DIXON, IOWA (August 7, 2024) — On Saturday, August 17, 2024, 10AM, there will be a Paint by Nature program held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa. Come enjoy nature in a creative way at this family-friendly program! Join Naturalist Paige to create a prairie-themed painting with guided step-by-step instructions. All supplies will be provided. The program costs $5/canvas. If weather allows, the class will take place outdoors, so please come prepared. Space is limited. Online registration is required. To register, go to: myvscloud.com/wbwsc/iascottyctywt.wsc/iteminfo.html?Module=AR&FMID=61275888.
The Wapsi River Environmental Education Center can be found six miles south of Wheatland or one mile northwest of Dixon, Iowa by taking County Road Y4E. Then turn north at 52nd Avenue and follow the signs for about one mile.