The internship is a unique experience for undergraduates who are conservation minded and would like the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of environmental issues as well as receive financial assistance. If accepted, interns serve as crew members.
The crew, supervised by Conservancy staff, will be introduced to savanna restoration, exotic-species removal, preserve management practices, preserve design, natural resource protection, and conservation science methods.
Recipients will travel extensively throughout Iowa, mostly on Conservancy-owned property, and learn about the beauty of Iowa's tallgrass prairie, deciduous forest and wetland ecosystems. Crew members will be responsible for a variety of hands-on work functions, such as species identification, management techniques, fence repairing, fire line construction, fuel loading reduction and prescribe fire participation.
Crew members must be willing to live a rustic lifestyle and work in adverse weather conditions. Living in close quarters with crew members provides the opportunity to learn about fellow crew members and establish life-long friendships. During the week, crew members will camp in tents without electricity. The Conservancy will provide food stored in coolers and cooked on portable range camp stoves. Each crew member is expected to share in the cooking and cleaning duties.
Interns make significant contributions toward preservation by working eight-hour days with an hour for lunch. Crew members must have a strong work ethic and be able to work closely as a team as well as be self-motivated and be able to work individually and productively.
"The learning experience is extensive," says Scott Moats, the Conservancy's Broken Kettle Grassland Preserve manager and former Anna Beal intern, "and many internship recipients are successful in acquiring careers in the conservation field after completing their internship."
The Anna Beal Trust was founded in 1974 by Ed and Anna Beal, who farmed in Black Hawk County and wished to provide educational opportunities for deserving Iowa students. The proceeds of the Trust were designated to help Iowa college students, who without financial assistance could not obtain a college education.
If you are interested in obtaining more information about the Anna Beal Trust scholarship or would like to receive an application, please visit The Nature Conservancy in Iowa's web page at or call the office at 515-244-5044.