(rrrrring) "Hello?" "George? It's Al." "Al? Al who?" "Get off it, Junior. It's Al, the next President of the United States, that's who." "In your dreams, Poindexter.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Evans: I would use the budget surplus to ensure the future of Social Security and Medicare, as well as provide a prescription-drug benefit under Medicare.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Moroney: Teacher-pay legis lation should not dilute local control; parents need more options for their children, not fewer.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Ryan: Taxes - property, pension, Social Security benefits, federal deductability.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Sunderbruch: Taxes - relief in property, pension, Social Security benefits.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Ewoldt: Economic development is always important and the board needs to continue to work with all municipalities in the county to attract new and expanding businesses to enhance our tax base.
Rosemary Gordy: Candidate did not provide answers to survey questions. She did, however, send the following letter: Although I found your questionnaire interesting, you asked for specifics that are based on suppositions on issues that may or may not arise.
What are the three most pressing issues likely to face your government body during your term, and what specifically would you support to address them? Malvik: Oak Glen Nursing Home financial crisis - Whether or not the County can keep Oak Glen Home open in light of the inadequate funding for the home from its tax levy and state reimbursements is an immediate problem.
"Vargon, the Imperial Council is ready to hear your report on the progress of intergalactic colonization project HMX-2528." "Thank you, Comrade Expletivios. Good morning, distinguished members of the Imperial Council.
The sad truth is that there is no surplus in our national budget. For the two presidential candidates to play that card is wholeheartedly deceitful. We have a national deficit that continues to grow. In 1998 it amounted to $5.
