Washington, D.C. - Today, Congressman Bruce Braley (IA-01) released the following statement after the House voted on two Libya bills:

"Today I voted to limit the President's authority to engage our country in a third overseas conflict. To date, Libya has cost us $800 million - and we're looking at projected military costs totaling more than $1 billion through September of this year. That's a lot of money that we could be spending on priorities here at home. I don't think we can afford to be engaged in Libya right now, and if the President feels differently, I think it's time he come to Congress and make his case for this war."

The first bill, a resolution authorizing the use of U.S. Armed Forces in support of the NATO mission in Libya, failed by a vote of 123 to 295. Rep. Braley voted against the resolution.

The second bill, which would limit the use of defense spending in Libya, failed by a vote of 180 to 238. Rep. Braley voted in favor of the bill.



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