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New Law Ensures Renters in Foreclosed Properties Are Provided Adequate Time to Make a Safe Move

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn today signed a new law protecting Illinois renters in foreclosed multifamily properties. The new law requires those acquiring foreclosed residential property to honor existing leases or give tenants adequate time to make a safe move. This legislation is part of Governor Quinn's commitment to protecting Illinois families and helping them fight foreclosure.

"The foreclosure crisis has been devastating to homeowners as well as many families living in rental homes who are at risk of losing their home due to no fault of their own," Governor Quinn said. "As families in our communities continue to recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression, this law will ensure renters are protected from sudden forced moves that can be costly and disruptive to their lives."

Sponsored by State Senator Jacqueline Collins (D-Chicago) and State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), Senate Bill 56 requires anyone who is acquiring residential property through a foreclosure to honor their tenants' existing leases or provide a minimum of 90 days for renters to secure new housing. Approximately 40 percent of families impacted by foreclosure are renters who may not be aware their landlord has failed to make mortgage payments.

"A consistent commitment to housing rights protects tenants as well as homeowners," Senator Collins said. "No one should be evicted on short notice and lose access to a safe place to live because of the financial circumstances of the landlord."

"As we strive to reduce poverty and crime in our communities, the foreclosure crisis threatens our efforts by unfairly uprooting families," Representative Cassidy said. "This new law will help strengthen the rights of tenants by allowing them to maintain a stable living condition, even though their rental property is in foreclosure."

The law extends, clarifies and strengthens key provisions of the federal Protecting Tenants in Foreclosure Act that is set to expire in 2014. The bill was strongly supported by the Heartland Alliance, Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law and other advocacy groups.

The new law takes effect in 90 days.

"Illinois remains one of the states hardest hit by foreclosure. This bill provides protections that will keep renters impacted by foreclosure in their homes and afford them enough time to make safe moves for themselves and their families," Jeremy Bergstrom of the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law said.

"This bill is a major step forward.  It will help ensure that renters living in foreclosed properties are not pushed into homelessness and that communities are not devastated by vacant properties," Samantha Tuttle, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Heartland Alliance said.

Since taking office in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression, Governor Quinn has worked to keep Illinois families in their homes. To help families fight foreclosure, Governor Quinn launched the Illinois Hardest Hit Program in September 2011, an initiative which provides monthly mortgage payment assistance and reinstatement assistance to households that are struggling with income loss due to unemployment or underemployment. So far $201 million has been committed to more than 8,400 homeowners in 95 of the 102 counties in Illinois. Each month, the state approves 400 to 500 new families who can keep their homes.

In 2012, Governor Quinn launched the Illinois Foreclosure Prevention Network (IFPN), a one-stop comprehensive, free resource to connect struggling homeowners with assistance to keep them in their homes and help them from being victims of mortgage fraud. Approximately 846,000 families have accessed this free assistance through the IFPN.

Homeowners seeking assistance should visit the IFPN website at or call the hotline at 855-KEEP-411.

With $32 Billion for Grabs Annually, More Women are
Profiting from the Subjugation of Children & Other Women

As terrible as human trafficking is for each subjugated person throughout the world, Sharon Buchbinder says women and children are especially vulnerable.

"Forced labor, organ harvesting and the soul-destroying, commercial sex industry often feature men as vicitms; however, it is the commercial sex industry that accounts for approximately 75 to 80 percent of human trafficking, which predominately targets women and girls," says Buchbinder, an award-winning, multi-published novelist who recently published "Obsession," (, which deals with international kidnapping.

"There are more than 27 million slaves worldwide, according to the United Nations, generating an estimated $32 billion in profits, most of which are earned on the backs of young women, yet more and more case findings are uncovering women as ringleaders and operators of trafficking syndicates," she says.

Buchbinder reviews some recent cases:

• A Saudi Arabian princess charged in Los Angeles: Meshael Alayban faces one felony count of human trafficking after being accused of holding a domestic servant against her will at her condominium in Irvine, Calif. Alayban is one of the wives of Saudi Prince Abdulrahman bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz al Saud. A female servant, originally from Kenya, escaped and flagged down a bus, after which she told her story to local police. The woman says she was promised weekends off and a good wage but was forced to work 16-hour days, seven days a week and was paid only $220 a month. Alayban faces a maximum sentence of 12 years if convicted. She is being held in the Orange County jail in lieu of $5 million bail.

• United Nations study shows females traffic more sex workers than men in developing countries: Using data from 155 countries, the UN's first international report attempting to calculate the scope, nature and patterns of human trafficking found a disproportionately high number of female perpetrators selling other women into slavery. The report uncovered an alarming trend: women who were once victims of the sex trade often develop into ringleaders of the illegal, underground sex industry. Researchers cite money, poverty and a skewed psychological perspective for possible reasons for this phenomenon.

• Woman recently sentenced to more than seven years in a federal prison for trafficking a 16-year-old in three different states: Jessica Loren Posey was sentenced earlier this year to serve time for transporting a juvenile girl to Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio for the purpose of prostitution. According to a U.S. attorney, Posey met the girl at a party and coerced her to engage in sex for money. Posey, 25, marketed the girl using uploaded pictures on various pornographic websites, and she arranged meetings at hotel rooms, driving the girl there.

"In America, we often think of slavery as a problem of the past; in reality, however, there are more human slaves in the world today than ever before in history, with roughly 27 million people are held as slaves worldwide," Buchbinder says. "Unfortunately, this is likely to be a persistent problem - a human trafficker can potentially earn 20 times the amount paid for a girl, which can be worth a quarter million dollars. Unlike drugs and guns, girls can be used over and over again."

About Sharon Buchbinder

Sharon Buchbinder is an award-winning author published in contemporary, erotic, paranormal and romantic-suspense genres. After working in health care delivery for years, Buchbinder became an executive, a health care researcher and an academic in higher education. Despite enjoying the good life with a good career, her supportive husband and an amazing son, the itch to write kept beckoning her. She credits much of her success to the kindness of family, friends, critique partners, Romance Writers of America and Maryland Romance Writers.

5 Myths that Misinform Our Efforts to Slim Down

We're not No. 1 anymore. Mexico, according to the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization, has surpassed the United States as the fattest nation in the world.

An estimated 70 percent of the population is overweight, and about one-third of Mexicans are obese. Just one fat-related disease, diabetes, accounts for nearly 70,000 Mexican deaths per year.

"But this doesn't mean our health to the north has gotten better - it just means others have gotten worse, and the dubious distinction of who is the world's most obese nation is debatable," says Dr. James L. Hardeman, who has seen firsthand the consequences of unhealthy habits during his 30 years as a practicing physician.

"For one, we've been fatter longer than Mexico has and yet we still haven't sufficiently dealt with our national epidemic of fat-based disease. Our overweight and obese percentages are neck and neck with Mexico's, and some of this is due to misinformation."

Dr. Hardeman, author of "Appears Younger than Stated Age," (, a pragmatic guide to looking younger, debunks some of the myths that aren't helping dieters:

• Myth: Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week is sufficient. Moderate exercise may work for the 25-year-old with a reasonably healthy diet. When we are young, our basal metabolic rate (BMR) rages like a furnace. Unfortunately, our BMR decreases 2 to 3 percent each decade after age 25. That means we have to make up for that decrease with either better eating habits, more exercise, or both - if we want to maintain a healthy weight. For those who are older, overweight or obese, a stronger commitment is necessary, including an hour's worth of exercise at least five times a week.

• Myth: Gaining weight with age is healthy because it's natural. Metabolism slows with age, causing many to put on the pounds. However, maintaining your Ideal Body Weight (IBW), which factors in height, gender and frame size, will keep you feeling and looking younger if you do not slowly gain weight over time. Also, casually accepting some weight gain over time can lead to massive weight gain considering our largely sedentary lifestyles and easy availability of quick, fatty meals.

• Myth: You should drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Humans posses a sensitive thirst center in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which responds to dehydration and tells us to drink water. The amount of water needed for each person varies; so we don't need to target a set amount because our thirst will tell us. However, drinking plenty of water may decrease appetite, and water should always be chosen over sugary beverages for satiating thirst.

• Myth: Diet books keep you slim. "Going on a diet" is one of America's favorite pastimes. Diets typically entail temporarily altering eating patterns, losing a bit of weight, and then going back to old habits. This has created an entire genre of literature, as well as videos, gear and meal plans that have become a multibillion-dollar industry. Really, it all boils down to the I&O (Intake and Output) principle. People who stick to Atkins, South Beach and the Sugar Busters diets lose weight because they limit the intake of calories.

• Myth: Taking vitamin supplements every day makes you healthy. Dietary supplement sales represent a $20 billion a year business, yet the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act allows for significantly more lenient rules for supplements than medications from pharmaceutical companies, which are carefully scrutinized by the FDA. Manufacturers are not required to substantiate the supposed benefits of their products. A balanced diet generally provides all required vitamins and minerals needed, with the possible exceptions vitamin B12 for those who eat no animal products, folic acid for women of childbearing age, and, if blood tests indicate deficiency, vitamin B12 and vitamin D in the elderly.

About Dr. James L. Hardeman

Dr. James L. Hardeman has been a practicing physician for 30 years. Triple board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases, and Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Hardeman has maintained the demanding schedule of both hospital-based medicine and a busy office practice. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from University of California at Irvine he attended Baylor College of Medicine where he graduated with honors. Postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine took place at USC and UCI.

Please take 2 minutes to watch this video about this movement: 

Quad Cities - The HAVlife™ Foundation is collaborating with local schools, city officials, nonprofit organizations, clubs and churches to obtain more than 10,000 pledges of commitment to prevent lost potential by September 19, 2013. This effort starts, what is being recognized as a movement to celebrate our youth's potential for a future Quad Cities. Organizers believe with this movement, the community can secure the Quad Cities as the region that values and cares about youth the most in the nation.

Every day hundreds of organizations and individuals dedicate time, talents and treasure to the more than 78,000 youth in the community. The efforts behind Preventing Lost Potential Day are centered on making a commitment to youth and how, as a community, the Quad Cities will:  Educate, Protect, Encourage and Develop our future. "It's time that we come together as a community and be proud of the ways we invest in our youth and prevent lost potential," explains HAVlife™ Founder Mike Vondran.  "This is not about raising money for a cause, but rather encouraging the Quad Cities Community to adopt a stronger commitment to our youth."

On September 19, the community is invited to a free youth celebration held at Schwiebert Riverfront Park as a part of the Rock Island Parks and Recreation's Thursday Night Groove series. This event is open to the public and will include many youth centered activities. To learn more about this movement and to pledge commitment, visit

HAVlife™ Foundation was established in 2007 in honor of Hunter Aaron Vondran, his birthday is September 19. Hunter passed away at the young age of 13 due to injuries sustained in a tragic accident. The organization serves to prevent lost potential of youth through supporting schools and organizations with grants to encourage positive youth participation in the areas of music, arts and athletic programs. For more information visit


Rock Creek Belgians of Prophetstown, Ill., showed the Supreme Champion in the Belgian Horse Show held August 11 through 13 at the 2013 Iowa State Fair.

Maker Farms of Strawberry Point won the Best of Iowa award for the second year in a row. Retreat Belgians of Fitchburg, Wis., took second place honors.

Additional results below:

Gelding - Registered - 3 Years and Under - Belgian

1) Salsberry Farms, Corydon


Herdsmanship, Six or More Stalls

1) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

2) Jered Althoff, Strawberry Point


Herdsmanship, Five or Fewer Stalls

1) Retreat Belgians, Fitchburg, Wis.

2) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.


Gelding - Registered - 4 Years and Over - Belgian

1) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

2) Double M Farms, Delmar

3) Steve Otte, North English

4) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.

5) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.

6) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.


Gelding - Grade - Any Age - Belgian

1) Steve Otte, North English

2) Sparrow Farms, Inc., Zearing

3) Double M Farms, Delmar


Grand Champion Belgian Gelding: Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

Reserve Grand Champion Belgian Gelding: Steve Otte, North English


Junior Stallion Foal - Belgian

1) Donald Damitz, Lena, Wis.

2) Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.


Senior Stallion Foal - Belgian

1) Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.

2) Jered Althoff, Strawberry Point

3) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.


Stallion - Yearling - Belgian

1) Retreat Belgians, Fitchburg, Wis.

2) Sparrow Farms, Inc., Zearing

3) Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.


Stallion - 2-Year-Old - Belgian

1) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

2) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.


Junior Champion Belgian Stallion: Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

Junior Reserve Champion Belgian Stallion: Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.


Grand Champion Belgian Stallion: Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

Reserve Grand Champion Belgian Stallion: Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.


Junior Filly Foal - Belgian

1) TTK Belgians, Lamberton, Minn.

2) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

3) Howard and Mable Buerckley, Osage

4) Jered Althoff, Strawberry Point


Senior Filly Foal - Belgian

1) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.


Mare - Yearling - Belgian

1) Mystery Hills Stable, Kiel, Wis.

2) Howard and Mable Buerckley, Osage

3) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

4) Jan Yearian, Cumming

5) Mystery Hills Stable, Kiel, Wis.


Mare - 2-Year-Old - Belgian

1) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

2) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

3) TTK Belgians, Lamberton, Minn.

4) Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.

5) Salsberry Farms, Corydon


Junior Champion Belgian Mare: Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

Junior Reserve Champion Belgian Mare: Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.


Mare - 3-Year-Old - Belgian

1) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

2) Jered Althoff, Strawberry Point

3) Jan Yearian, Cumming

4) Oakdale Belgians, Ogden


Yeld Mare - 4 Years and Over - Belgian

1) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

2) Richard and Ginny Diehl Diehls Belgians, Prairie Dusac, Wis.

3) Oakdale Belgians, Ogden

4) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

5) Mystery Hills Stable, Kiel, Wis.

6) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

7) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

8) Retreat Belgians, Fitchburg, Wis.


Brood Mare - 4 Years and Over - Belgian

1) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

2) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

3) Jered Althoff, Strawberry Point

4) Salsberry Farms, Corydon


Senior Champion Belgian Mare: Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

Senior Reserve Champion Belgian Mare: Richard and Ginny Diehl Diehls Belgians, Prairie Dusac, Wis.


Grand Champion Belgian Mare: Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

Reserve Grand Champion Belgian Mare: Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.


Mare and Foal - Belgian

1) Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.

2) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

3) Jan Yearian, Cumming


Produce of Dam - Belgian

1) Jered Althoff, Strawberry Point

2) Jan Yearian, Cumming

3) Matt or Sue Frieden, Joy, Ill.

4) Keith Rudeen, Elm Creek, Neb.

5) Salsberry Farms, Corydon


Get of Sire - Belgian

1) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

2) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.


Stallion and 3 Mares - Belgian

1) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

2) Jered Althoff, Strawberry Point


Ladies Gelding/Stallion Cart - Belgian

1) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.

2) Keith Rudeen, Elm Creek, Neb.

3) Steve Otte, North English

4) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

5) Roby's Belgian, Rockwell City

6) Gary Loomis Loomis Farms, Afton

Ribbon) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.

Ribbon) Sparrow Farms, Inc., Zearing


Mens Gelding/Stallion Cart - Belgian

1) Keith Rudeen, Elm Creek, Neb.

2) Gary Loomis Loomis Farms, Afton

3) Roby's Belgian, Rockwell City

4) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

5) Double M Farms, Delmar

6) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.


Ladies' Mare Cart - Belgian

1) Sparrow Farms, Inc., Zearing

2) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

3) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.


Men's Mare Cart - Belgian

1) Oakdale Belgians, Ogden

2) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

3) Kory Dammeier, Cumming

4) Salsberry Farms, Corydon


Team of Geldings - Belgian

1) Double M Farms, Delmar

2) Roby's Belgian, Rockwell City

3) Keith Rudeen, Elm Creek, Neb.

4) Steve Otte, North English

5) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

6) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe


Team of Mares - Belgian

1) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

2) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

3) Oakdale Belgians, Ogden

4) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

5) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

6) Salsberry Farms, Corydon


Open Unicorn - Belgian

1) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

2) Steve Otte, North English

3) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.

4) Gary Loomis Loomis Farms, Afton

5) Keith Rudeen, Elm Creek, Neb.


Mare Unicorn - Belgian

1) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

2) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

3) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

4) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point


Open Four Horse Hitch - Belgian

1) Roby's Belgian, Rockwell City

2) Double M Farms, Delmar

3) Steve Otte, North English

4) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.

5) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

6) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

Ribbon) Gary Loomis Loomis Farms, Afton

Ribbon) Keith Rudeen, Elm Creek, Neb.


Mare Four Horse Hitch - Belgian

1) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

2) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

3) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

4) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.


Open Six Horse Hitch - Belgian

1) Roby's Belgian, Rockwell City

2) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.

3) Double M Farms, Delmar

4) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

5) Steve Otte, North English

6) Gary Loomis Loomis Farms, Afton


Mare Six Horse Hitch - Belgian

1) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

2) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

3) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

4) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point


Decorator Class - 15 to 18 - Belgian/Shire

1) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

2) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

3) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.


Decorator Class - 14 and Under - Belgian/Shire

1) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.

2) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

3) Steve Otte, North English

4) Kory Dammeier, Cumming


Showmanship at Halter - 15 to 18 - Belgian/Shire

1) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

2) TTK Belgians, Lamberton, Minn.

3) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

4) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

5) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

6) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.


Showmanship at Halter - 14 and Under - Belgian/Shire

1) Maker Farms, Strawberry Point

2) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

3) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.

4) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

5) Kory Dammeier, Cumming


Juvenile Driver Cart - 15 to 18 - Belgian/Shire

1) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

2) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

3) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden


Juvenile Driver Cart - 14 and Under - Belgian/Shire

1) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

2) Roby's Belgian, Rockwell City

3) Stocktons Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.

4) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

5) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.

6) Salsberry Farms, Corydon

7) Kory Dammeier, Cumming

8) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.


Juvenile Driver Team - 15 to 18 - Belgian/Shire

1) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden

2) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

3) Rolling H Belgians, Ogden


Juvenile Driver Team - 14 and Under - Belgian/Shire

1) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

2) Thomas Feldhusen, West Bend, Wis.

3) Roby's Belgian, Rockwell City

4) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

5) Kory Dammeier, Cumming

6) Salsberry Farms, Corydon


Draft Under Saddle - Western - Belgian/Shire

1) Crystal Creek Farm, Prole

2) Howard and Mable Buerckley, Osage


Draft Under Saddle - English - Belgian/Shire

1) Crystal Creek Farm, Prole

2) Howard and Mable Buerckley, Osage


Gelding - Registered - 3 Years and Under - Shire

1) Midnight Star Breeders, Silt, Colo.

2) Foggy Meadows Farm, Brewster, Minn.


Gelding - Registered - 4 Years and Over - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

2) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho


Gelding - Grade - Any Age - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

2) Light Horse Livery, Elkhorn, Wis.


Grand Champion Shire Gelding: Midnight Star Breeders, Silt, Colo.

Reserve Grand Champion Shire Gelding: Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho


Stallion - Foal - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

2) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Stallion - Yearling - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

2) Midnight Star Breeders, Silt, Colo.

3) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Stallion - 2-Year-Old - Shire

1) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Junior Champion Shire Stallion: Haugen-hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

Junior Reserve Champion Shire Stallion: Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho


Stallion - 3-Year-Old - Shire

1) Rob Rich, Baraboo, Wis.


Stallion - 4 Years and Over - Shire

1) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Senior Champion Shire Stallion: Rob Rich, Baraboo, Wis.

Senior Reserve Champion Shire Stallion: Haugen-hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Grand Champion Shire Stallion: Rob Rich, Baraboo, Wis.

Reserve Grand Champion Shire Stallion: Haugen-hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Mare - Foal - Shire

1) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

2) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

3) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Mare - Yearling - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

2) Rob Rich, Baraboo, Wis.

3) Midnight Star Breeders, Silt, Colo.


Mare - 2-Year-Old - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

2) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.


Junior Champion Shire Mare: Haugen-hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

Junior Reserve Champion Shire Mare: Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Mare - 3-Year-Old - Shire

1) Foggy Meadows Farm, Brewster, Minn.


Yeld Mare - 4 Years and Over - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

2) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.

3) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Brood Mare - 4 Years and Over - Shire

1) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

2) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

3) Foggy Meadows Farm, Brewster, Minn.

4) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

5) Foggy Meadows Farm, Brewster, Minn.


Senior Champion Shire Mare: Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

Senior Reserve Champion Shire Mare: Haugen-hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Grand Champion Shire Mare: Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

Reserve Grand Champion Shire Mare: Haugen-hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Mare and Foal - Shire

1) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

2) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

3) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Produce of Dam - Shire

1) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.

2) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.

3) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

4) Midnight Star Breeders, Silt, Colo.

5) Foggy Meadows Farm, Brewster, Minn.


Get of Sire - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

2) Haugen-hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Breeders Group - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

2) Haugen-Hill Shires, Red Wing, Minn.


Gelding/Stallion Cart - Registered Shire

1) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

2) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

3) Rob Rich, Baraboo, Wis.


Mare Cart - Registered Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

2) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.

3) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

4) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.


Team - Registered Shire

1) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

2) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

3) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.

4) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.


Grade Team - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho


Unicorn - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

2) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

3) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.


Four Horse Hitch - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

2) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

3) Stockton's Big Little Shires, Laporte, Colo.


Open Six Horse Hitch - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

2) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.


Supreme Six Horse Hitch Showdown - All Breeds

1) Robys Belgian, Rockwell City

2) Rock Creek Belgians, Prophetstown, Ill.

3) Double M Farms, Delmar

4) Rees Family Belgians, Inc., Elk, Wash.

5) Wade Handeland, Radcliffe

6) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho

7) Gary Loomis Loomis Farms, Afton

8) Dakota Thunder Shires, Souix Falls, S.D.

9) Hagemann Bros., Stillman Valley, Ill.

10) Mohney Farm Belgians, Benton, Kan.

11) Steve Otte, North English


Best American Bred Registered Gelding - Shire

1) Midnight Star Breeders, Silt, Colo.


Best American Bred Stallion - Shire

1) Rob Rich, Baraboo, Wis.


Best Stallion Bred and Owned by Exhibitor - Shire

1) Rob Rich, Baraboo, Wis.


Best American Bred Mare - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Best Mare Bred and Owned by Exhibitor - Shire

1) Jenson Shires LLC, Blair, Neb.


Best of Breed - Shire

1) Wareing Shires, Blackfoot, Idaho


"Nothing Compares" to the Iowa State Fair. The 2013 Fair ends today. The 2014 Iowa State Fair is set August 7-17. For more information, call 800/545-FAIR or visit


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(Davenport, IA): A world-wide free public exhibit of ancient and sacred relics of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni and other great Buddhist masters from India Tibet, Korea & China will be on display in Davenport on: Friday, September 6th (Opening Ceremony at 6 pm to 8 pm); Saturday, September 7th (10 am to 7 pm); Sunday, September 8th, (10 am to 5 pm) at Figge Art Museum 225 West Second Street Davenport, Iowa 52801. This is a Free Event.

This is a rare opportunity to view these sacred relics, which were found among the cremation ashes of these Buddhist masters. They resemble beautiful, pearl-like crystals called 'ringsel'. Buddhists believe relics embody the master's spiritual qualities of compassion and wisdom and are deliberately produced by the master at his death.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has graciously offered to this collection, eight Relics of the Buddha that are over 2,500 years old. Each of these eight relics were rescued from Tibet in 1959 by His Holiness, after the invasion of China. The tour also features relics from over forty other Buddhist masters from different parts of the world.

Visitors may also participate in a Blessing Ceremony, if they like, where the relics of the Buddha are gently placed on the crown of the visitor's head as a personal blessing.

Visitors often report experiences of inspiration and healing when in the presence of the relics. While some are inspired to pray for world peace and to develop their inner wisdom, others are overcome by emotion as the powerful effects of the relics open their hearts to compassion and loving-kindness.

"I was skeptical going into it, but I'm a curious person and kept and open mind. I left there amazed. It's hard to put into words, but the energy was very powerful. My friend who was with me and who doesn't believe in anything, was blown away" Ben Easter, Des Moines Relic event visitor.

Relic Tour Manager Amanda Russell says she has been consistently moved by what people tell her about their experiences encountering the relics. "Nearly everyone reports some kind of change or shift, whether it is releasing physical or emotional pain or experiencing a profound sense of peace".  

The tour was created in 2001 by the modern day Buddhist master Lama Zopa Rinpoche. The tour has visited 67 countries and over 1.4 million people have visited the relics.

This is not a Buddhist event and is intended for all walks of life and faith, to learn about and to experience these historical sacred Relics.

The relics are clearly visible inside display cases that encircle a life-size, golden statue of the Maitreya Buddha. According to Buddhist scriptures, Maitreya will be the next Buddha to bring teachings of loving-kindness to the world. Eventually, some of the relics will be enshrined in a 150-ft/45-m bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha that is being built in Bodhgaya, northern India.

"The very name 'Maitri', that's loving-kindness. Now in today's world, we really need the promotion of Maitreya, Maitri, loving-kindness."

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

CHICAGO - Governor Pat Quinn today took action on the following bill:

Bill No.: SB 1762

An Act Concerning: Education

Changes and clarifies the School Code (Public Act 97-0008) as it pertains to the teacher and principal evaluation processes regarding continued contractual service and collective bargaining.

Action: Signed

Effective: Jan. 1, 2014


Klobuchar, Grassley Call on Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission to Investigate Allegations of Possible Anticompetitive Practices by Oil Companies that Hurt Consumers


Recent concerns indicate that oil companies may be taking steps to undermine efforts to distribute renewable fuels, including higher level ethanol blends, that help boost energy security and lower the price of gas for consumers

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D, MN) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) called on the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate possible anticompetitive practices by oil companies that limit consumers access to homegrown renewable fuels. In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez, Klobuchar, the chair of the Antitrust Subcommittee, and Grassley, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, urged the Administration to take action to address recent reports indicating that oil companies may be undermining efforts to distribute renewable fuels, including higher ethanol gasoline blends, that help boost our nation's energy security and lower the price of gas for consumers.

"The promise of renewable fuels is rapidly becoming a reality and introducing much needed competition to the transportation fuels sector," the members said. "Given the implication these alleged activities, if true, could have on competition in the marketplace, we urge you to investigate them and consider whether any action is necessary. We look forward to working with you to ensure that Americans can continue to realize the benefits of cheaper, cleaner renewable fuel."

The full text of the letter is below. A signed copy of the letter is here.



The Honorable Eric Holder

Attorney General

United States Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530


The Honorable Edith Ramirez


Federal Trade Commission

600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC  20580


Dear Attorney General Holder and Chairwoman Ramirez:

We are writing to express concerns that oil companies are engaging in anticompetitive practices aimed at blocking market access for renewable fuels. We urge you to investigate these allegations and, if true, whether they violate the nation's antitrust laws.

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) created the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) to promote the development and use of domestic renewable fuel.  Since its inception, the RFS has helped to decrease oil imports and increase our energy security while reducing the price of gasoline for American consumers. Faced with growing competition from new sources of fuel promoted by the RFS, the oil industry has publicly stated their goal of repealing the RFS. At the same time, we have heard reports that oil companies are taking steps to undermine efforts to distribute renewable fuels that could help to meet the RFS requirement.

We have heard allegations that the oil industry is mandating retailers to carry and sell premium gasoline, thereby blocking the use of the current retail infrastructure to sell renewable fuels.  Station owners who wish to sell renewable fuel would bear the cost and logistical burden of having to install additional infrastructure to do so.  In one case, an oil company is alleged to be using its franchise agreements to preclude franchisees from offering higher level ethanol blends to their customers.  By forcing a franchisee to carry premium gasoline as a condition of carrying regular gas, the oil company may be using its economic power over its franchisee to effect a tying arrangement in violation of the Sherman Act. This conduct may also violate the Gasohol Competition Act of 1980, which prohibits discrimination or unreasonable limits against the sale of gasohol or other synthetic motor fuels.

The promise of renewable fuels is rapidly becoming a reality and introducing much needed competition to the transportation fuels sector.  Given the implication these alleged activities, if true, could have on competition in the marketplace, we urge you to investigate them and consider whether any action is necessary.  We look forward to working with you to ensure that Americans can continue to realize the benefits of cheaper, cleaner renewable fuel.



Largest offensive showing in more than three weeks helps Josh Hader win home debut

DAVENPORT, Iowa (AUG. 20, 2013) - The Quad Cities River Bandits tossed aside a 2-1, fifth-inning by scoring eight runs on 11 hits in the fifth through seventh innings to help left-hander Josh Hader win his five-inning, Quad Cities home debut and carry the team to its third straight victory with a 9-2 triumph over the Burlington Bees in front of 2,277 at Modern Woodmen Park Tuesday night.

Second baseman Austin Elkins and first baseman Bobby Borchering each homered for the River Bandits (33-23 second half, 71-54 overall) to win the four-game series over Burlington (23-34, 49-73). Quad Cities' nine runs on 14 hits were its highest totals since a 9-1 win with 15 hits in Beloit July 28, and the three-game winning streak is the longest since a season-high seven-game run July 28-Aug. 3.

Designated hitter Tony Kemp, center fielder Teoscar Hernandez and first baseman Bobby Borchering each had three hits, and Elkins had a game-high three RBIs. Quad Cities took the lead in the second inning, as Borchering doubled and scored on Elkins' sacrifice fly.

Hader stranded six baserunners in the first four innings, but in the fifth, he hit Bees third baseman Sherman Johnson before a single down the third-base line by second baseman Garrett Cannizaro, who was put out by shortstop Carlos Correa throwing to Elkins at second base. Bees designated hitter Exicardo Cayones hit a game-tying triple to center field and scored on a groundout by first baseman Wade Hinkle for the Bees' only lead at 2-1. Hader allowed five hits and two earned runs while walking two batters, hitting three and striking out two.


Elkins led off the bottom of the fifth with his first right-handed home run to left field that tied the game, 2-2. Catcher Roberto Pena doubled and moved to third base on a sacrifice by right fielder Jordan Scott. With Kemp batting and DeLoach's back to third base, Pena ran for the plate as Kemp put down a suicide squeeze bunt that went as an infield single and go-ahead RBI. Hernandez singled to end DeLoach's night after 4 1/3 innings, and Correa slapped a two-run single through the drawn-in infield for a 5-2 lead.


In the sixth, Elkins drew a leadoff walk against right-hander Jake Boyd and scored on Kemp's triple to right-center field, and Hernandez followed with an RBI triple to nearly the same spot - giving Quad Cities its first multi-triple game of the year. Borchering hit a seventh-inning, one-out home run to left field off left-hander Eswarlin Jimenez, who yielded an Elkins RBI double that made it 9-2. River Bandits right-hander Jamaine Cotton went three innings, and right-hander Patrick Christensen tossed the final inning of a shutout bullpen effort.


The River Bandits' scoring of at least seven runs activates the "Lucky Seven Run" promotion, as American TV & Appliance at 4800 Elmore Avenue in Davenport will offer a 40% discount on select furniture Wednesday, Aug. 21. Tuesday's victory also means The Captain's Table at 4801 River Drive in Moline will offer The Captain's Table Victory Discount on Wednesday, Aug. 21. Anyone who mentions the River Bandits victory can receive a free appetizer or dessert with the purchase of two lunches or dinners with beverages on Wednesday, Aug. 21. The River Bandits open a three-game series with first-place Cedar Rapids (39-18, 79-46) at 7 p.m. Wednesday, when right-hander Daniel Minor (7-3) is scheduled to face Kernels left-hander Miguel Sulbaran (6-4).


UP NEXT: All tickets are half price for Wednesday's game, and the first 1,000 fans receive a free River Bandits hat courtesy of Modern Woodmen of America. The River Bandits homestand continues through Friday, Aug. 23. Single-game tickets are on sale at the River Bandits box office at Modern Woodmen Park, by phone at  563-324-3000 and online at Season ticket and mini-plan packages start at just seven games and begin at less than $50. Call a River Bandits account representative today to choose your seats and get the details of our various mini-plan packages.


ABOUT THE BANDITS: The River Bandits ownership is making one of the biggest improvements to Modern Woodmen Park since the ballpark was first built back in 1931! A new Ferris wheel, standing 112 feet over the playing field, is planned for next spring, along with a carousel and other new games and attractions. This season, the team just unveiled a new 300-foot long dual zip line, a rock climbing wall, a Mediacom Frog Hopper, and a number of new bounce houses . The team also boasts a new major league affiliate, the Houston Astros, and fans can see the first team in Minor League Baseball history with back-to-back No. 1 overall draft picks - 2012 top pick Carlos Correa and 2013 top pick Mark Appel, as well as 2012 first-round draft choice Lance McCullers. With new rides, new attractions, new improvements, a new affiliate and future major league stars, the second half of this season is one every fan will not want to miss!



