Remarks as Prepared for Delivery: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Before the Opening Session of US-China Agricultural Symposium

DES MOINES, IOWA, February 16, 2012 -Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today addressed the opening session of the US-China Agriculture Symposium:

"Thank you all for being here. It's an honor to welcome Vice President Xi back to Iowa and the entire Chinese delegation, including my dear and old friend Minister Han.

"I also want to acknowledge Governor Branstad, Lieutenant Governor Reynolds, Secretary Bill Northey and the many other honored guests and dignitaries joining us here today. Thanks as well to Ambassador Ken Quinn who has graciously offered this beautiful facility for this important gathering.

"Vice President Xi, we are honored and proud that our good hospitality encouraged you to return. I appreciated your kind remarks about Iowa the other night at Vice President Biden's home. I believe there is perhaps no better place to showcase the strengths of American agriculture and American values.

"This symposium is a historic event. It is a real opportunity to strengthen an already-vibrant cooperative relationship built on mutual benefits and mutual trust between our two great nations. One of the strongest links in that relationship is centered on agriculture. Which will be further strengthened with the signing of our Strategic Cooperation Agreement.

"We are the world's two largest agricultural producers and strong collaborators in agricultural research and education. Our great trade relationship benefits the citizens of both of our nations.

"Every day our nations and the livelihoods of our citizens grow more connected. I look forward to strengthening that bond in the years ahead.

"What's more, our two great nations - and our great agricultural economies - have a tremendous capacity to build a better world. I appreciate Minister Han's enthusiastic willingness to co-host and sponsor this symposium focused on food security, food safety, and sustainability, he and I, along with Vice President Xi understand the importance of building strong and lasting relationships between American and Chinese businesses. So, there are many reasons why we meet here and now.

"First, we have responsibility and opportunity to work together to address the causes of global hunger that affect more than 925 million people.

"Current population trends mean we must increase agricultural production by 70% by 2050 to feed more than 9 billion people. I look forward to strengthening partnerships with China to support agricultural productivity in nations where far too many millions go hungry. The expertise, technical know-how, research and combined will of our two nations can go a long way to filling empty stomachs and improve incomes and economies around the world.

"It is fitting, then, that we are meeting at the headquarters of the World Food Prize. The prize was the brainchild of Dr. Norman Borlaug, an Iowa native who saved tens of millions of lives by dedicating himself to the problems of food production and eradicating hunger.

"Two great Chinese men have been recognized with this prestigious prize for helping feed millions of Chinese citizens and people around the world.

"The impact of Dr. Borlaug's work - and the work of all those who have received this honor - should serve as our inspiration as we discuss how our nations can more effectively collaborate to increase the availability and use of sustainably produced food.

"Food security is only one of the important issues to be addressed today.

"We will also have opportunities to collaborate and partner on food safety: ensuring the health of our citizens through the implementation of best practices, advanced by laws and regulations based on science.

"We will talk about sustainable agriculture to leave for future generations healthy soils, ample water, and abundant wildlife. As we improve agricultural production to meet the demands of a growing world, we will also pursue stewardship practices that better conserve and preserve our natural resources.

"Finally, this symposium will help Chinese and American businesses to develop relationships that are integral to opening doors for new opportunities. Those relationships will assure that when difficulties arise, as they sometimes do, we will continue to dialogue until solutions are found.

"The rapid development of China-U.S. agricultural cooperation and trade has provided tremendous benefits the people of both countries. We want to continue building those cooperative relationships and public-private partnerships.

"Vice President Xi, Minister Han and I want to facilitate more investments by business interests in China and America. Our interest in each other's countries can only help to build a lasting friendship and relationship.

"It is now my privilege and honor to introduce my good and old friend Minister Han of China. He will make remarks and introduce our next honored guest, Vice President Xi.

"Minister Han and I got to know each other on my visit to China last November. During that visit, and since that time, we have had productive conversations about issues of mutual interest.

"Most fundamentally, we share a vision that America and China will collaborate more and more in the future to benefit our nations and agriculture around the world.

"This symposium is a forum for the U.S. and China to work together as true partners on agriculture for the benefit of our citizens and to address global challenges. As we do, we will help promote the healthy and steady development of a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit"


Prepared Statement of Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa

Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry

Hearing on Energy and Economic Growth for Rural America

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I appreciate the Chairwoman setting this hearing today.  The rural development and energy programs administered by the Department of Agriculture are important to rural America and Iowa.

Rural utility programs help provide vital infrastructure and services for rural Iowans.  In addition, we have some very important rural water programs that give assistance to communities for access to safe and affordable drinking water.  And, there are wastewater programs that help small communities deal with requirements placed upon them by the Clean Water Act.

People all too often forget the people in rural America are largely responsible for producing this nation's food.  Rural Development programs help preserve the way of life in these small communities so young people who grow up and live in these communities can become the next generation responsible for feeding this nation.

I appreciate the Secretary's comments regarding the importance of the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).  The REAP program has helped expand market access for renewable fuels as this country continues to look for ways to reduce dependence on foreign oil.

In addition, the topic of the Biomass Crop Assistance Program has been discussed in today's hearing.  The Secretary and I discussed the BCAP program a couple weeks ago, and I appreciated him taking the time to discuss some of my concerns.  I trust the Department of Agriculture is continuing to do what it can to resolve the concerns I raised, and I thank the Secretary for his attention to the matter.

In the Secretary's prepared comments, he noted there is an opportunity for Congress to streamline some of the farm bill programs.  It never ceases to amaze me how many programs USDA has to administer.  While most of them serve a very good purpose, we have a responsibility to cut redundancies and inefficiencies and bring common sense and thoughtfulness to some of the programs. I am confident this committee is up for this task.

One example where we may need to focus more attention is the Broadband Initiatives Program under the Rural Utility Service created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  There is a need for rural America to be wired so broadband can be made available.  We need to focus more on unserved areas and be very careful about allowing taxpayer loans to be disbursed to underserved areas where there is already a network funded with private capital.

I and many others are concerned with the funding of duplicative broadband networks and the costs this incurs. I have learned the Rural Utility Service is looking at revising the Broadband Initiatives Program financial models to reflect the changes in the Federal Communication Commission's 2011 Universal Service Fund Reform Order.  Perhaps this is an opportunity for the Rural Utility Service to revive its approach regarding loans to areas where private providers are already offering broadband service.  I hope this leads to helpful steps to ensure the Broadband Initiatives Program keeps to the original goal of bringing broadband to unserved rural America.


Names Bob Flider to Head Department of Agriculture

SPRINGFIELD - February 15, 2012. Governor Pat Quinn today named Bob Flider director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Today's action is the latest in a series of appointments Governor Quinn has made as he continues to fulfill his commitment to creating jobs, fostering economic development, and increasing efficiency and accountability in all areas of state government.

"It is important that our Agriculture agency is led by someone who understands the key role of agri-business in our economy," Governor Quinn said. "Throughout his career, Bob Flider was a tireless, effective leader for rural farming communities and global agri-business leaders. He served his district with distinction, and I am pleased he will continue to serve all the people of our state."

Bob Flider served in the Illinois House of Representatives from 2003 through 2011. As a legislator, Flider worked on a number of agriculture issues, serving on the House Agriculture & Conservation Committee, the Energy & Environment Committee and the Ethanol Production Oversight Committee. Flider also served as chairman of the House Electric Generation & Commerce Committee and vice chairman of the House Renewable Energy Committee. He was named an "Agriculture Certified Legislator" by the Illinois Farm Bureau in 2004, and he was named a "Friend of Agriculture" by the Illinois Farm Bureau in 2006, 2008 and 2010.

"Bob has a thorough understanding of the issues facing agriculture and agri-business, and he will be a strong advocate for all the state's agricultural sectors as Director," said Chris Olsen, Vice President of Community and Government Affairs at Tate & Lyle.

"After spending the last several years advocating for people in our farming communities and agribusiness, I look forward to continuing that work on a statewide level," Flider said. "I appreciate the opportunity to serve in this important position and I look forward to working closely with our state's agriculture and agribusiness leaders to help Governor Quinn double Illinois' exports by 2014."

Flider brings a variety of management, agriculture and economic development experiences to the Department of Agriculture. Since March of 2011, he has been Director of Broadband Impact -- promoting technology access in rural Illinois communities -- at the not-for-profit Partnership for a Connected Illinois. He also serves on the board of directors for United Way of Illinois and is an associate member of the Macon County Farm Bureau. He is a past board Director of the Decatur-Macon County Economic Development Corporation and member of the Mt. Zion Chamber of Commerce. He served as mayor of Mt. Zion from 1995 until 2003, and started his career as a news reporter with the Mattoon Journal Gazette and Charleston Times-Courier.

Flider received a bachelor's degree in Journalism from Eastern Illinois University in 1979. He resides in Mt. Zion with his wife, Jean. They have three adult children and one grandchild.

The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) regulates Illinois agribusiness to protect both producers and consumers of raw and processed agricultural products from mislabeled, contaminated or diseased commodities. Agency programs help to protect our state's natural resources through regulatory oversight and financial incentives. The department also promotes Illinois agriculture by conducting state fairs, providing grant assistance to 4-H clubs, funding county fairs, marketing Illinois agricultural products and providing assistance to develop new, value-added agricultural ventures.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 15, 2012- TOMORROW, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will host American and Chinese officials and private sector representatives for the first U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium in Des Moines, Iowa. Vilsack traveled to China for the second time as Agriculture Secretary in November to continue to strengthen bilateral trade relations and support the American brand of agriculture throughout the Asia Pacific region. During the visit, Vilsack and Chinese officials developed the U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium as a key forum to expand their discussions into 2012 and beyond. The all-day forum will feature a morning program of remarks by U.S. and Chinese officials, followed by discussions on four main topics: sustainable agriculture; food security; food safety; and the role of the private sector in agriculture in the United States and China. USDA anticipates about 100 guests for the Symposium, including high-level U.S. and Chinese officials.


Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

9-9:45 a.m. CST


WHAT: Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, Chinese Agriculture Minister Han Changfu, and other officials.


WHERE: World Food Prize Hall of Laureates

100 Locust Street

Des Moines, IA 50309

WASHINGTON - Senators Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ben Nelson of Nebraska are leading a bipartisan group of 31 senators pressing the administration to issue a comprehensive BSE rule.  The rule has been in the works for several years, but is currently stalled within the Office of Management and Budget.

In 2004, USDA announced its plans for developing a comprehensive BSE rule, a comprehensive rule the U.S. beef industry has requested for many years. Earlier this year, APHIS submitted a proposed comprehensive BSE rule to OMB, but it has yet to be printed in the "Federal Register" asking for public comment.

In the senators' letter to Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Jeffrey Zients and Animal Plant Health and Inspection Services Administrator, Dr. Gregory Parham, the senators asked them to issue the BSE comprehensive rule as soon as possible.

"Operating without a comprehensive rule has put our trade negotiators in a tough spot.  On one hand they are urging our trading partners to abide by scientific standards, yet we have failed to lead by example by adopting a comprehensive rule," Grassley said.  "These are important rules that can provide a tremendous boost to our beef producers by ensuring their export markets remain open."

"Today, overseas markets are more important than ever for America's beef producers, including those in my state of Nebraska. Adopting a comprehensive BSE rule will help them by giving our trade negotiators a stronger hand in advocating for U.S. beef. And it will demonstrate to overseas markets the U.S. is leading the way on food safety as it offers nutritious and healthful beef products," Nelson said.

The letter was signed by Grassley and Nelson along with senators John Barrasso of Wyoming, Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Mike Crapo of Idaho, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, Dick Lugar of Indiana, Jim Moran of Kansas, John Boozman of Arkansas, John Risch of Idaho, Rob Portman of Ohio, Dan Coats of Indiana, Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, John Thune of South Dakota, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Michael Bennet of Colorado, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Mark Udall of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Patty Murray of Washington,  Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, John Cornyn of Texas, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Marco Rubio of Florida and Tom  Harkin of Iowa.

Here is a copy of the text of the letter.  For a signed copy of the letter click here.


February 13, 2012


The Honorable Jeffrey Zients

Acting Director

Office of Management and Budget

725 17th Street, NW

Washington, D.C. 20503


Dr. Gregory Parham


Animal Plant Health and Inspection Services

U.S. Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Ave., SW

Washington, D.C. 20250


Dear Acting Director Zients and Administrator Parham:


On behalf of America's beef producers, we urge you to move forward and publish the comprehensive rule for BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy). Non-tariff trade barriers limit our ability to sell U.S. beef to consumers in other countries. Beef producers need our trade negotiators to significantly reduce or eliminate non-tariff trade barriers by requiring our trading partners to make science-based decisions regarding U.S. beef. By the same logic, it is also important for our government to take the necessary steps to properly address risks related to BSE by adopting a comprehensive rule.  For the benefit of U.S. beef producers, APHIS and OMB must issue a comprehensive BSE rule as soon as possible.


A prime example of where non-science based standards have significantly limited our ability to sell U.S. beef is in the country of Mexico.  Since 2004, Mexico has not allowed the importation of U.S. cattle that are over 30 months of age.  Mexico has traditionally been one of the top export markets for U.S. beef; however, due to the 30 month age restriction, it is estimated U.S. beef producers are losing $100 million annually.


The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has formally classified the United States and Mexico as controlled risk countries.  According to the OIE's guidelines on BSE, this common classification reflects the fact that both countries have effective BSE risk mitigation measures in place.  Moreover, the OIE guidelines establish that beef and beef products from cattle of all ages in either country can be safely traded and consumed once specified risk materials have been properly removed.


The failure of Mexico to abide by the international guidelines on BSE represents a lost opportunity on at least two levels.  First, it unduly restricts U.S. beef exports and results in ongoing financial losses for U.S. beef producers.  Beyond its immediate commercial impact, Mexico's treatment of U.S. beef also has implications on our ability to negotiate beef market access agreements with other nations.


By having a comprehensive BSE rule in place, the U.S. will show leadership on the global scale and will give USTR and USDA a stronger position to press other nations to follow the OIE's guidelines and adopt science-based BSE policies.  As a result, when nations base their decisions on sound science, we are confident more markets will be expanded or opened to U.S. beef.


In 2004, USDA announced its plans for developing a comprehensive BSE rule, a comprehensive rule the U.S. beef industry has requested for many years. Earlier this year, APHIS submitted a proposed comprehensive BSE rule to OMB, but it has yet to be printed in the "Federal Register" asking for public comment.  During a June 23, 2011 hearing on livestock before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Administrator Parham stated he expected the comprehensive BSE rule to be released sometime in FY2012.


We appreciate Administrator Parham's commitment; however, there is a lot of time left in fiscal year 2012.  We urge you to release the rule as soon as possible.  The sooner the rule is allowed to move through the required rule-making process, the sooner we will be able to give our international negotiators this important tool for pushing our trading partners to adopt similar science-based approaches.


We appreciate your attention to this important matter.



WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 2012-On THURSDAY, Feb. 16, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will host American and Chinese officials and private sector representatives for the first U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium in Des Moines, Iowa. Vilsack traveled to China for the second time as Agriculture Secretary in November to continue to strengthen bilateral trade relations and support the American brand of agriculture throughout the Asia Pacific region. During the visit, Vilsack and Chinese officials developed the U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium as a key forum to expand their discussions into 2012 and beyond. The all-day forum will feature a morning program of remarks by U.S. and Chinese officials, followed by discussions on four main topics: sustainable agriculture; food security; food safety; and the role of the private sector in agriculture in the United States and China. USDA anticipates about 100 guests for the Symposium, including high-level U.S. and Chinese officials.

Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012

9-9:45 a.m. CST

WHAT: Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, Chinese Agriculture Minister Han Changfu, and other officials.

WHERE: World Food Prize Hall of Laureates

100 Locust Street

Des Moines, IA 50309 


RSVP: Credentialed members of the media may attend the 9-9:45 a.m. opening session. Media should RSVP by contacting Stephanie Chan at (202) 720-4623 or


The 2012 Cattle Industry Convention and National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) Trade Show attracted more than 8,200 cattlemen and women to Nashville, Tenn., to take part in the record-breaking event. From policy committee meetings and electing new NCBA leadership to a cowboy's night at The Grand Ole Opry and more, 2012 NCBA President J.D. Alexander said the convention was reflective of optimism and momentum in the industry. Check out information about new policy resolutions passed during the convention, learn a little about newly elected NCBA officers and hear straight from Alexander about his priorities as NCBA president in this week's edition of Beltway Beef.

In September 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) declared six additional strains of non-O157 shiga toxin-producing E. coli (non-O157 STECs) as adulterants and announced the agency will require the industry to begin testing for those strains in addition to E. coli O157. Late Wed., Feb. 8, 2012, FSIS announced it will delay the effective date to begin testing to June 4, 2012. NCBA appreciates the delay to ensure all testing methods are validated and properly working. Read more about this issue in this week's Beltway Beef newsletter.

NCBA's staff in Washington, D.C., works each day to educate lawmakers on Capitol Hill and their staff about the beef industry. One important tool to accomplish this is NCBA's Beef 101 educational series. NCBA Executive Director of Legislative Affairs Kristina Butts said there will be Beef 101 briefings Fri., Feb. 10, 2012, in the U.S. House and Senate to educate Hill staffers about the nutritional benefits of beef in the diet. She said the House briefing will be at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) in room 1300 in the Longworth House Office Building. The Senate briefing will be at 1:30 p.m. EST in room 328 A in the Russell Senate Office Building.

Click here to read this edition of Beltway Beef. You can also scroll down to read the articles included in this week's newsletter.

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Thank you!

NCBA Washington, D.C. Office

National Cattlemen's Beef Association

NCBA Members Pass Policy Resolutions

- Policy Resolution Passed to Advance Trade Opportunities for US Beef

International trade, cattle payment efficiency and herd health were among the policy issues National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) members honed in on during the 2012 Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville, Tenn. 2011 NCBA President Bill Donald said the grassroots policy process was put into action as policy resolutions, which originated in local and state cattlemen organizations, advanced through committees and were passed by NCBA members.

"NCBA's policy is not developed in a board room in Washington, D.C. It's developed, debated and deliberated on by cattlemen and women. This process is and always has been the strength and backbone of the organization," Donald said. "From the health of the herd, economic profitability, international trade and more, NCBA members worked this week to ensure a successful and sustainable U.S. beef industry."

Donald said NCBA members keyed in on international trade, specifically the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), during the convention. He said a resolution was passed that codified NCBA support of a TPP that removes tariff and non-tariff trade barriers for U.S. beef to participating countries, which include Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Donald said NCBA insists all participating countries, as well as any countries that join the TPP in the future, must fully abide by guidelines set by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).

NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs Colin Woodall said a resolution was passed to encourage a more efficient payment system for fed cattle. Woodall said at a time when it takes more capital to feed cattle and when cattle feeders want to buy replacement cattle in a timely manner, a recent announcement from the U.S. Postal Service that first class mail delivery will slow in the future will cause problems for the efficient delivery of payment for cattle. He said NCBA will work with the packing sector of the industry to development a more efficient and expeditious payment system for fed cattle.

Donald, who is a Montana rancher, said the current management of bison on federal lands by the Department of Interior has cattlemen concerned about the health of the cattle herd. While co-mingling of bison and other native wildlife with cattle is unpreventable, Donald said the relocation of the Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) or other federally-owned bison is a liability cattlemen aren't willing to bear. NCBA members passed a resolution opposing the relocation of any bison outside the current GYA management area, the expansion of that area and any increase in the currently authorized GYA bison population.


USDA Delays Implementation Date to Begin Testing for Non-O157 STECs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) announced a 90-day delay of the implementation date to begin testing for six additional strains of non-O157 shiga toxin-producing E. coli (non-O157 STECs). In September 2011, FSIS declared these strains of non-O157 STECs as adulterants and announced it will require the industry to begin testing beef trim for them. The delay will move the effective date to June 4, 2012.

National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) Executive Director of Legislative Affairs Kristina Butts said cattlemen appreciate the delay to ensure all testing methods are validated and working properly.

"Cattlemen are committed to producing a safe, wholesome beef product for consumers as evidenced by the more than $550 million the industry invests annually in beef safety research and technology implementation. Part of that commitment includes preventing foodborne illness and eliminating pathogens that may affect public health," Butts said. "As the USDA's FSIS moves forward with its plan to test for six additional strains of non-O157 STECs, it is critical to ensure all testing methods are validated and are properly working. Everyone plays a role in the safety of food and we appreciate FSIS' recognition of the importance of working with industry so we get this right. It is because of our commitment to producing safe beef products that we encourage FSIS to work with the industry as we share the common goal of producing safe food."



NCBA Names New Leadership

Nebraska cattleman J.D. Alexander was named 2012 president of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) during the organization's annual meeting in Nashville. Alexander officially took the reins of NCBA from Bill Donald, a rancher from Melville, Mont.

The 2012 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show attracted a record 8,216 attendees. The attendance eclipsed the old record of just less than 7,000, set at NCBA's 1998 centennial celebration.

Elected NCBA president-elect was Scott George, a second generation Wyoming farmer. Also elected to NCBA posts at the meeting were Bob McCan, Texas, to vice president; Craig Uden, Nebraska, federation division chair; Richard Gebhart, Oklahoma, federation division vice chair; Don Pemberton, Missouri, policy division chair; and Philip Ellis, Wyoming, policy division vice chair.

Alexander said the turnout was representative of the enthusiasm in the industry.

"If you want a voice, want to make a difference and want to ensure that your family operation stays in the family, you must step up to the plate, get off the sidelines and become actively involved in your industry," he said. "Together - with our state and national partnership - we will be at the table and off the menu."

Alexander has served as chairman of the federation division and on numerous NCBA committees. George was previously NCBA vice president and has also served on the Beef Promotion Operating Committee and as chair and vice chair of the federation division.

The next generation of cattlemen and women took an active role in the convention, with more than 1,000 young people registered to attend. Marketing, public speaking, quiz bowl and livestock judging contests were held for youth of all ages.

In addition, more than 250 companies and organizations exhibited at the NCBA Trade Show - another record. While convention attendees spent a great deal of time in meetings and at educational seminars, there were multiple entertainment events for them to attend. A Cowboy's Night at the Grand Ole Opry, with performances by the Oak Ridge Boys, Josh Turner, Charley Pride and others was a highlight of the convention.

Alexander called the 2012 Convention and NCBA Trade Show "a convention of a lifetime." He said it exceeded expectations.

"There was a lot of optimism and positive energy at this convention," Alexander said. "We saw a lot of ranchers and farmers - both young and old - looking to the future and the possibilities it holds. We've got a lot of momentum in this industry and in NCBA."



On the Menu

By NCBA President J.D. Alexander

If you're not at the table, you risk being on the menu.

It's a phrase you will hear a lot over the course of my term as National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) president this year. As cattle producers, we have never faced more exciting opportunities or more risk than we do right now. We have come a long way as an industry, and as an organization, over the past year. The spirit of optimism and energy we saw in Nashville, Tenn., as more than 8,200 cattlemen and women gathered to shape the future of this industry was a testament to how far we have come and it gave me a sense of encouragement about our shared opportunities during the year ahead.

As an industry there are significant challenges ahead of us, and it is important for each and every one of you to be involved at the local, state and national levels as we work to protect this business and ensure our opportunity to pass growing and stable operations onto the next generation of beef producers. At NCBA, we will be working hard to eliminate the estate tax this year. If Congress fails to act, estate tax levels will revert to $1 million exemption threshold with assets exceeding that level being taxed at a 55 percent rate. Let's face it, in today's environment; it doesn't take a lot of land, cattle or equipment to quickly exceed the value exemptions. With the help of cattlemen and women and NCBA's state affiliates, we are going to push for the total elimination of this harmful and outdated tax. There are many operations which are second-, third-, fourth- and in some cases even fifth-generation businesses. What we have received as a result of our forefathers we ought to be allowed to pass onto the next generation without being penalized. We must be able to do that if we are going to protect our rural communities and help the next generation return to the ranch and thrive.

We are going to need the next generation to return if we are going to meet the challenge of a growing global population. We are already faced with a shrinking supply of cattle, which has been further diminished by drought and other factors. While we cannot force herd growth, we need to create an environment where producers are willing and able to expand when the market signals dictate, rather than trying to unduly influence growth that becomes unsustainable in the future.

We expect our cowboys at home to be able to spot a sick steer before it is sick. At NCBA, we rely on our team in Washington, D.C., to be able to do the same thing. We need them to be able to identify potentially damaging rules, regulations and legislation and push back on those items that would be harmful to our sustainability. Although it isn't always easy to see what's ahead, I can tell you that we will be working to craft a farm bill which levels the playing field for all of us, one which doesn't pit us, as producers, against each other. We will continue to seek fair standards for each of us along the production chain and we will be working hard to fully implement the free trade agreements NCBA worked so long and hard to get signed last year. At the same time, our team will be working to make certain that all of our trading partners are in full compliance with international recognized, science-based standards set by the World Organization for Animal Health. We've got safe beef - Period. We want standards that are based on science, not guesswork or hunches so we can compete in the world market.

None of us gets to pick or choose the battles we are going to face in the year ahead. But, I can assure you that our team at NCBA, with the constant help from state affiliates, is prepared to face those battles on your behalf. We won't sit on the fence or back away because something looks too tough. We have a set of policies, based on the marching orders provided by our grassroots and we will follow that policy, but we are going to need help from all of you. We need good voices for our industry. We need good leaders and we need each of you to be involved. At NCBA, our leadership and staff is out there working on your behalf every day because you can't be. But, what we would ask of you is to provide your support, recruit new members and give us the strength we need to represent each of you. Because, if you're not at the table, we might all be on the menu. Now, let's get to work.



Make Plans to Attend 2012 Legislative Conference:

Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 2012 NCBA Legislative Conference April 17-19, 2012, in Washington, D.C. Attending the NCBA Legislative Conference will provide the opportunity to meet with key congressional and agency influencers and articulate policy priorities of our industry for the future. The conference will be held at the Dupont Circle Hotel and reservations can be made by calling 202-483-6000. Please reference "NCBA 2012" to receive the group rate. Registration will open soon for the conference.

2012 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show Breaks Attendance Record: The 2012 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show set a new attendance record with more than 8,200 cattlemen and women in attendance. Visit for coverage of the convention or click herefor pictures from the event. The 2012 Cattle Industry Summer Conference will be July 25-28 in Denver. The 2013 convention will be held Feb. 6-9 in Tampa, Fla.

February 22, 2012 Seed Treatment CIC, Scott County Extension Office-9:00 a.m.

February 25, 2012 Nursery School: Lessons in Gardening, I Wireless Center, Moline-8:00 a.m.

February 28, 2012 ISU Scott County Extension Council Meeting, Scott County Extension Office-7:00 p.m.

March 1, 2012 Vermicomposting at Home, Vander Veer Botanical Park-6:30 p.m.

March 8, 2012 Ornamental & Turf Applicators CIC, Scott County Extension Office-1:30 p.m.

March 8, 2012 Cut Flowers, West Davenport Center-6:30 p.m.

March 14, 2012 Certified Handlers CIC, Scott County Extension Office - 9:00 a.m.

March 19, 2012 Insects & Pest Management, Rock Island County Extension Office-7:00 p.m.

March 23, 2012 Women In Agriculture (Overall Women), I Wireless Center, Moline-8:00 a.m.

March 26, 2012 Water Gardens & More, Rock Island County Extension Office-7:00 p.m.

March 27, 2012 ISU Scott County Extension Council Meeting, Scott County Extension Office-7:00 p.m.

March 30, 2012 Commercial & Private Pesticide Applicator Testing, Scott County Extension Office - 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 9, 2012–Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that government and industry leaders from the United States and China will gather in Des Moines, Iowa, on Thursday, Feb. 16, for the first U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium. Vilsack traveled to China for the second time as Agriculture Secretary in November to continue to strengthen bilateral trade relations and support the American brand of agriculture throughout the Asia Pacific region. During the visit, Vilsack and Chinese officials developed the U.S.-China Agriculture Symposium as a key forum to expand their discussions into 2012 and beyond.

"I'm honored to welcome China's Vice President Xi Jinping and Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu to the United States, where we may continue our in-depth dialogue on issues of mutual concern," said Vilsack. "Thanks to the productivity of American farmers, ranchers and producers, consumers in China recognize the United States as a reliable supplier of high-quality food and agricultural products. Strengthening our partnership with China's growing market is integral to the strength of the U.S. economy in the decades ahead."

In 2011, China moved into the top spot as the number one market for U.S. agricultural goods, purchasing $20 billion in U.S. agricultural exports. The value of U.S. farm exports to China supported more than 160,000 American jobs in 2011, on and off the farm across a variety of sectors.

Chinese officials will also visit Washington, D.C., and California as part of their trip. The symposium will focus on current and future cooperation between the two nations in areas including food safety, food security and sustainable agriculture. The event will take place at the World Food Prize Hall of Laureates in Des Moines.

"China and the United States have an opportunity and responsibility to work together to help increase the availability and use of sustainably produced food for a rapidly growing world population," added Vilsack.

The Obama Administration, with Agriculture Secretary Vilsack's leadership, has aggressively worked to expand export opportunities and reduce barriers to trade, helping to push agricultural exports to record levels in 2011 and beyond. U.S. agriculture is currently experiencing one of its best periods in history thanks to the productivity, resiliency, and resourcefulness of our producers. Today, net farm income is at record levels while debt has been cut in half since the 1980s. Overall, American agriculture supports 1 in 12 jobs in the United States and provides American consumers with 86 percent of the food we consume, while maintaining affordability and choice. Strong agricultural exports contribute to a positive U.S. trade balance, create jobs, boost economic growth and support President Obama's National Export Initiative goal of doubling all U.S. exports by the end of 2014.


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WASHINGTON, Feb. 8, 2012- This Friday, February 10, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will host a roundtable with Iowa agriculture and business leaders as well as Des Moines Area Community College faculty and students to discuss President Obama's efforts to strengthen the Iowa economy. He will also discuss USDA's efforts to support Iowa's rural communities and agriculture sector.


Friday, Feb. 10, 2012

9:45 a.m. CST


WHAT: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will host a roundtable with Iowa agriculture and business leaders as well as Des Moines Area Community College faculty and students to discuss President Obama's efforts to strengthen the Iowa economy.


WHERE: Des Moines Area Community College- Room 101

Building 3E

2006 South Ankeny Blvd.

Ankeny, Iowa 50023
