Message: Tell the EPA to Put Family Farmers and Rural Economies Ahead of Big Oil Profits Launched

Watch 'Simple Choice':

Washington DC - On the same day the EPA is holds its public hearing on the proposed rule 2014 Standards for the Renewable Fuel Standard Program, Americans United for Change announced it is soon hitting the airwaves in Iowa in defense of the RFS. "Simple Choice" will air primarily in the Des Moines media market in the heart of the country where real people and their lives and livelihoods are at stake, while big oil advertises to elites in the DC market.  The ad urges the millions of Americans who benefit from the RFS - from family farmers, ethanol industry workers, secondary industries, surrounding economies, to American consumers paying less at the pump - to tell the EPA to do what's best for rural America, not Big Oil's bottom line.


Viewers are encouraged to visit operated by Americans United ally, the 360,000+ supporter veterans group, and sign up to be part of a team of real Americans who will communicate the importance of renewable fuels and the RFS to our nation's leaders, including those who aspire to lead the country in the future. 

Brad Woodhouse, President, Americans United for Change: "The industry that brought us the Gulf oil spill loves the new RFS rule as it stands and would love nothing more than to keep rural America quiet until the ink is dry.   That's why it's incredibly important that Americans in the heartland make their voices heard, because the strength in numbers of those who benefit from the RFS can beat Big Oil's deep pockets.  If this misguided EPA rule is made permanent, the ripple effect cannot be overstated.  As the family farmer and ethanol industry goes, so goes the positive economic growth we've seen in rural America since the RFS was established, so goes the hundreds of thousands of American jobs the industry has created, so goes the availability of fuel 70 cents cheaper wholesale than gasoline, so goes the billion dollars American consumers save every week, so goes the gains made in combating climate change and reducing dependence on oil from unstable regions overseas.   Big Oil knows that if they're successful at eliminating their cheaper, cleaner, better performing competition, then anything goes when it comes to prices at the pump.  The oil industry doesn't care what it takes to rake in more profits, even if it means sending more of our troops, and money and jobs overseas.  This is a whole new standard in greed: an industry that can reap $23 billion in profit in one day while shamelessly collecting tens of billions of dollars in tax payer subsidies, and still want more."

"Simple Choice"


Americans United For Change

TV  (:30) 

It's a pretty simple choice.

Small towns?

Or Big Oil?

Jobs right here at home?

Or more jobs sent overseas?

Our economy?

Or theirs?

Family farms?

Or oil company profits?

It's America's energy, and it's America's choice.

Tell the E-P-A to stand with Iowa farmers and small towns, not big oil.

Tell the E-P-A: Don't gut the renewable fuel standard.

Visit Save The R-F-S dot com.



















11.22.13 Big Oil Reaps $23 Billion Windfall - In One Day

11.19.13, AUFC Join Forces Against Big Oil's Scheme to Repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard


Don't Believe Big Oil's Lies About Renewable Fuels: They'll Say Anything to Eliminate the Cheaper, Cleaner Competition

FACT: Ethanol Creates Hundreds of Thousands More Jobs and Means Less Pinch at the Pump

  • According to research conducted by economics professors at the University of Wisconsin and Iowa State University: In 2011, ethanol reduced wholesale gasoline prices by an average of $1.09 per gallon. Regular grade gasoline prices averaged $3.52 per gallon in 2011, but would have been closer to $4.60 per gallon without the inclusion of more than 13 billion gallons of lower-priced ethanol.  Since 2000, ethanol has kept gasoline prices an average of $0.29 per gallon cheaper than they otherwise would have been.  Based on the $0.29-per-gallon average annual savings, ethanol has helped save American drivers and the economy more than $477 billion in gasoline expenditures since 2000 - an average of $39.8 billion a year.
  • Growth Energy: "The U.S. Department of Energy estimates for every one billion gallons of ethanol produced, 10,000 to 20,000 jobs are added to our domestic economy.  According to the most recent available data by the DOE, ethanol saves American consumers more than $35 billion per year at the pump.  In 2011 alone, the ethanol industry created and supported more than 400,000 new jobs across the country that cannot be exported or outsourced. In addition, ethanol production contributed $42.4 billion to the nation's GDP and generated $4.3 billion in federal tax revenues. Ethanol production also plays a critical role in revitalizing America's rural areas ? some of the hardest hit by the economic downturn ? by stimulating economic growth."

FACT: Ethanol Has Almost No Impact on Food Prices

  • RFA: "A recent study commissioned by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) examined the impacts of ethanol policies, including the RFS and now-defunct blender's tax credit, on world crop prices in the 2005-2010 timeframe. Using a partial equilibrium economic model, the study found corn prices in 2009/10 wouldn't have been any different at all with or without the RFS in place. Corn prices would have been just 3.3% lower, on average, in the entire five-year study period without the RFS and ethanol blender's tax credit, the study found. The effect of the RFS and other ethanol-related policies on other crops is even less...The Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute (FAPRI), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Michigan State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are among the many other organizations that have similarly concluded the RFS has had only modest impacts on crop prices and no meaningful impact on retail-level food prices."


FACT: Ethanol Benefits, Not Hurts the Environment

  • RFA: Using ethanol in place of gasoline helps to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by up 30-50% given today's technology. Because ethanol is made from renewable, plant-based feedstocks, the CO2 released during a vehicle's fuel combustion is "recycled" during the growth of ethanol feedstocks. Independent analyses comparing ethanol and gasoline show ethanol reduces GHG emissions from 30-50%. A study published by Yale University's Journal of Industrial Ecology found that GHG emissions from ethanol produced at modern dry-mill facilities are "... equivalent to a 48 percent to 59 percent reduction compared to gasoline, a twofold to threefold greater reduction than reported in previous studies."  New technologies, additional feedstocks, and higher blends of ethanol including E85 all promise greater C02 reductions.
  • RFA:  In 2012, the 13.2 billion gallons of ethanol produced reduced greenhouse gas emissions from on-road vehicles by 33.4 million tons.  That's equivalent to removing 5.2 million cars and pickups (comparable to the number of registered vehicles in the state of Michigan) from the road for one year.

FACT:  Ethanol Does NOT Harm Your Gas Tank; Would NASCAR Have Driven 5 Million Miles on It if It Did?

  • U.S. Energy Department: The Energy Department conducted its own rigorous, thorough and peer-reviewed study of the impact of E15 fuel on current, conventional vehicle catalyst systems. The Energy Department study included an inspection of critical engine components, such as valves, and did not uncover unusual wear that would be expected to impact performance. Rather than using an aggressive test cycle intended to severely-stress valves, the Energy Department program was run using a cycle more closely resembling normal driving. The Energy Department testing program was run on standard gasoline, E10, E15, and E20. The Energy Department test program was comprised of 86 vehicles operated up to 120,000 miles each using an industry-standard EPA-defined test cycle (called the Standard Road Cycle). The resulting Energy Department data showed no statistically significant loss of vehicle performance (emissions, fuel economy, and maintenance issues) attributable to the use of E15 fuel compared to straight gasoline.
  • NASCAR: NASCAR announced November 12, 2013 that it surpassed more than five million competition miles across its three national series on Sunoco Green E15, a biofuel blended with 15 percent American Ethanol made from American-grown corn. The five million miles have been accumulated across practice, qualifying and racing laps dating to 2011 when the biofuel was introduced to the sport. ... In 2011 NASCAR entered into a groundbreaking partnership with Sunoco and the American Ethanol industry, launching its long-term biofuels program to reduce emissions of the fuel used across its three national series. The transition to the biofuel reduced on-track carbon emissions and teams report an increase in horsepower.

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