In the groundbreaking documentary "Race to Nowhere," concerned mother turned filmmaker Vicki Abeles embarks on an inquiry into the insanely hectic lives of America's overstressed, overscheduled, overcompetitive students. Students rushing from class to sports practice and from volunteer work to homework, increasingly relying on stimulants and sleep deprivation, are facing consequences ranging from depression to eating disorders to suicide. The film points to the silent epidemic in our schools: cheating becoming commonplace, students becoming disengaged, and young people arriving at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired. "Race to Nowhere" is changing the dialogue on education, with nationwide coverage including the Today Show and Oprah.
How do we foster healthy development while maintaining rigorous, high-quality curriculum? Experts agree that increasing student voice in the classroom increases engagement and encourages real learning instead of memorization. Research shows that students who believe teachers listen to them and want to get to know them are more engaged in learning, less likely to cheat, and show fewer signs of stress. In addition, experts recommend giving students quality time off and productive ways to cope with stress.
At Rivermont Collegiate, small classes and a continued relationship with a faculty advisor encourage in-depth student-teacher interaction and provide focused attention and support. Students are encouraged to customize their education and design their own "Rivermont experience." Rivermont features a nurturing, balanced environment where character counts as much as grades do. Final exams followed by holiday, winter, and spring breaks offer quality time off and designated "no homework" nights allow students to enjoy extracurriculars without the added stress of homework. Students are encouraged to participate in numerous stress-relieving activities, from video game parties at the end of finals week to yoga and knitting during "mini period."
What are you waiting for? Explore the Rivermont approach to learning! Join us for Open Tours the first Tuesday of every month. The next Open Tour will be held Tuesday, January 4th from 8:30-10:00 a.m. No appointment necessary! Drop in to explore our philosophy and curriculum, take a tour of campus, and see our teachers in action. Rivermont Collegiate is the Quad Cities' only PS-12th private, independent, nonsectarian college prep school, located at 1821 Sunset Drive, directly off 18th Street behind K&K Hardware in Bettendorf.
In a grassroots sensation, theaters and schools nationwide are hosting community screenings of "Race to Nowhere." The film will play in Des Moines, IA at Fleur Cinema & Café on January 25th at 7:30 p.m., as well as several locations in Illinois throughout January and February.
For additional information, including screening locations, visit
For additional information on Rivermont Collegiate or Tuesday's Open Tours, contact Cindy Murray at (563) 359-1366 ext. 302 or