Scholarship now offered through The Moline Foundation
Five $1,000 Sherrard Academic Foundation scholarships plus two $750 Allen Holdsworth scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors from Sherrard High School through the Sherrard Academic Foundation in 2019.
These scholarships will be awarded to students attending a community college, vocational or technical school. A completed application includes completion of all required information on the application form, seventh semester transcripts (including complete list of courses and grades received, rank in class, and grade point average), and essays to the Scholarship Selection Advisory Committee.
Requirements: Applicants should apply online at All scholarships must be submitted by midnight on Friday, March 15, 2019. All reference letters need to be mailed to The Moline Foundation 1601 River Drive, Suite 210, Moline, Illinois 61265 with a postmark on or before March 15, 2019
Scholarship Candidates Must:
- be a graduating senior of Sherrard High School, Sherrard, Illinois.
- have maintained and provide proof of a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale during the first seven (7) semesters of high school.
- provide proof of class rank and a transcript of seventh semester courses.
- have been involved in at least one service-oriented activity or organization in his or her school, community, or place of worship.
- submit an essay (200 words or less) to the Selection Advisory Committee explaining your personal educational goals and any unique qualities or information that would be relevant. Also write a statement defining your need for financial assistance.
- enroll on a full-time basis. (full-time basis means carrying at least 12 semester hours).
- submit 2 letters of reference.
All applications are online on The Moline Foundation website: or contact Susan Zelnio,, or call (309) 736-3800 if you have further questions.