Chef Joseph Yoon Tasting Event and Lecture at Nest Cafe and Augustana College -- May 11 and 13.
Tasting Event: Saturday, May 11, 6 p.m.
Nest Cafe, 1525 Fourth Avenue, Rock Island IL
Lecture: Monday, May 13, 5:30 p.m.
Augustana College's Gävle Rooms of the Gerber Center, 3435 Ninth-and-a-Half Street, Rock Island IL
In collaboration with Augustana College, a world-renowned chef and leader in the field of entomophagy – the eating of insects – will introduce participants to familiar foods augmented by some unfamiliar ingredients on May 11 and 13, when Chef Joseph Yoon presents a tasting event at Rock Islanmd's Nest Cafe on May 11 and a lecture at Augustana College's Gerber Center on May 13.
A pioneering member of The Explorers Club and Chef Advocate for the UN’s IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), Joseph Yoon leads global change as the founder of Brooklyn Bugs and the Culinary Director for the Insects to Feed the World Conference. Brooklyn Bugs' mission is to raise appreciation and awareness for edible insects and share the tremendous potential and innovation of insect agriculture through delicious, educational, creative, and interdisciplinary programming. A core part of its outreach is to engage and educate people of all ages, and with over 250 days of touring across five continents since covid, Yoon champions the immense potential of insect agriculture, helping to reshape its significance for humanity.
Yoon's fervor extends beyond culinary innovation, as he strives to bridge cultures, connecting with local and indigenous groups while honoring and amplifying the wisdom and traditions of these communities. Regularly featured in major press around the world, Yoon reimagines the perceptions of edible insects, battling shame cast by globalization and ensuring equitable representation for traditions long overshadowed in the culinary landscape. His advocacy echoes globally, resonating with the UN’s 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and emphasizing the importance of inclusivity in reshaping our approach to sustainable food systems.
On May 11, a 6 p.m. tasting event held at Rock Island's Nest Cafe will find Chef Yoon and the venue's Chef Elly Voss introducing guests to the notion of edible insects by including them in a variety of familiar and delicious appetizers. Tickets are $40, and reservations can be made by visiting NestCafeQC.org.
And on May 13, Yoon will present the Roys Lecture in the Gävle Rooms of Augustana College's Gerber Center, During the 5:30 p.m. event, attendees will have an opportunity to eat food prepared by Yoon featuring insect ingredients. The presentation is made possible by the Lawrence H. Roys Endowment, which honors the memory of Lawrence Roys, an engineer, businessman and nationally acclaimed natural scientist, and the Roys Endowment funds lectures by visiting scholars in the field of natural science. Registration to the lecture is required, public tickets are $5, and admission for Augustana students and staff is free. For more information, contact Nicole Lauer at (309)794-7645 and nicolelauer@augustana.edu.