Amendment cosponsored by Loebsack to support bus transit systems included

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after the House passed a six year, bipartisan Highway Reauthorization bill. Loebsack helped lead the fight to include a bipartisan provision that will make additional funding available for a competitive grant program supporting bus transit services in Iowa and nationwide. The legislation now heads to a Conference Committee where the differences between the House bill and the legislation that passed the Senate earlier this year will be worked out.

"I am pleased that Democrats and Republicans could come together and pass a bipartisan, long term transportation bill. This bill will help create jobs in Iowa and give communities the certainty needed to invest in necessary infrastructure improvements.

"It is clear to any Iowan who drives a car or truck, rides the rails or flies in an airplane that a long-term highway plan is badly needed. A modern, safe and efficient transportation authorization will not only create jobs now for the construction industry, but it will also set the stage for long term job creation and economic growth. While the work on this legislation is not yet finished, this is a step in the right direction by investing in infrastructure so our businesses and farmers can compete effectively in the 21st Century global economy."


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