MONTICELLO, IA --The annual Camp Courageous Omelet Breakfast and Open House will be Sunday, April 27th, 2014 in the Camp's Main Lodge from 7AM-1PM. Made-to-order omelets will be cooked for each individual attending with topping choices of ham, onions, green peppers, and cheese. Sausage, toast, coffee, juice, and milk will also be served. It is recommended to come early for this wonderful breakfast. The cost is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children under 12. All proceeds will go directly to benefit Camp Courageous.
During the breakfast and open house there will be guided tours of Camp Courageous. The tour will include the Sill Barn, Nature Center, Train Depot, camper cabins, Multi-Purpose Building, indoor pool, and more. The camp store, located in the Beckwith Visitors Center, will be open throughout the morning. The Camp Courageous video presentation will be available for guests to view in the main office every 15 minutes or as needed.
2014 Highlights include the celebration of Camp Courageous' 40th anniversary, dedication of Camp's new Caboose at 1:30pm following the breakfast, and latest progress at Lake Todd. The bounce house and Super Zip will also be available throughout the breakfast for visitors to enjoy!
There will be a live re-enactment of a train robbery, performed by the Red Cedar Regulators - an old west reenactment group at the Train Depot at 9:00 AM, 9:45 AM, 10:45 AM, and 11:45 AM. Train rides will also be available starting at 9 AM.
Dixie-Notes-Plus will perform varied selections of 20's, 30's, and 40's big band music in the Sill Barn at 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 11:30 AM.
Camp Courageous is a year-round recreational and respite care facility for individuals with special needs. It is run on donations, without government support, without paid fund raisers, and without formal sponsorship. Camp
The camp is located five miles southeast of Monticello off Highway 151, Exit 65 or Highway 38 at 12007 190th St, Monticello.