Come To Genesis Before Prom, Not After

DAVENPORT, Iowa - April 3, 2013 -- The final month of high school can provide life-long memories of prom and graduation. However, for hundreds of American teens, their friends and their families, spring becomes
a reminder of tragic loss or devastating injury.

Hundreds of teens die across the country each year in alcohol-related vehicle accidents in the final months of the school year.

The trauma services department at Genesis Medical Center, Davenport wants to make sure the upcoming proms are good memories for Quad Cities teenagers by stressing this message: "We want to see you before
prom ... Not after!''

On Saturday, April 27 from 3-6 p.m., Genesis will be offering free, professionally taken prom photos at the campus of Genesis Medical Center, East Rusholme Street. The photos are shot with the attractive backdrop of
the fountains in front of the hospital. Each individual (two photos per couple) will receive a free 5-by-7 color photo.

There will also be an option to have the photos uploaded to Facebook pages rather than receiving photo prints.

Prom-goers taking advantage of the offer will be asked to sign a pledge that they will have not use alcohol or illegal drugs on prom night; they will use their seatbelts; and, they will not be distracted drivers. By signing the
pledge, they will be entered in a drawing for a $100 gift card.

"Prom Night should be a positive experience with wonderful memories. There is nothing more tragic for a family or friends than to go through a Prom Night accident that could have been prevented by simply practicing
safe driving on the special night,'' said Andrea Bladel, Trauma Coordinator, Genesis Medical Center, East Rusholme St. "We hope everyone going to the prom will come and see us before the prom to have their picture taken and to sign a safe driving pledge so that we don't see them under much sadder, or even tragic circumstances, on prom night.''

No reservations are required for the photos. For more information, call (563) 421-9275.

Davenport Central, Davenport North and Davenport West will be among the high schools celebrating proms on April 27.

Here are safe prom tips from Genesis for parents and teens:

  1. Discuss your plans with your date and friends ahead of time. Know your plan and discuss the plan with your parents.
  2. Plan ahead how you will say "no'' to alcohol or illegal drugs if they are offered.
  3. Keep your parents informed about a change in plans after the prom.
  4. Tell them where you are going and assure them you will keep your cell phone on.
  5. Teens should know where their parents will be in case they need to reach them quickly.
  6. Keep an eye on your date, driver and your friends to make sure they don't drink alcohol during the night.
  7. Plan no-alcohol, post-prom activities in advance, such as cards or board games and snacks at someone's house; a karaoke party; or keep dancing at someone's house.
  8. If you are uncomfortable with the way the night is going, call your parents, a friend, or a cab and go home.


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