A portion of Loud Thunder Road is closed due to the improvements being made on the spillway and dam on Lake George in Loud Thunder Forest Preserve.
The middle portion of Loud Thunder Road will be closed for the duration of construction, expected to be completed mid-December.
The east portion of the park, which provides access to the River View & Silva Campgrounds in addition to the Mississippi River boat launch and Deer Haven Picnic Area, can still be accessed by turning off Route 92 onto Loud Thunder Road. Currently the public boat launch is closed during the repairs to the spillway and dam.
To reach the park office to register for camping, follow Route 92 west to Illinois City, then turn right on Loud Thunder Road to enter the west end of the park. All campers are still required to check in at the park office prior to setting up on their site.
The construction is due to scheduled repairs and updates to the dam that will bring it into compliance with State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Since the construction of the original dam, multiple improvements have taken place, including the boat ramp, campground and trails below the spillway. These improvements, and the presence of more people, resulted in a reclassification of the dam from Class 3 to Class 1, bringing new requirements through the DNR. The repairs and updates will bring the spillway and dam into compliance.
“Lake George is a great fishery and an asset to the District, Loud Thunder Forest Preserve and residents of the community,” said Jeff Craver, Forest Preserve District director. “Ensuring it is a safe environment for visitors, whether on the lake itself or below, is our number one priority.”
For more information on Loud Thunder Forest Preserve visit, http://ricfpd.org/Parks-Preserves/Loud-Thunder-Forest-Preserve.aspx.
About the Rock Island County Forest Preserve District
The mission of the Rock Island County Forest Preserve District is to maintain and acquire lands and facilities in Rock Island County with the intent to restore, conserve and protect the waters, forests and prairies they contain and the goal to create educational and recreational opportunities for the residents of Rock Island County and beyond.
The Rock Island County Forest Preserve District is governed by the Forest Preserve Commission. Today the Rock Island County Forest Preserve Commission governs six forest preserve areas totaling 2,529 acres. They include Loud Thunder Forest Preserve, Illiniwek Forest Preserve, Niabi Zoo, Indian Bluff Golf Course and Forest Preserve, Dorrance Park and Martin Conservation Area.
For more information about the Rock Island County Forest Preserve District, visit www.RICFPD.org.