Washington, DC - Today, the House Populist Caucus endorsed a resolution honoring Workers' Memorial Day, celebrated each year on April 28. The Resolution, introduced by Reps. Bruce Braley (IA-01), Linda T. Sánchez (CA-39) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30), honors the legacy of America's workers who have suffered injury or death in the workplace serves as a reminder for the need of vigilant enforcement of workplace safety regulations. Braley and Sánchez are members of the Populist Caucus.

"Each year, millions of Americans suffer work-related injuries and thousands more lose their lives on the job," Braley said. "The recent mine collapse in West Virginia serves as a heartbreaking reminder that all too often, America's workers lose their lives trying to earn an honest living for their families. In the past century, our country has made tremendous strides to improve workplace safety and reduce the frequency of on-the-job injuries and fatalities, but recent events serve as a stark reminder that our work is not complete until we can end preventable workplace injuries and deaths."

"Now more than ever, we are reminded of those who put their backs on the line to bring home a paycheck," Sánchez said. "As we remember the miners who lost their lives in West Virginia, let's continue to fight for the living.  This resolution reminds us all to redouble our efforts to make it safe to go to work in America."

In the United States, 5,000 workers are killed each year because of workplace related injuries. Millions more suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses. Worldwide, an estimated 2 million workers die in work-related incidents each year.

The full text of the resolution is attached.


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