Put Your Snow Day to Good Use!
Put your snow day to good use honing your trivia game skills in preparation for trivia fun the night before "the Big Game." The Arc of Rock Island County announces its continued partnership with St. Anne's Parish for the Third Annual Trivia Night on Saturday, February 5, benefiting St. Anne's Parish and The Arc of Rock Island County. $10 per player, payable at the door. Features teams of three minimum, up to a maximum of eight. Participants are welcome to bring snacks (only) and drinks will be available for purchase. There will also be 50/50 Drawings and Theme Basket raffles. Reservations recommended as seating is limited. Register or volunteer by calling 309-786-6474. The Arc gratefully acknowledges Southeast National Bank, KONE Employees Credit Union, and our auction basket donors for sponsoring this family-fun event.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
5:30 PM - doors open
6:30 PM - trivia game begins
St. Anne's Parish
Cleary Hall
602-17th Avenue
East Moline, IL
Event Contact Info:
Jan Haugen
309-755-4876 or 309-781-4508
Maureen Dickinson
309-786-6474 or dickinsonm@arcric.org
Founded in 1952, The Arc is committed to living and working
in partnership with the community to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.