Network Gets Boost from Partnership with Startup America

CHICAGO - May 20, 2011. CHICAGO - May 20, 2011. Governor Pat Quinn today launched the Illinois Innovation Network (IIN) to give our entrepreneurs the resources needed to build and grow their businesses and create more jobs. The IIN, which includes business and educational leaders, is the first initiative created by the Governor's Illinois Innovation Council, a public-private partnership launched in February to accelerate innovative economic development and job creation efforts in the state's flourishing startup sector.

Also today, the Governor announced Illinois is joining in the national effort to promote high-tech entrepreneurship by connecting the IlN with Startup Illinois, a component of the Startup America Partnership announced by President Obama earlier this year. Startup Illinois will let Illinois-based affiliates and entrepreneurs leverage technology, content and tools to access national resources, and celebrate local startup successes on a national stage.

"Innovation is the key to being competitive in the global marketplace, which is why we must do everything we can to help our businesses develop new and innovative ideas and technologies," said Governor Quinn. "Given our commitment to fostering innovation and helping businesses grow, it is only fitting that Startup America chose Illinois as its first Startup region."

The Governor announced the creation of the IIN today at Chicago's Merchandise Mart with members of the state's vibrant startup community. The IIN is a new effort to nurture creativity in the state's high-tech entrepreneurial sector, and galvanize collaboration between companies, educational institutions and community leaders to create sustainable jobs in the cutting-edge industries of the future. The Governor also unveiled the Network's website,, which will be expanded over the summer, to serve as a one-stop-shop for connecting entrepreneurs to services.

"There is nothing more important for Illinois' economic future than creating an environment throughout the state that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship on a daily basis. Governor Quinn and I both believe that Illinois has all of the assets and attributes to continue thriving on the world stage, but we must keep pushing the envelope in both the public and private sector to make this a reality," Illinois Innovation Council Brad Keywell said.

"Illinois has already built an incredibly promising ecosystem for entrepreneurs, due to the great work of organizations like the Illinois Innovation Council and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity," said Scott Case, CEO of the Startup America Partnership. "We're thrilled to work with Startup Illinois as the first local organization to utilize our resources and reach. Ultimately, entrepreneurs in Illinois will have access to not only a national platform through the Partnership, but exposure to the best practices of successful startup regions from across the country."

The Illinois Innovation Council is chaired by Groupon Co-Founder and Chairman Brad Keywell and is made up of key business executives across a variety of critical sectors, along with science, technology and university leaders. The council's mission is to promote, develop and attract innovation-driven enterprises and individuals to Illinois and to also develop policies to cultivate and retain entrepreneurs, innovative researchers and other enterprises.

Governor Quinn created the council based on a recommendation by the Governor's Economic Recovery Commission. For more information please visit


WASHINGTON - Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley is reiterating the need for a timely response from Attorney General Eric Holder to his Questions for the Record for Holder during the Attorney General's May 4th appearance before the Judiciary Committee.

Grassley said he wanted to reiterate his hearing questions for the record in a letter because of the timely nature of his oversight work on Operation Fast and Furious.  He said that generally, the Department of Justice takes at least five to eight months to respond to Questions for the Record.   Questions for the Record are additional questions to witnesses that appeared before the committee that are not able to be asked during a committee hearing or follow-up questions for the witness based on information provided during the hearing.

"I'll keep pressing for answers from the Attorney General.  The oversight work we're doing on the ATF's policy to let guns walk is incredibly important, and these questions should be answered in a timely manner, not the night before the Attorney General comes before the Judiciary Committee the next time," Grassley said

In January, Grassley began questioning the ATF policy that allowed guns to walk across the Mexican border after whistleblowers from within the ATF came to him to express dismay and concern about the ill-advised policy.  These whistleblowers had warned their higher-ups that the strategy would end up getting someone killed.  Their prophecy may have come true when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in a gunfight with suspected cartel members on December 14, 2010.  The senator has sent 13 letters to the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Customs and Border Patrol and the Department of State, nearly all have gone unanswered, including instances where the Justice Department provided inaccurate information.

Here is a copy of the text of Grassley's letter.  Here is a copy of the letter and the Questions for the Record.

May 16, 2011


The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Attorney General Holder:

Last week I submitted Questions for the Record (QFRs) following the Judiciary Committee hearing on Oversight of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Historically, the Justice Department generally takes five to eight months to respond to QFRs.  However, because of my ongoing investigation into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), I would appreciate receiving responses to questions on this topic much sooner.  Attached is a copy of those questions.  Please provide responses as soon as possible.

Additionally, I would like to reiterate the requests that have remained unanswered from my previous letters on this matter.

a)      In my letter of February 16, 2011, I requested that you provide:

1) All records relating to communications between the ATF and the Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) who sold the weapons to Avila, including any Report of Investigation (ROI) or other records relating to the December 17, 2009 meeting "to discuss his role as an FFL during this investigation."

2) All records relating to communications between ATF headquarters and Phoenix Special Agent in Charge (SAC) William Newell from December 1, 2010 to the present, including a memorandum, approximately 30 pages long, from SAC Newell to ATF headquarters following the arrest of Jaime Avila and the death of CBP Agent Brian Terry.

3) A copy of the presentation, approximately 200 pages long, that the Group 7 Supervisor made to officials at ATF Headquarters in the Spring of 2010.

4) Copies of all e-mails related to Operation Fast and Furious, the Jaime Avila case, or the death of CBP Agent Brian Terry sent to or from SAC Newell, Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) George Gillette, Group 7 Supervisor, or the Case Agent between November 1, 2009 and January 31, 2011.

I requested that these documents be provided on a rolling basis as they are identified and located.  I also requested that you please prioritize your search for documents and produce them in the following order: (1) documents in response to requests one through three, (2) documents in response to request four dated between December 13, 2010 and January 31, 2011, and (3) documents in response to request four dated between November 1, 2009 and December 13, 2010.

b)      After ICE Agent Jaime Zapata was brutally murdered in Mexico on February 15, I was shocked to learn that, like Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Agent Zapata had been killed with a weapon traced to an individual in the U.S. that the ATF had been aware was trafficking firearms.  Accordingly, in my March 4, 2011 letter, I requested answers to the following questions:

(1) Although the gun used in the assault on Agent Zapata that has been traced back to the U.S. was purchased on October 10, 2010, how can we know that it did not make its way down to Mexico after the November investigation, when the arrest of these three criminals might have prevented the gun from being trafficked and later used to murder Agent Zapata?

(2) When did law enforcement first become aware that Morrison purchased the gun?

(3) Given that the likely recipients of any trafficked guns were so close to the border, did any ATF personnel raise concerns about the possibility of those guns being used against U.S. law enforcement? If so, how did the ATF address those concerns?

(4) Did any ATF personnel raise concerns about the wisdom of allowing individuals like the Osorio brothers or Morrison to continue their activities after the November weapons transfer? If so, how did the ATF address those concerns?

In addition to answering those questions, I also requested all records relating to:

(5) When law enforcement officials first became aware of the trafficking activities of Otilio and Ranferi Osorio and Kelvin Morrison;

(6) Surveillance that may have been conducted on the Osorio brothers or Morrison prior to the November transfer of weapons between the ATF's confidential informant and the Osorio brothers and Morrison;

(7) The November transfer; and

(8) Any surveillance that law enforcement continued to conduct on the Osorio brothers or Morrison after the November transfer.

Finally, I requested a briefing on the Zapata matter.  I reiterated these requests in my letter of March 28, 2011, and am still awaiting both a response and a briefing.

c)      In my letter of April 8, 2011, I requested written answers to three questions.  The third read:

(3) What steps have you taken or do you plan to take to ensure that employees are aware of their right to communicate directly with Congress if they so choose?

In response, you provided me with information about the ATF providing its agents with information about the Whistleblower Protection Act in order to prevent retaliation against whistleblowers.  While that is appreciated, it does not respond to my question.  I asked about making employees aware of the appropriations provision that protects their right to communicate directly with Congress.  As I outlined in that letter:

[A]ttempts to prevent direct communications with Congress are not a lawfully authorized activity of any officer or employee of the United States whose salary is paid with appropriated funds.[1] Specifically, no officer or employee may attempt to prohibit or prevent "any other officer or employee of the Federal Government from having direct oral or written communication or contact with any Member, committee, or subcommittee of the Congress" about a matter related to his employment or the agency "in any way, irrespective of whether such communication or contact is at the initiative" of the employee or Congress (emphasis added).[2]

I wrote to you on January 31 to ensure you were aware of these provisions and to express concerns that without proper guidance, managers might inappropriately intimidate employees to discourage them from speaking with Congress and thus unlawfully interfere with a Congressional inquiry.[3] In order for Congress to exercise its oversight authority and act as a check on Executive power, it is crucial that agency employees are free to communicate directly with Members and Committee staff.  Direct contact means contacts that do not necessarily involve Congressional liaison or agency management. Without such direct, unfiltered communications, Congress would still be unaware of, and unable to inquire about, the serious allegations involving the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the sales of weapons to known and suspected gun traffickers.

Accordingly, please provide responses to the questions attached, as well as those outlined above, by May 30, 2011.  If you have any questions regarding this letter, please have your staff contact (202) 224-5225.  Thank you for your prompt attention these important issues.



Charles E. Grassley, Ranking Member


[1] Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010, P.L. 111-117, 123 Stat. 3034, § 714 (2010), as continued by §101

of continuing resolutions P.L. 111-242, 124 Stat. 2607 (2010) and P.L. 112-6, 125 Stat. 23 (2011)–which

extends the funding levels in the 2010 appropriations bills, as well as "the authority and conditions

provided in such Acts," through April 8, 2011.

2 Id.

3 18 U.S.C. § 1505 (providing criminal penalties for obstructing or impeding the power of Congressional


International Trade Commission Report Shows China's Practices Cost U.S. Billions in Economic Activity, Millions of Jobs 

Washington, DC - May 18, 2011 - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Senior Committee Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today demanded an end to China's violations of U.S. intellectual property rights (IPR) that cost the U.S. tens of billions of dollars in economic activity and millions of jobs.  The Senators' comments follow their release of a report they requested last year from the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) quantifying the impact of China's unfair policies on the American economy and jobs.

"China's unfair practices cost the U.S. billions of dollars and millions of jobs," said Baucus. "Time and time again, China has failed to protect and enforce American intellectual property rights, and it continues to discriminate unfairly against American businesses.  We cannot pretend that there aren't real consequences to these violations when these numbers show that millions of American jobs are on the line."


"American job creators and workers cannot afford to lose $48 billion to Chinese intellectual property piracy.  Our nation plays by the rules - so too must China," said Hatch. "I hope the report's findings spur the Administration to deepen their efforts to meet this challenge."

"China  wants the benefits of an economic relationship with the United States but won't hold up its end of the bargain," Grassley said. "Protecting a trading partner's intellectual property is Trade 101.   When China looks the other way on intellectual property theft, or unfairly favors Chinese-owned firms, it damages its credibility as a trading partner.  The effects on U.S. businesses and workers are real.  This report quantifies how extensive the damage is on the American economy.   It shows the importance of negotiating strong intellectual property protections in trade agreements and enforcing those rights once the agreements are in place."

According to the ITC report, China's IPR infringement cost the U.S. economy approximately $48 billion in 2009 alone.  Of that total, more than $26 billion came from the information and service sector and more than $18 billion came from the high-tech and heavy manufacturing sector, in addition to billions more from other sectors.  Although IPR infringement most commonly affects large firms, small and medium-sized firms are also affected.

The ITC report stated that if China complied with their current international obligations to protect and enforce IPR, 2.1 million jobs could be created in the U.S.  The most direct jobs impact would come in high-tech, innovative industries.

China's discriminatory indigenous innovation policies, the report said, also give preferential support to Chinese companies in a manner that may lead to additional U.S. job losses.  For example, the Chinese wind power market is skewed in favor of Chinese-owned firms to an extent that has dramatically reduced the market share belonging to foreign-owned companies.  China places local-content requirements on new wind farm construction that effectively locks foreign firms out of new contracts.  The Chinese government has not awarded a wind farm contract to a foreign-owned firm since 2005.

The report the Senators released today is the second in a pair they requested from the ITC. The first report, released in December 2010, outlined the structural and institutional impediments that undermine IPR enforcement and described China's indigenous innovation policies that discriminate against American companies.

The Senate Finance Committee has exclusive jurisdiction over international trade.  The full ITC report is available here.


Washington, DC - May 18, 2011 - Today, Congressman Bruce Braley (IA-01) released the following statement after receiving the Iowa Medical Society Presidential Citation Award. The award was presented to Rep. Braley by the Iowa Medical Society "in honor of his tireless work to restore geographic equity to physician Medicarereimbursement":

"Iowa doctors and hospitals provide some of the highest quality, lowest cost care in the country. But instead of rewarding this achievement, our Medicare system actually punished these providers with lower reimbursement rates than providers in other states. This is blatantly unfair, and threatens to discourage providers from giving patients the best possible care. I fought long and hard to fix this inequity during the health care negotiations, and I'm very proud of what we were able to accomplish with the great help of Iowa doctors and hospitals."


Throughout the debate on health care reform, Rep. Braley fought to address long-standing geographic disparities in Medicare reimbursements, and to increase reimbursements for high-quality, low-cost care.  Iowa doctors, hospitals, and health care providers have long suffered from an unfair Medicare formula, which reimbursed them at a lower rate thanproviders in other states - all while they were offering some of the highest quality, lowest-cost care in the nation. Thanks to Rep. Braley's efforts, Iowa doctors are now seeing a 10% increase in reimbursement rates and Iowa hospitals are receiving $33 million in additional reimbursements this year and next year.


Davenport Parks and Recreation is in the process of updating their Strategic Plan for 2020.  The Strategic Plan 2020 summarizes key areas of the Parks and Recreation Department and the related measurements and benchmarks that will help it realize the expectations of the community.


In April 2010, the Parks and Recreation staff adopted the current Strategic Plan 2020, with the intention of updating it annually.  A copy of the current Strategic Plan is available on our website at


There will be a series of three meetings in which the public can meet the Parks and Recreation management staff, and give their input on recreational programs, facility management and development, service delivery, and other areas of the Parks and Recreation Department. The public is welcome to attend any one of the following three meetings:


  • Thursday, May 26, 2011, 6pm at Red Hawk Event Center, 6364 Northwest Blvd
  • Thursday, June 2, 2011, 6pm at The River's Edge, 700 W River Dr
  • Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 6pm at Duck Creek Lodge, 3000 E Locust St

The six German Organizations of the Quad Cities:

  • American Schleswig-Holstein Heritage Society

  • German American Family Club

  • German American Heritage Center and Museum

  • German American National Congress

  • German American Pioneer Society

  • Schuetzen Park Guilde

will host their sixth annual Founders Day Celebration at the Walcott Cemetery, Walcott, Ia, on Saturday, May 28, from 9:45-11:00 AM.

The Master of Ceremonies will be former County Recorder Dick Hagen. The Walcott Legion Honor Guard will present the colors followed by Robyn Stender singing the National Anthem. Guest speakers will be State Representative Jeff Kaufmann and Gerald "Butch" Arp. Music will be performed by the ASHHS Choir and poetry read by Dick Stahl.

The area's German organizations invite all to help us pay tribute to those who came before us.

Please bring your own lawn chairs. In case of inclement weather, the event will be canceled.

For further information call (563) 943-2867.

MAY 19, 2011...Are you tired of worrying about your dog while you are away from home for even just a day? Do you wish your dog had companionship, activity and exercise while you are at work? Do you need help with house-training or teaching your dog good behavior?

The new Camp Canine at Animal Family Veterinary Care Center, Davenport, is just what the doctor ordered. Camp Canine is day care for dogs.

"Our goal is to care for the whole pet," says Scott Bernick, DVM, senior partner at Animal Family. "We want to look after our clients' pets' physical health and also their emotional well-being.

"Many of our clients lead busy lives that include long workdays," says Dr. Bernick. "They are looking for a safe place where they know their pet family member will be well-cared for, and enjoy spending time."

The new Camp Canine facility is designed with the pet in mind. The primary focus is on keeping pets socialized, happy and active during the day in a safe environment. The camp offers structured activities, outdoor playtime, dog-friendly toys, and time spent with other well-socialized peers.

Camp Canine is divided into sections that can safely accommodate the different ages, sizes and activity levels of the four-legged campers. There is a separate puppy care area to help younger pets learn to socialize with other dogs and allow for working on house-training and other social skills. Campers are supervised by knowledgeable, caring Camp Canine staff members.

All dogs are evaluated to ensure they are placed in an appropriate social setting. Dogs may be placed with one other dog, a group or just a camp staffer for one-on-one supervision. All pets at Camp Canine get quality playtime with a staff member multiple times throughout the day. In rainy or colder weather, playtimes may be shorter but more frequent.

Camp Canine hours are 7:30 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday; and 8 AM to 2 PM on Saturdays. Visits can be hourly, 1/2 day or all-day. Owners can purchase punch cards in 10- or 20-day increments. One free day is given for every 10 days purchased, or three free days for every 20 days purchased.

All dogs must be current on vaccines, including DHPP, Rabies, Bordetella, and receive flea with heartworm prevention every 30 days.

For additional information, please call Animal Family Veterinary Care Center at 563-391-9522 or visit

Animal Family Veterinary Care Center offers a full range of veterinary services, including the most up-to-date diagnostic, surgical, dental, and imaging tools and techniques. We also provide the very best in pet grooming, dog training, pet boarding and now Camp Canine.



Public Law 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance
Corps notifies levee owners of repair assistance for flood-damaged projects

ROCK ISLAND, ILL. - May 19, 2011 - Public sponsors of flood damage reduction projects sustaining flood damages between March 22 and May 18, 2011, can apply for repair assistance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District.  Applications are being accepted until June 18, 2011.

Under the authority of Public Law 84-99, the Corps can supplement local repair efforts of both non-federal (constructed by non-federal interests) and federal (Corps-constructed, locally operated and maintained) flood damage reduction projects damaged by flood waters.

Non-federal projects eligible for rehabilitation assistance must have been inspected, evaluated, and active in the Corps' Rehabilitation and Inspection Program prior to the onset of the flood, and still be active (based on the latest Corps Continuing Eligibility inspection) at the time of the flood.  Federal projects eligible for rehabilitation assistance must be in an active status by passing its last Inspection of Completed Works inspection.

Rehabilitation assistance will be provided by the Corps if the work is economically justifiable, the damage was sustained during the recent flood event, and the cost of repairs is more than $15,000.  Rehabilitation assistance for a non-federal project is cost shared between the public sponsor and the Corps.  The project sponsor must provide 20 percent of the cost of the rehabilitation assistance. Rehabilitation assistance for a federal project is 100 percent federally funded.  All repairs are contingent on funding by Congress.

If a sponsor believes their project may qualify for rehabilitation assistance, a written request must be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  Sponsors can download an "Application for Rehabilitation Assistance for Flood Damage Reduction Projects following a Flood Event," on the Web at:  Applications must be signed by an officer or responsible official of the public sponsor and mailed to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District
Emergency Management Division
Clock Tower Building, PO Box 2004
Rock Island, Illinois 61204-2004

Upon receipt of the public sponsor's request, the Corps will schedule an inspection with the sponsor.  Levee owners with questions concerning rehabilitation assistance can contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at 309-794-5325.

Web Links:

•       Application for Rehabilitation Assistance for Flood Damage Reduction Projects following a Flood Event:
•       U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District:
•       U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Emergency Management Office:
•       U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Levee Safety Program:

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The Muscatine County Arts Council is sponsoring free one-hour Sunday concerts at 6pm at the Pearl Plaza Patio, 208 West 2nd Street in downtown Muscatine.
  • June 12:  GEM Trio (piano, violin & cello)
  • July 10:  Guitar Serenade (Jam session to follow)
  • August 14:  Creepin' Charlies (Americana, Bluegrass style)
  • Sept 11:  Smorgasbord of Music with Delene McConnaha

Concerts will be held rain or shine. Bring your own chair.

Contact information: Duffy De France, 563-607-3213.

MOLINE, ILLINOIS - WQPT hosts their 12th annual Brew Ha Ha at LeClaire Park in downtown Davenport on Saturday, September 17th from 1 to 5 p.m.

Tickets for Brew Ha Ha are $20.00 prior to the event and $25.00 at the gate. Tickets are available in July at the WQPT offices located at 3800 Avenue of the Cities, Suite 101, Moline; Old Chicago in Bettendorf or at Attendees must be 21 or older. Children in strollers and animals will not be admitted.

Brew Ha Ha is a fundraising event to support WQPT, the local public television station serving eastern Iowa and western Illinois.

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