ISU Extension Short Course will Increase Grazing Knowledge and Skills

Livestock producers with an interest in beginning or transitioning grazing practices can sharpen their skills by attending Greenhorn Grazing workshops offered by Iowa State University Extension. The Greenhorn Grazing short course consists of five different modules taught over the grazing season.

"Greenhorn Grazing is designed for graziers interested in a more controlled or management- intensive grazing system," said Denise Schwab, ISU Extension livestock specialist. "Producers who want to optimize forage and livestock production, increase market access and conserve natural resources will find the modules very informative."

The course will cover concepts relevant to all producers of grass-based livestock, whether it is beef, dairy, sheep or other animals, according to Schwab. Greenhorn Grazing will be held around the Maquoketa area, but is designed for any producers in eastern Iowa. Each workshop will have a classroom component with experienced instructors and a hands-on field component.

The workshops will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m. and will last through late afternoon. The sessions are scheduled for June 8, July 6, August 4, August 30 and early November.

"Workshop topics covered by the instructors and during the associated field experiences will teach producers how to improve the productivity and use of their land," said Schwab. "Training such as this removes some of the perceived barriers associated with entry into the grass-based livestock industry and supports perennial grassland agriculture."

Cost of the short course is being largely offset by grants from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, and the Iowa Beef Center. The course fee is $75; participants are urged to attend all sessions, but fees for individual sessions are available. Fees include a resource notebook, speakers, and refreshments.

For more information on specific locations or to register, contact the Benton County Extension Office, at 319-472-4739. For more details contact Denise Schwab at (319) 721-9624 or


Updated Prairie Restoration Handbook Now Available

AMES, Iowa?A handbook for establishing and managing prairies on farmland, Incorporating Prairies into Multifunctional Landscapes (PMR 1007), has gone into its second printing, and the updated version is now available from the Iowa State University Extension  online Store.

Meghann Jarchow and Matt Liebman from the ISU Department of Agronomy developed the original publication in August 2010 and updated it for a second printing in February 2011. They conduct research on multi-year cropping systems as part of a team supported by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture's Ecology Initiative.

Less than 0.1 percent of Iowa's tallgrass prairies remain, largely because their rich soil makes the land desirable for agriculture. Yet prairies can reduce soil erosion and water pollution, provide wildlife habitat and mitigate flood events. The full-color, illustrated publication explains how farmers and landowners might incorporate prairies into their land to restore ecosystem services and potentially gain economic benefits from livestock grazing, hay production and carbon sequestration. "I have been delighted to hear how broadly the publication has been distributed and how well it has been received," Jarchow said. "I hoped that the publication could be useful to a wide range of audiences, and I have received positive feedback from numerous individuals including farmers, conservation organization workers, and university extension personnel."

At least 1,300 copies have been distributed to organizations in several states, such as Practical Farmers of Iowa, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Service. The content has been used in ISU classes and also will be part of an Iowa State University Extension program called "Homegrown Lifestyle," a 12-week course for people living on small acreages.

The updated version, which includes a new resource for Midwest prairie restoration, can be downloaded or print copies requested at no charge at  The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) and Iowa State University Extension sponsored the printing.


Yard and Garden: Rhubarb

Although it is classed as a vegetable, rhubarb is used as a fruit because its high acidity gives it a tart flavor. Iowa State University Extension horticulture specialists answer gardeners' questions about growing and using rhubarb. Whether questions come from gardeners planting their first rhubarb patch or maintaining an established planting, extension specialists answer questions using the most current research. Gardeners with additional questions can contact the experts by emailing or calling the ISU Extension horticulture  hotline at or 515-294-3108.

What would be a good planting site for rhubarb?

Rhubarb performs best in well-drained, fertile soils that are high in organic matter. Heavy, clay soils often can be improved by incorporating organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, into the upper 12 to 15 inches of soil. The planting site should also receive at least six to eight hours of direct sun each day. Avoid shady sites near trees and shrubs.

When can I start harvesting my newly planted rhubarb?

After planting rhubarb, it's best to wait two years (growing seasons) before harvesting any stalks. The two-year establishment period allows the plants to become strong and productive.

Rhubarb can be harvested over a four-week period in the third year. In the fourth and succeeding years, stalks can be harvested for eight to 10 weeks.

What is the correct way to harvest rhubarb?

Harvest rhubarb when the stalks are 10 to 15 inches long. Grasp the stalk near its base and pull up and slightly to one side. Immediately after harvesting the rhubarb, remove the leaf blades from the stalks with a sharp knife. Discard the foliage. The stalks can be placed in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator for two to four weeks.

When harvesting rhubarb, do not remove more than two-thirds of the fully developed stalks from any plant at any one time.

Are rhubarb leaves safe to put in the compost pile?

Although rhubarb leaves do contain poisonous oxalic acid, they can be placed in the compost pile. Oxalic acid, like other organic acids, is not readily absorbed by plant roots. Compost containing decomposed rhubarb leaves can be safely applied to the vegetable garden.

When should I stop harvesting rhubarb?

Gardeners should stop harvesting well established rhubarb plants in mid-June in Iowa. Continued harvest through the summer months weakens the rhubarb plants and reduces the yield and quality of next year's crop.  If the rhubarb plants are vigorous, pulling a few stalks and preparing a dish for a special occasion in summer shouldn't be a problem. Harvesting rhubarb in summer should be a one time event, not a frequent practice. Continued harvest through the summer months weakens the rhubarb plants and reduces the yield and quality of next year's crop. In general, it's best to stop harvesting rhubarb in mid-June in Iowa.

There is an erroneous belief that rhubarb stalks are poisonous in summer. The stalks will likely be a little tougher than those harvested in spring, but they are not poisonous. Plant vigor is the reason that rhubarb should not be harvested in summer.

Flower development is natural for rhubarb and most other plants. Drought, extreme heat and infertile soils may encourage flowering. Age is another factor. Old plants tend to flower more than young ones.

Regardless of the reason, flower stalks should be promptly pulled and discarded. Plants will be less productive if allowed to flower and set seeds.

Flower formation can be discouraged with good cultural practices. Water rhubarb plants every seven to 10 days during dry weather. Sprinkle ½ cup of an all-purpose garden fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, around each plant in early spring. Control weeds by shallow hoeing, hand pulling or mulching.


Plan Ahead to Reduce the Impact of Natural Disasters

AMES, Iowa - Before natural disasters strike, families should develop emergency plans and create emergency supply kits. This message is one Iowa State University Extension hopes Iowans will take seriously. Planning before the storm clouds gather and rivers rise will save lives, fear and panic. "Create plans, write them down and share them with friends or family," said Linda Fischer, ISU Extension regional director. "Be sure to talk with children about emergency plans." Fischer is a member of the Iowa State disaster planning team and works in conjunction with the Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) and the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) to build awareness of steps for natural disaster preparedness. The team is making several publications available that outline how people living in areas prone to tornadoes and floods can create an emergency plan and pack emergency supply kits.

"Iowans depend on their county extension office for answers after storms and floods hit; we want them to also think of extension as a resource for emergency preparedness," Fischer said.

Tornado preparedness

Fischer said to start by designating safe areas to survive a tornado. "Determine the best place to seek shelter from an impending tornado in your home and workplace," she said. "Be aware of designated tornado shelters in public buildings and private businesses. Use this information to create a plan, and if you have children, practice the plan. Be sure to take time to think about where you can find shelter if you are in a vehicle or outside."

Know where to seek shelter in your home:

  • Go to lowest level available (basement or cellar).
  • Find an inside room with no windows and strong walls.
  • If the room has windows, keep them closed.
  • If in a mobile home, get out and go to the nearest sturdy building.
  • Get under a piece of sturdy furniture, such as a workbench, or heavy table or desk, and hold on to it.
  • Use your arms to protect your head and neck, or use a heavy blanket or pillow to help protect you and to cover
  • your head.

"If you are in a vehicle or outside, never try to outdrive a tornado because it can change direction quickly and lift and toss your vehicle through the air," Fischer said. "Leave the car immediately and take shelter in a nearby building. If there is no building, lie flat in a ditch or depressed area, cover your head and watch for flooding."

Flood preparedness

Written emergency plans are also recommended for families, schools and workplaces in areas with the potential for flooding. Practice your plan, and share it with others. Plans that include home evacuation during the flood should include the following:

  • Take your disaster supply kits with you when evacuating.
  • Turn off utilities, and do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or in standing water.
  • Avoid walking through moving water.
  • Avoid driving into flooded areas.
  • Be cautious since floodwaters may be contaminated.
  • Create a Disaster Supply Kit

"Build disaster supply kits for all family members and pets for at least three days," Fischer said. "Make the kits so they
can be scaled down in case of evacuation. Preparing a kit for each child will add comfort and reassurance in a time of
stress and anxiety."

Basic kits should include :

  • Food and water
  • Medicines, copies of prescriptions, personal hygiene items, first aid supplies
  • Important documents, personal identification, copies of insurance
  • Cash or travelers checks
  • Other essential supplies that your family may need: flashlights, extra batteries, blankets, seasonal clothing, a
  • battery-operated or crank radio, a weather radio, cell phones and chargers
  • Additional items to include in a child's kit include : books and games, extra clothes and shoes, comfort food, whistle (to
  • blow to attract attention), paper with home address, parent's names and phone numbers, other emergency contact numbers,
  • current photo of the child and family, tooth brush and toothpaste.

For additional planning information and general information about tornadoes, flooding, helping children prepare for
emergencies and a list of first aid supplies contact your county extension office.


May 24:  Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office, 7pm

June 3:  Pesticide Applicator Testing, 10am-2pm at the Extension Office

June 28:  Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office, 7pm

July 1:  Pesticide Applicator Testing, 10am-2pm at the Extension Office

July 26:  Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office, 7pm

August 5:  Pesticide Applicator Testing, 10am-2pm at the Extension Office

August 23:  Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office, 7pm

September 2:  Pesticide Applicator Testing, 10am-2pm at the Extension Office

September 27:  Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office, 7pm

October 5:  Aquatic, Forest and Roadside Pest Management CIC, $35 if registered by 9/28/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am

October 7:  Pesticide Applicator Testing, 10am-2pm at the Extension Office

October 25:  Scott County Extension Council Meeting at the Extension Office, 7pm

October 27:  Mosquito & Public Health Pest Management CIC, $35 if registered by 10/20/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am

November 4:  Pesticide Applicator Testing, 10am-2pm at the Extension Office

November 9:  Ornamental & Turf Applicators CIC, $35 if registered by 11/2/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 1:30pm-4pm

November 16:  Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, and Plant Disease Management CIC, $35 if registered by 11/9/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am

November 29:  Fumigation CIC, $35 if registered by 11/22/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am

December 2:  Pesticide Applicator Testing, 10am-2pm at the Extension Office

December 7:  Pest Control Operators CIC, $35 if registered by 11/30/11, after that $45, at the Scott County Extension Office, 9am-11:30am

Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability.

Visit our events calendar at our web site:
By Senator Tom Harkin

Medicare is one of the real cornerstones of our middle class way of life in Iowa.  Thanks to Medicare, people of all walks of life have the peace of mind of knowing that, in their senior years, they will have guaranteed access to quality medical care.  We have always assumed that Medicare was something rock solid and permanent.  Unfortunately, there are some who want to end Medicare as we know it.  

Last month, the Republican controlled House of Representatives passed a budget that has profound implications for every American - but especially for seniors.  It calls for deep funding cuts to education and Medicaid, and it effectively ends the Medicare program. In its place, Republicans would give future seniors a voucher that they can use to purchase a private health insurance plan.  Our nation must find ways to address our nation's financial situation, but this proposal is absolutely unacceptable.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that, under this proposal, future seniors will have to pay two-thirds of the cost of their health insurance by 2030.  Those out-of-pocket costs will average more than $12,000 per person per year - more than double the current cost to seniors.  How is an elderly widow or widower struggling to live on a fixed income going to come up with $12,000 for health insurance?  Even worse, many seniors - especially those with serious health conditions - simply won't be able to find a health insurer that will offer an affordable plan.  This is simply not right - especially when people have paid into Medicare their entire life and count on it to deliver comprehensive health benefits.  

Many will say that those currently on Medicare will not be affected and that Americans 55 and older will be able to keep their current Medicare coverage.  That's a woefully short-sighted argument.  What will happen to the children and grandchildren of those currently on Medicare?  This cynical argument assumes that seniors don't care about the next generation, and in talking to Iowans about this issue, this is not true.  Frankly, in my opinion, the proposal to dismantle Medicare is not just unworkable and unfair; it is unconscionable.  

This is not meant to be a scare tactic, but a call to action.  I know Iowans will not stand for this unwise, unbalanced, unfair assault on their economic security and middle-class way of life.  The Republicans' proposed Medicare cut hasn't come before the Senate yet, and I will do everything I can to stop it.  I will do everything I can to protect the security and health of today's seniors, and all Americans who will one day turn to Medicare.  And I encourage all Iowans to voice their opposition to eliminating Medicare.

For more information, please feel free to visit my website at or contact any of my offices in Washington, D.C. or Iowa.

Davenport, IA (May 2011) ? On Thursday, May 19, the Figge says 'bon voyage' to two works from the collection that will soon go on loans to other institutions for upcoming exhibitions. Bruce Carter, host of WVIK's Art Talks, will lead an Art Talk at 7pm about Mrs. Chase in Pink by William Merritt Chase and Liz Taylor by Andy Warhol before they go on their summer vacations.

The Art Talk will explore the differences in the two featured paintings.  Figge staff will also talk briefly on how loans increase national and international visibility for the Figge and its collection.  Guests will be invited to take part in a special Thursdays at the Figge free art activity; inspired by Andy Warhol's vibrantly colored lithographic print of Elizabeth Taylor, guests can design their own portrait using a simple printing process.

Mrs. Chase in Pink will be loaned to The Paine Art Center and Gardens in Oshkosh, Wisconsin for their summer exhibition, William Merritt Chase: Family Portraits (June 18 to October 9, 2011).  The exhibition focuses on his portraits of his wife and children and will feature two dozen of his works, loaned from both public and private institutions.

Andy Warhol's Liz Taylor will be included in Warhol and the Diva (June 25 - September 25, 2011), an exhibition at The Lowery in Manchester, UK, coordinated in part by the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  The exhibition focuses on Warhol's depictions of some of the most iconic performance figures of the 20th century, including Marilyn Monroe, Liza Minnelli and Mick Jagger. It also explores' Warhol's identity as a diva, focusing on his transformation within his Self Portrait in Drag series.

This is not the first time that works from the Figge collection have been loaned to other institutions for major exhibitions.  This past October, one of the Figge's most treasured Mexican Colonial paintings, Baltasar de Echave Rioja's La Adoración de los Magos (The Adoration of the Maji), traveled to the Prado and the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain to be part of the exhibition Painting of the Kingdoms-Shared Identities and is now on view in Mexico City as part of an exhibition of the same name at the Museo Palacio Cultural Banamex (Antiguo Palacio de Iturbide).

To learn more about the La Adoración de los Magos's trip to Spain and to see an image of the Queen Sofia of Spain at the Palacio Real de Madrid with the Curator, Jonathan Brown, NYU, with the Figge's La Adoracioìn de los Magos in the background visit:

To learn more about the Figge's Thursdays at the Figge program, visit:



In honor of the great sacrifices all our veterans have made, the German American Heritage Center is offering free admission to the Center on Armed Forces Day, May 21, and on Memorial Sunday, May 29.


By showing identification, veterans may see our award-winning Immigration Experience Exhibit and step in the shoes of long ago immigrants as they tell their stories.


The Center is located at 712 West 2nd Street, Davenport (at the foot of the Centennial Bridge). Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM and Sunday 12:00 - 4:00 PM.  Cost for Non-veterans: Adults $5.00; Adults over 60 $4.00; Children 5-17 $3.00. Members are free.

Quilts of the Civil War Becky Wright, Presenter

Sunday, June 12, 2:00 p.m.

Becky Wright of Mt. Pleasant is a quilter, designer and owner of Orphans of War quilt patterns.  Her life-long love of history, especially the Civil War era, has led to researching and sharing her passion with others.  Becky appears in period costume; the main focus of her presentation is the importance of quilts and textiles during the Civil War.  Starting with the facts of the early history of textiles and sewing in the 1800's she leads the audience to the beginning of the conflict, tells how quickly the textile industry was impacted and explains the role it played in the war.  Becky's talk is enriched by a large display of antique quilts and reproduction quilts, vintage clothing, books and other artifacts.  Of special interest is an authentic quilt handcrafted by a German immigrant who served in the Union Army and sewed this quilt during his recovery from battle wounds.  This is an outstanding companion program to the first floor exhibit at GAHC in June and July, "Iowa in Civil War: The German Element."


This is a GAHC Special Event and will not be announced in the Infoblatt.  GAHC members may attend at no charge, but must obtain one ticket per member at the GAHC reception desk at the Center.  Members may also send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the GAHC office for ticket requests, which will be honored one per member.  We ask your kind cooperation in not phoning to request tickets.  Please respond early and alert your GAHC friends who may not receive this electronic message.  Public sale of tickets will begin on May 31, 2011 at $8.00 each.   Seating is limited - act promptly!

Questions may be directed or phone (563) 322-8844.


Dr. Egon W. Gerdes, Executive Director
German American Heritage Center

German American Heritage Center
712 W Second Street
Davenport, Iowa 52802

Washington, DC - May 17, 2011 - Today, Congressman Bruce Braley (IA-01) released the following statement after officials reported that Pvt. 2 Alexander Meyer, an Iowa National Guard soldier from Ainsworth, was wounded by gunfire in Afghanistan:

"My thoughts and prayers go out to Alexander and his family. As he begins his recovery in Germany, I hope he knows we're all pulling for him. This has been a very difficult time for all Iowans and the entire National Guard family. My heart goes out to all these brave young men and women and their families."


Three Iowans were killed in Afghanistan in April.


Amana - Dinner and a show, what can be better? Especially if the dinner is a delicious buffet and the show a bittersweet love story performed by The Old Creamery Theatre Company at Fireside Winery, in rural Marengo.

Sounds too good to be true, but come Thursday, June 9 at 6:30 pm, Fireside Winery will serve up a dinner buffet complete with assorted salads, shrimp scampi, bacon wrapped pork loin in a plum sauce, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans with almonds and a mixed berry stack for dessert.

The Old Creamery Theatre will take to the stage at 7:30 p.m. for Love Letters, a love story that traces the lifelong correspondence of Andrew and Melissa, two very different people who care deeply for one another. Their relationship spans decades and comes to life through their letters to one another. Love Letters features Tom Milligan and Deborah Kennedy of The Old Creamery Theatre.

Tickets for dinner and the show are $40 per person and will include a free glass of wine of choice. To purchase tickets and make reservations, call Fireside Winery (319) 662-4222. Tickets are non refundable and the event will be held rain or shine.

Love Letters will also be performed at Fireside Winery on Saturday, July 23 and Thursday, July 28. The dinner buffet will again be served but the menu will vary. Call Fireside Winery for details.

Fireside Winery is a locally owned family winery in rural Marengo on P Avenue (County Rd V77) between Highway 6 and the I - 80 Williamsburg exit, across the road from the Conroy First Lutheran Church. Complete directions can be found on the website at

The Old Creamery Theatre Company is a not-for-profit professional theatre founded in 1971 in Garrison, Iowa. The company is celebrating 40 years of bringing live, professional theatre to the people of Iowa and the Midwest.

EVANSVILLE, IN (05/17/2011)(readMedia)-- The University of Evansville is proud to announce that Andrea Solomonson of Orion, IL, has achieved a place on the Dean's List.

Solomonson, a Management major, made the Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2011. To make the Dean's List, a student at UE must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.

"At the University of Evansville, students experience a rigorous curriculum built on exposure to great ideas, timeless themes, significant questions, and multiple perspectives," said UE President Thomas A. Kazee. "Earning a place on the Dean's List shows incredible commitment to academic achievement, and students such as Andrea Solomonson and their families should be incredibly proud of this accomplishment."

Grassley Comment on Wasteful Spending at Public Housing Authorities

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa has been tracking wasteful spending at public housing authorities including those in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Puerto Rico.  He made the following comment on an audit released today, showing the Philadelphia Housing Authority wasted millions of dollars from the federal stimulus package.  The audit is available here.

"This audit is the latest example of the Philadelphia Housing Authority's, and ultimately HUD's, failure to protect residents and taxpayers.  The housing authority has been a Bermuda Triangle for tax dollars. The primary people being helped are shady developers and law firms.  It's frustrating to see such blatant abuse of tax dollars.  The stimulus act included $4 billion for public housing agencies nationwide.  The millions of stimulus dollars wasted in Philadelphia call into question whether the rest of the $4 billion was wasted just as badly.  The Philadelphia Housing Authority is the fourth-largest in the country, and it paid millions of dollars to outside law firms to obstruct inspector general audits.  If other housing agencies are as troubled, and with the Obama administration's requiring little accountability for spending, we might never know whether stimulus money for housing was spent as intended or how much went down the drain."

Grassley Presses Agency for Answers on Wireless Network Project

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa is seeking disclosure and transparency from the Federal Communications Commission about a new wireless Internet network project that appears on a fast track for approval from the agency, despite concerns about the impact on other technologies and possible financial problems behind the operation.

"This project is controversial for two reasons.  One, there are questions about whether it will block GPS technology, which is important to agriculture and other industries.  Two, the principal behind this project is said to be under investigation by another agency for his financial dealings," Grassley said.  "The FCC's unusual fast-tracking of this project before its effects have been fully tested raises questions about whether the agency did its due diligence.   I'm looking for answers to these questions so taxpayers can be assured that the government is treating public property the way it ought to be treated.   So far, the FCC hasn't provided any of the information I've requested.  It should, in the interest of transparency in doing the public's business."

Grassley recently wrote to the FCC, asking for information related to the agency's consideration of the LightSquared project, which various industries warn would produce signals that could jam existing navigation systems used in farming, air travel, law enforcement, by the military and in general consumer navigation.  The head of the hedge fund behind the project told investors that his firm is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for allegations of market manipulation, according to media reports.  The firm has been the subject of considerable media attention for losing large amounts of money and other controversies including whether the firm should have told investors in a timely fashion about a $113 million loan it extended to the principal of the firm.

Grassley has not received the information he requested from the FCC.  "This is an agency with a lot of power over public air waves," Grassley said.  "I'll continue to ask for information in the public's interest."

This week, officials in the Las Vegas area say GPS could be unavailable as LightSquared technology is tested, causing concern for military operations and other non-commercial pilots.

The FCC has granted a conditional waiver for LightSquared to proceed with its wireless network.  A coalition of groups has objected to what it considers the unprecedented speed with which the FCC is allowing the company to move forward.

The text of Grassley's letter to the FCC is available here.

Grassley Urges Action for Keystone Pipeline with Canada

Senator Says the Decision is Important for American Consumers Paying High Gas Prices

WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley is urging Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to make a prompt decision on the international Keystone XL pipeline project.

"Consumers need action on high gas prices, and we ought to move forward on this project." Grassley said about his letter to Clinton.  "Canada is a steady and reliable neighbor.  The pipeline needs to be built safely and responsibly.  And, whether or not the United States approves the project, the oil will be produced in Canada, and if it doesn't come to the United States, then China likely will get it.  So, this project is one thing the administration can be doing and should be doing to increase the supply of energy and thereby reduce prices at the pump for consumers."

The Keystone XL pipeline was approved more than a year ago by the Canadian National Energy Board.  It would provide 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day and help to counteract both insufficient domestic oil supplies in the United States and reduce dependence on less reliable foreign sources, including Venezuela, Libya or OPEC members.

