DES MOINES, IOWA (September 4, 2024) — This summer, the Iowa Environmental Council (IEC) released Sacrifice State: Iowa Voices on Environment and Justice, a collaborative book project with Drake University’s Drake Community Press (DCP). The book launch took place at IEC’s Green Soiree event, a fundraiser at Mainframe Studios featuring Fort Dodge artist Madai Taylor.

DIXON, IOWA (August 29, 2024) — On Saturday, September 14, 2024, 11AM, there will be a Sixth Annual Monarch Festival held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa.

DAVENPORT, IOWA (August 21, 2024) — River Action’s Senior Citizen Golf Cart Tours allow participants to experience and learn about our Mississippi riverfront while riding in the front seat of a golf cart along beautiful riverfront, Nahant Marsh, or Duck Creek. These guided golf cart tours of riverfront trails on both sides of the Mississippi, Iowa and Illinois, are a fun way to gain knowledge on the past, present, and future of riverfront development.

DIXON, IOWA (August 7, 2024) — On Saturday, August 17, 2024, 10AM, there will be a Paint by Nature program held at the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center in Dixon, Iowa. Come enjoy nature in a creative way at this family-friendly program! Join Naturalist Paige to create a prairie-themed painting with guided step-by-step instructions. All supplies will be provided. The program costs $5/canvas.

DES MOINES, IOWA (August 6, 2024) — The Iowa Environmental Council (IEC) and The Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement are partnering to present Iowa Environmental Education Week, a dynamic series of events that are open to the public, students, and the environmental community.

Iowa Environmental Education Week is September 23–26, 2024, with engaging events in Des Moines that address urgent environmental issues impacting the entire state.

DES MOINES, IOWA (July 23, 2024)  This summer, the Iowa Environmental Council announced its newest education and awareness campaign, “Iowa Water Watchdogs.” The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about the risks of cyanotoxin poisoning in dogs that come into contact with harmful algae blooms in Iowa’s natural waterways.

EAST MOLINE, ILLINOIS (June 20, 2024) — River Action is hosting a community clean-up event at the new Amôwa Forest Preserve (19500 Hubbard Rd, East Moline), June 27, 9AM-12PM, to remove invasive honeysuckle. The general public is invited to come show support and learn about how to identify and remove this invasive species.

Materials will be provided! Please wear long pats and appropriate footwear!

COAL VALLEY, ILLINOIS (June 12, 2024) — Recently, the zoology community lost an icon with the passing of Dr Anne Innis Dagg. Credited as the first person to study wild giraffes as early as 1956, Anne was a pioneer in the study of animal behavior and a powerful force in the work of wildlife conservation.

DES MOINES, IOWA (May 21, 2024) — The Iowa Environmental Council (IEC) published a new report, “Nitrate in Drinking Water: A Public Health Concern for All Iowans,” outlining the risks of nitrate in drinking water to Iowans of all ages.

RIVERDALE, IOWA (May 15, 2024) — The next meeting of the Quad Cities Flood Resiliency Alliance will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024, 3PM, in the City Hall Community Room in Riverdale, Iowa. The Alliance is open to the public and is a forum for timely and educational information on flood prevention, mitigation, flood insurance, and floodplain management. The agenda for the May 16 meeting includes:

*Every attendee will receive a copy of the Assessment (71 pages) and Summary.
