Words of Edgar Allen Poe on Stage at Rock Island Library on Monday
E. A. POE: Edgar Allan Poe's Imagination: Monday, Oct. 14, 6:00 pm, Rock Island Main Library Community Room, 401 19th Street. Free and Open to the Public
Rock Island, IL: Actor Dan Haughey (pronounced Hoi) will bring the words of Edgar Allen Poe to life in EA. POE: Edgar Allan Poe's Imagination! a one-man show on the work of Edgar Allen Poe, at 6:00 pm on Monday, October 14, at the Rock Island Main Library, 401 19th Street.
Dan Haughey becomes a modern literary critic for a prominent newspaper as he interprets excerpts from some of Poe's most entertaining and creative works. In this 45-minute drama some of Poe's greatest poems, short stories, and satires will be presented. Haughey both performs and critiques Poe's work in the guise of a skeptical critic. Works will include The Raven, Annabel Lee, The Bells, and The TellTale Heart.
The event is free and open to the public.