"None of the Above" Campaign

Continues at the State Fair

DES MOINES, IA - Friday, August 13, 2010 - Jonathan Narcisse, an independent candidate for Governor running on the "Iowa Party" ticket submitted nominating petitions containing signatures from nearly 1,900 Iowans from 47 counties and was ballot certified by the Secretary of State's office at close of business August 12, 2010.

The Narcisse For Iowa campaign started collecting signatures in late June following the announcement of Rick Marlar (Washington, IA) as his running mate but discovered last week, on the eve of turning in the signatures, that the Secretary of State's office changed the petition form for the gubernatorial race on their website July 20, 2010. Rather than risk a challenge by using the previously collected signatures, the Narcisse For Iowa campaign started anew. The new signatures, to put an independent on the ballot, were gathered in just over a week.

"The Secretary of State's office was very gracious and provided our campaign a letter approving use of the old petition forms. I knew, however, our campaign had the organizational strength and human resource power to collect the required signatures and secure support from the number of counties required. The window left open before the filing deadline was never daunting to us. It invigorated our team, especially in light of the skepticism that we could even qualify for the ballot, to begin with. We did it in just over a week. Plus, as a former boxer, I appreciate the value of a tune up and this exercise served as an excellent warm up for our official 99 county campaign," stated Narcisse.

Narcisse, who is seven counties short of completing his second 99 county circuit, has seen a rising tide of grassroots support emerge for his "None of the Above" campaign.

"Entering the contest we had strong support from various constituencies - teachers, labor, pro-family Catholics, and the African American community - on the Democratic side - all groups significantly betrayed by the Culver Administration. We have also enjoyed support from significant numbers of constitutionalist and fiscal and social accountability advocates that have heard my views during weekly radio appearances on KWMT in Fort Dodge, KBBG in Waterloo and WHO Radio, with its statewide audience," stated Narcisse.

"One pleasant surprise has been the number of Vander Plaat supporters breaking our way. They understand, despite the rhetoric of candidate Branstad, that his sixteen years in office make it clear he just doesn't care about their priorities. So I'm seeing a lot of that support pour my way especially from rural communities," stated Narcisse.

"Iowans are not enthusiatic about a sixth Branstad/Culver administration. Despite the two waging the most negative campaign in Iowa's history an honest examination of their records, practices, policies and especially their contributors, confirms the differences between these two men are primarily stylistic not substantive. Neither has offered a concrete plan to address the critical challenges facing our state. If they have I'd love to read it," stated Narcisse.

"As a member of the Des Moines School Board I fought for our children, parents, teachers and taxpayers and spoke truth to power without compromise. Iowans are hungry for that type of open, honest and accessible leadership that will place their needs and the needs of their children and this state above partisan and special interest politics. I bring that to the table," stated Narcisse.

"Our campaign also brings to the table real solutions. As I travel around the state, whether I meet with citizens, civic and political leaders or media I white board solutions. I show how we address the challenges of this state and how to pay for those solutions. In these times Iowans want to hear pragmatic ideas and common sense solutions."

The four pillars of the Narcisse for Iowa governance agenda are consistent with the values and priorities of Iowans:

* Creating accountable, efficient, and transparent government;
* Restoring a "World Class Plus" educational system;
* Rebuilding a low tax, free-market, prosperous state economy;
* Create a healthy Iowa by leading by example to fight lifestyle and obesity induced disease

Jonathan Narcisse is a former Des Moines School Board member, publisher and editor of multiple publications, radio show host and community advocate. During the early part of the decade he authored a 3,500 page report analyzing the condition of African-Americans in Iowa's 99 counties, and headed statewide health and education initiatives.

In 2009 Narcisse published "An Iowa Worth Fighting For: A Ten Step Vision Plan for 21st Century Governance." Narcisse evaluates the history of state expenditures versus population, reducing state government, corruption and accountability, tax reform, education reform through parental control and academic entrepreneurship, local control and property rights, public safety and drug interdiction and immigration reform.  The full text of this can be found at www.AnIowaWorthFightingFor.com

He has received more than 400 national, state and local honors and awards including recognition from the Bush (Sr.), Clinton and Bush administrations and the Branstad, Vilsack and Culver administrations. He has finished second twice in national chess competitions and is a multiple state champion. He also had a 17-0 record as a semi-pro boxer while living in the Washington, D.C. area.

He has a son, Johnce, and two daughters, 14 year old daughter, Integrity, an 11 year old daughter, Perseverance and three grandchildren.

Narcisse, who lives in Des Moines, will spend the next ten days at the Iowa State Fair. Following that he will host "Iowa Issue Forums" throughout the state. Details on Jonathan's grassroots campaign can be found at www.NarcisseForIowa.com.  Media can contact Jonathan directly at 515-770-1218, or at jonathan@narcisseforiowa.com.

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