Looking for some financial stability in these tough economic times? Then head over to "Celebrate Savings," at Washington Jr. High, 3300 18th Ave. Rock Island, on Saturday, November 8, 9:00 a.m. - Noon for a morning of financial fodder to straighten out your budget, take control of your spending and save a few dollars at the grocery store. The event features financial resources for the whole family, from saving some green in your wallet to saving some green in the environment.
Some topics include :
• Budgeting and Paying Down Debt
• Accessing & Reviewing Your Credit Report
• Save Green by Being More Energy Efficient
• Holiday Dining for Less
• Teen Tycoons: Cash in Your Wallet and in the Bank (for ages 12 - 18)
• Saving Money at the Grocery Store
• Staying Calm During Tough Economic Times
The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. Childcare is offered for children ages 4 - 11. Seminar topics will start at 9:00 a.m. and run every half hour until noon.
"Financial literacy is definitely important in times of economic crisis," says Nancy Hanna of Neighborhood Partners. "It's essential to know where your dollar is going and to have the knowledge you need to take charge of your financial well being."
Sponsors of the event are the Rock Island School District, Rock Island Neighborhood Partners Knowledge Through Neighbors Task Force, Rock Island Neighborhood Partners School-Community Task Force and QC Dollarwise. For more information call 309-732-2900.