Planet Funk Con at the Davenport RiverCenter -- June 28 through 30.
Friday, June 28, through Sunday, June 30
Davenport RiverCenter, 136 East Third Street, Davenport IA
Live performances, games, tournaments, cosplay competitions, and loads of special guests will be on hand when the Davenport RiverCenter hosts the June 28 through 30 convention Planet Funk Con 2024, a weekend event housing entertainment, presentations, panel discussions, and more for connoisseurs and collectors of all ages.
Attending as special guests for this year's Planet Funk Con are: Eric Stuart; Dan Green; Catherine Sutherland; Kate Griffin; Brian F. Colin; Kiera Hogan; Carlos Alazraqui; Isaak Wells; Linda Ballantyne; Sam Vincent; Ted DiBiase; Michaela Jill Murphy; Powers of Pain; Andrey Ivchenko; Brad Jones; Matt Hill; Eddie Deezen; and D-von Dudley. Invited artists include: Ben Templesmith; Charles Simpson; John Bivens; Breed; Ken Christiansen; Mark Stegbauer; Ben Wolf; Steve Bryant; Mikey Babinskil and Paul Niemeyer.
This year's roster of cosplayers boasts: Alys Belyn; Celtic Honey; Above and Beyond Causeplay; La Vie Cosplay; FoxC; DawnStarCosplays; gabbee19cosplay; Josh Torche; Outtaline Cosplay; and TheLadyLoki. And the Planet Funk Con 2024 entertainers are: Gaea's Greenhouse Maid Cafe; The Brickhead Family; Johnny Cass; The Raconteur Society; Royal Queen Crystal Crown Cabaret; Iowa Ghostbusters & ECTO IA; and the 501st Legion Central Garrison-Korriban Squad. Full biographies for all of this year's guests are available at PlanetFunkCon.com.
In the RiverCenter's Arkansas Room, Friday's schedule will feature: "Belonging and the Cosplay Community," hosted by Eric Wesselmann at 4 p.m.; "Safety and Incorporation of Props into Cosplay," hosted by Celtic Honey at 5 p.m.; and "Making a Career as an Internet Personality with Brad Jones & Isaak Wells," hosted by Wesselmann at 6 p.m. On Saturday, Wesselmann will host a half dozen presentations: "Morphenomenal Panel w/ Catherine Sutherland" at 11 a.m.; "The Heroes We Need: X-Men, Diversity, & Identity" at noon; "Yu-Gi-Oh Reunion with Eric Stuart & Dan Green" at 1 p.m.; "Ed, Edd n Eddy Reunion with Matt Hill & Sam Vincent" at 2 p.m.; "Sailor Moon Reunion with Linda Ballantyne & Katie Griffin" at 3 p.m.; and "Nicktoons/Cartoon Network Voice Actors Carlos Alrazraqui, and Eddie Deezen" at 4 p.m. Saturday's Arkansas Room events will conclude with the true-crime “death do us part podcast," hosted by Mark Kashirsky at 5 p.m.
The Wabash Room will boast a Card Game Area on Saturday at noon, while a Maid Cafe will transpire in the RverCenter's Wisconsin Room on Friday (at 2 and 5 p.m.), Saturday (at 11 a.m., and 1 and 3 p.m.), and Sunday (11 a.m. and 2 p.m.).
A number of exciting events, meanwhile, are scheduled for Planet Funk Con's weekend on the Main Stage. On Friday, host LaVie Cosplay will present "The Sh*t Cosplayers Say," a comedy show for ages 18 and older starting at 8 p.m. Saturday's lineup will feature: "Avatar: The Styles Behind The Elements," hosted by Celtic Honey at 11 a.m.; the Fruity Idols' live performance, hosted by Trix Young at noon; the Queen Royal live show at 1 p.m.; the Cosplay Competition at 6 p.m.; and host Josh Kahn presenting the Crystal Crown Cabaret Burlesque Show, an 18-and-older event starting at 7 p.m. And on Sunday, host Eric Wesselmann will host a noon wrestler Q&A with Ted Dibiase, Powers of Pain, and Kiera Hogan.
Tickets to the June 28 through 30 Planet Funk Con 2024 are $10-15 for daily passes, $30-60 for weekend passes, and $30 for a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament pass. For more information and tickets, visit PlanetFunkCon.com.