ages 12 & up - materials provided
Eiermarkt Spring Craft Fair!
Saturday, April 12th 10-3pm
Free admission to the fair, many vendors!
Featuring: Pysanky Eggs with Zion Eggheads, Alpaca yarn and English Angora Rabbits with Chanin Schallert, Wood carvings by Dennis Carlson, terrariums & book art by Meghan Hollister, Jewelry from Pauline Wagner, Mary Talbert's crafts, hot cross buns from Anita Holst, Sausage from Tony's Market, Decorated eggs by Marilyn Miller, Pies & cookies from Janice Claeys, hot pretzels, carved eggshells from Gloria Fine, Jill Larkin representing Jamberry, hand-crafted baby items from Kathy Cooper, and more!
Osterbrunnen- German Easter Fountains presentation by Kathi Hofmann on
Learn about German Easter Traditions and see beautiful images of Osterbrunnen- elaborated decorated fountains!