PORT BYRON - State Rep. Mike Smiddy (D–Hillsdale) notifies local governments of a grant offered by
the state of Illinois that could provide local fire departments with up to $15,000 in matching funds.

Fire departments serving populations of less than 10,000 people are invited to participate in the
Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Program. The money can be used to purchase eligible items and
equipment, with priority given to water-handling and communications equipment. The program is highly
competitive and local funding must be secured before applying for this matching funds grant.

"Well-equipped, prepared fire departments are essential to keeping our families safe," said Smiddy.
"Unfortunately, local governments - just like everyone else - are feeling the pressure of tightened
budgets and strained resources. I encourage our local fire departments to take advantage of every
opportunity to put much-needed public safety dollars in to our communities."

Applications for the Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Program are due by March 15. More information
on the grant can be found online at www.dnr.state.il.us/orc/habitat_resources/forestry/vfa/
program_info.html or by contacting the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at (618) 498-1627 or
(217) 785-8772.

With the new legislative session underway, Smiddy is seeking the community's input on state legislation
and proposals. Residents with legislative ideas are encouraged to contact his office.

"Some of the best ideas for new bills and laws originate in the community," Smiddy said. "I want to
maintain an open and honest dialogue with my constituents, and collaborating on solutions to problems
in the community and in the state is a vital part of that partnership."

For more information or to discuss a legislative idea, contact Smiddy's constituent services office at
(309) 848-9098 or RepSmiddy@gmail.com.


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