• The Moline City Council will likely be considering changes to its Special Event Policy in the coming weeks. The Finance & Administration Committee was scheduled to discuss the policy at its meeting May 15, ironically before hearing five requests for special-event funding.
• The City of Moline is extending the life of its downtown Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District from 2009 to 2021. TIF allows cities to use the tax revenues generated by increased property values to pay for infrastructure improvements. The city council on Tuesday night was expected to affirm staff actions to extend the life of the district.
Rock Island
• The Rock Island City Council will discuss the issue of food vendors on the Great River Plaza at a study session on May 21. Restaurants in the plaza have complained to the city that they're losing business because of the vendors, which are licensed by the city clerk. The city council will explore possible remedies for the situation that will accommodate both parties.
• Up for third consideration at the May 16 Davenport City Council meeting are THF's requests for two Self-Supported Municipal Improvement Districts (SSMIDs) for the Super Wal-Mart development at Elmore and 53rd Street. THF has said it will not move forward with the project unless the SSMIDs are approved. If the SSMID ordinances fail, the city council will likely re-consider the zoning ordinances it passed two weeks ago.
• Also related to Super Wal-Mart development at this week's meeting are ordinances approving a memorandum of understanding with THF about its development obligations and a development agreement stating when it will complete infrastructure improvements required by its zoning.