DES MOINES, IOWA (August 18, 2021) — Governor Kim Reynolds has declared August 18 as “Solar Day in Iowa.” To celebrate, solar-industry leaders and supporters gathered today for “Solar Day at the Iowa State Fair” for a live reading of the Governor’s proclamation by Lieutenant Gov Adam Gregg.

SPENCER, IOWA (July 8, 2021) — The Iowa Solar Energy Trade Association (ISETA), a trade association serving Iowa’s solar energy industry, announced that Genie Maybanks will be its first-ever Executive Director.

DES MOINES, IOWA (June 18, 2021) Four Iowa credit unions designated as Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) received $1.826 million respectively from the US Department of Treasury through the Treasury’s CDFI Rapid Response Program (CDFI RRP). The funding provides capital for CDFIs to respond to economic challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in underserved communities.

DES MOINES, IOWA (February 26, 2021) — A report issued this week by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), shows Iowa had the 24th-highest commercial electric rate in the nation and the 18th-highest residential rate for the 2020 calendar year.

DES MOINES, IOWA (February 3, 2021) — The Iowa Business for Clean Energy (Iowa BCE) released a new poll today that found Iowans overwhelmingly support clean energy development in Iowa and believe it helps drive down the cost of energy.

DES MOINES, IOWA (August 26, 2020) Tikly, a graduate of Des Moines’ StartUpCity initiative, is doubling down on its efforts to support musicians and organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic through a free tool called the “Virtual Tip Jar.”

DES MOINES, IOWA (June 8, 2020) — The Land and Liberty Coalition (L&LC), a Midwestern grassroots organization already advocating for clean-energy development in Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, announced its official Iowa launch today. The Coalition partners with local citizens, landowners, clean-energy advocates, and policymakers to promote common-sense policies that advance renewable energy while protecting and benefiting local communities.

DES MOINES, IOWA (March 19, 2020) — Iowa credit unions, which have long been a safety net for Iowans in times of need, have activated to help members navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA (September 18, 2019) — Analysis of the solar programs proposed by Alliant Energy as part of its rate case shows that customers would benefit more from investing in their own solar system than participating in Alliant’s proposed community solar project.

COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA (September 3, 2019) — Google and Governor Kim Reynolds awarded Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy and Resource Center (EMBARC) as the "People’s Choice" winner following a neck-and-neck, week-long poll that asked Iowans to choose one nonprofit that they believe has put forth the most innovative and impactful proposal to create economic opportunity for the state. Gov Reynolds was on hand to congratulate all five Impact Challenge winners.
