"Family Dynamic" is a new dramatic docu-reality series that always ends with a bang. The series is intended for air in the US this year. Each episode revolves around the Kelly Family, the imploders, and mixes the stress of family life on the road with on-the-job pressure of designing and implementing complicated implosions & demolitions.
We are interested in sending a film crew to Iowa to film the imploders, the Kelly family, of Advanced Explosives Demolition (AED) as they setup and implode (or trip) a large structure. To film the structure permission from the owner of the propert y will be needed. We have a one-page location release to be signed by the owner once details have been sorted out. Our available schedule for filming falls between the months of August through November 2009.
The crew is very small and non-intrusive. We can ensure all parties involved that this will not hinder the demolition in any way and can provide copy of our production insurance upon request.
Please contact Jen Hutchins anytime with further questions about the show and/or the location release. I'm confident you will find the show to be both beneficial to the future property and to the city.