MOLINE, ILLINOIS (June 17, 2024) The House Flies, a captivating band that cannot be categorized into a specific genre, originating from Moline, Illinois, announce their new album called Mannequin Deposit, to be released on July 2. This release will be an interesting addition to the post-punk, goth rock, alternative, shoegaze, and grunge styles.

GALENA, ILLINOIS (May 10, 2024) — Corkless in Galena, Summer of 2024’s exclusive wine event celebrating Illinois’ family and local owned wineries, will be held Saturday, June 22, 12-6PM, at Depot Park, 91 Bouthillier St, Galena. Spend an afternoon sipping handmade wines of five Illinois wineries. Taste fabulous food from regional food trucks. Listen to world-class live music while visiting with local artists showcasing incredible handmade creations.

Colorado Governor Oliver Shoup signs the ratification document for the 19th Amendment December 12, 1919. Colorado was the 22nd state to ratify the amendment, which required 36 states. Tennessee was the thirty-sixth state on August 18, 1920. The amendment officially was adopted August 26, 1920

ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (July 24, 2023) — The public is invited to join a Quad Cities celebration of Women's Equality Day on Saturday, August 26.


ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS (September 20, 2019) — Having had successes with her lsat two shows, QC photographer will display again at Rozz-Tox (3rd Avenue Rock Island). There will be an opening-reception for Eden at 5-7PM on 10/04.