I was born on August 13, 1961. This was the day that construction of the Berlin Wall began. It was a symbol of the Cold War. It cast a shadow upon the first 28 years of my life, as prime-time news images were burned into my memory of daring escapes, and of East German citizens tragically gunned down by East German soldiers.

DAVENPORT, IOWA (December 21, 2022) — Former Iowa Senator David Hartsuch MD has filed a lawsuit against the Iowa Boards of Medicine and Pharmacy to protect the rights of Iowa patients and their physicians from unlawful Board activity. December 20, 2022 court filing in Scott County, Iowa link.  Dr Hartsuch explained, “These Boards are preventing patients from receiving early life-saving treatment by unlawfully suppressing physician speech considered contrary to the State narrative concerning COVID-19.”

My mentor was Dr. Walter Bradley, a giant of a man, who rose from humble beginnings, completed medical school, earned an MBA, and became an emergency-room director locally for many years. Before my first interview with Walter, my wife and I had decided that the Quad Cites was too far from our families in Chicago and that the interview was merely practice after so many years of medical school and residency. But then I met Walter.

Time for a Mid-”Pandemic” Correction

An important rule of medicine is that when you’ve properly treated the patient and they are still not improving, then you may have the wrong diagnosis. Furthermore, dogmatically persisting in the wrong diagnosis ultimately results in injury or death to the patient.  We are now nearly two years into the “pandemic” and all we have heard from our leaders is the monotonous drumbeat – social distance, wear masks, get vaccinated. In the beginning, they said that masks were dangerous and COVID-19 testing was key to ending the pandemic. Now, municipalities seek to muzzle us all and testing is becoming difficult to find.