ROCK ISLAND, IL (04/12/2011)(readMedia)-- More than 40 juniors and seniors are now members of the Augustana circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), a national leadership honor society. The 17 seniors and 24 juniors are considered top leaders within the classroom and extracurricular achievements, a privilege afforded to just 3 percent of the total population of students at Augustana.
Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes and promotes accomplishments in the areas of academics, athletics, service, social and religious activities, campus government, journalism, speech, mass media, and creative and performing arts.
"Students elected to Omicron Delta Kappa not only do excellent work in their studies, but also are leaders in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Week after week they enrich the total life of this campus," says Dr. Norm Moline, Hamming Professor of Geography and faculty secretary to Augustana ODK Circle. "All faculty members and students owe them a big thanks for their many contributions to make this a good place in and out of the classroom."
Courtney Brown, a junior from Port Byron, IL is majoring in biology and pre-medicine.
Theodore Teros, a senior from Moline, IL is majoring in philosophy.
Emily Voigt, a senior from Bettendorf, IA is majoring in business administration marketing.
Jennifer Youngs, a senior from Taylor Ridge, IL is majoring in psychology and political science.
"I am excited to be a part of ODK because I look forward to working together with fellow students to perform different projects and take part in other leadership opportunities on campus," said Brown. "It is important to me to be a part of ODK because of the great values that come with being a part of it. It is a very high honor and I am so greatful to have been inducted."
Omicron Delta Kappa was established in 1914 at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va. Augustana's circle started in 1962 and currently has 49 members, including sixteen previously elected seniors. The goal of the national college honor society is to give recognition for leadership and service in extracurricular activities and to support development of general campus citizenship.