Before turning my attention to the area-theatre scene, allow me a moment to address another favorite topic: me.
I seem to have caused some confusion after announcing that I'd no longer be reviewing theatre for the Reader, at least based on how many people have approached me asking variations on, "What are you going to do now?!" (Eventually, I had to go back to the Reader's online call-for-entry to make sure I didn't mistakenly announce that I was quitting or got canned.)
Rest assured - or I'm sorry, whichever the case may be - that nothing else has changed so far as my Reader tenure is concerned; I'm just handing over theatre-reviewing duties/pleasures to others. But I'll still be writing about theatre, and staying actively involved as both a patron and, when I'm fortunate, a participant.
(This is the moment where, if I were a raging egotist, I would write, "So be on the lookout for forthcoming productions of Fool for Love and Cyrano de Bergerac!" Thankfully, though, I'm not that guy.)
But enough about me.
In all seriousness, it has been an unbelievable privilege to offer my analyses and opinions about the area's theatre scene over the past 56 months. But you'll get enough of my gushing within the Year in Theatre coverage, so what say we turn our attention to others?
I'm offering a rough idea of the thrill I found on area stages through 10 productions that reminded me why theatre is, and always has been, my all-time-favorite art form. But if you want to delve further into 2009's output, you can also check out my thoughts on 12 notable performances, 12 theatre participants you've maybe seen a lot of lately, and five memorable ensembles, musical numbers, visuals, romantic pairings, newcomers, college students, younger-than-college-age students, and - wrapping it all up with a bow - exits.
While hanging around the Reader's theatre section, feel free to also check out the new review database, where you'll find all of our theatre critiques since July of 2000. And if, upon reading one, you're especially interested in a particular show/performer/director/technician/venue/company, click on the corresponding tag at the bottom of the article, which will guide you to all of the Reader's theatre-section mentions of the subject over the past nine-plus years - reviews, previews, non sequiturs, and what have you.
But the best way to stay hip to what's happening in our area's incredibly vibrant theatre community? Buy a ticket. To (incorrectly) paraphrase Glengarry Glen Ross playwright David Mamet: Something always be opening.
The Player Is the Thing: A Dozen Memorable Performances
The Essentials 2009: A Dozen Names to Remember... and a Bunch You Shouldn't Forget