Des Moines, IA – In honor of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price released the following statement: “Today, we remember a great American who fundamentally transformed our nation and our Democracy for the better. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy is still alive and well, but unfortunately, there is still much work to be done. As was made clear by Republicans in our State Legislature yesterday, people of color still face barriers to equality in the state of Iowa. As such, the Iowa Democratic Party is making the following commitments: In honor of Dr. King’s final struggle in support of labor, we will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with unions and workers fighting for dignity. In honor of Dr. King’s service for the voiceless, we will keep pushing for Iowans, regardless of race or country of origin, to have access to the opportunities our state has to offer. In honor of Dr. King’s struggle for justice, we will enact comprehensive criminal justice reform to do right by all the people of Iowa and protect the integrity of our Justice System. And, in honor of Dr. King’s dream of opportunity for all of America’s children, we will keep fighting to break down the barriers of racial inequality in all aspects of American life. We know this will not be easy, but as Dr. King once said: ‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.’ We hope that Iowans, regardless of party, will join us in these commitments.”