vote it down.
• There is a motion for the city to exercise a purchase option for the property downtown behind the Redstone for one of its proposed parking ramps. The purchase amount was not disclosed on the agenda.