A free history event for seniors, 60 and older.
Tickets sponsored by Eye Surgeons Associates of the Quad Cities
The German American Heritage Center, located at the foot of the Centennial Bridge in Davenport, has a special opportunity for active QC seniors scheduled at its facility on Friday, July 29 at 1:30 p.m. At that time seniors may enjoy an historical presentation by Dr. Marrietta Castle of Rock Island, who will be appearing in period costume speaking as Mary Todd Lincoln. Seniors can learn of Mrs. Lincoln's life as told ten years after her husband's assassination and at the time of her release from a sanitarium where she had been committed by her oldest son, Robert. The show lasts about one hour.
The presentation is FREE to area seniors 60 and over; tickets are available at CASI, 1035 W. Kimberly in Davenport and at the Life Fitness Center in Bettendorf. This opportunity is a community service to seniors sponsored by the generosity of Eye Surgeons Associates of the Quad Cities. Tickets are limited; one per person; first come first served.
"Meet Mary Todd Lincoln" is a special senior event to coincide with two unique exhibits available at the German American Heritage Center. Those include a first floor exhibit "The Civil War - The German Element" and the visit to the Quad Cities of the traveling "History on the Move" trailer from the Iowa State Historical Society which will be in the Center's parking lot from July 28 through August 7. The trailer is entitled "The Fiery Trial: Iowa in the Civil War" and features Iowa's role in the great conflict, the war's causes and aftermath, the work of Annie Wittenmyer on behalf of soldiers, widows and orphans, and Iowa's role in the the Civil Rights movement after the war's end. There is also a touchscreen feature which allows Iowans to search for a Civil War soldier ancestor by name and county and learn his fate with the Union army. Seniors may experience the presentation, the exhibits and the permanent display of "The German Immigrant Experience" on the third floor. All portions of the senior visit for this event are air conditioned and handicapped accessible.
Residents of area senior living facilities have been invited to visit the Civil War exhibits at designated times during the week of August 1 - August 5. The general public is also welcome to attend; see the GAHC website www.gahc.org for times and admission prices. A special $10 family rate ticket will be in effect from July 28 - August 7. There is no charge to visit only the traveling "Fiery Trial" trailer.