Don’t have time for book clubs, but want to discover new and interesting titles? Would you like suggestions and recommendations for what to read? Does the idea of a challenge intrigue you? If you say yes to any of these, check out the 2018 Online Reading Challenge at the Davenport Library! There are no membership fees, no meetings to attend and you’re free to choose your own titles! Each month we’ll explore a new theme with title and author recommendations and discussions and invite you to share your discoveries.

The theme in 2018 is Travel Through Time. Each month we’ll explore a different time period through the magic of books (and movies!) such as the 1950s, medieval times, alternate histories, childhood and the future. We start with the Tudor/Renaissance time period beginning on January 3.

Follow the Davenport Library reference blog Info Café for regular updates or stop by any of our locations for displays and to pick up a Reading Log/Bookmark to keep track of the titles you read.

Let’s make 2018 a great year for reading!

This program is FREE and open to the public. For more information, visit or call the library at (563) 326-7832.

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