It is hard to believe this is our 400th issue. It doesn't seem possible. It's been over nine years. Our first issue came out September 23, 1993. We were monthly for 20 issues and then bi-weekly for two in June of 1995, going weekly in July of that year.
While the voter turnout for last September's Davenport school-board election was dismally low, the highest vote-getter in nearly every precinct, including east Davenport's three precincts, was Grant parent Alan Guard.
"The best way to explain natural (bio-identical) hormone-replacement therapy is to compare it to the history of insulin," explained Lisa Ploehn, clinical pharmacy specialist and owner of Main at Locust Pharmacy in Davenport.
The dumbing down of America via the mainstream media's commercialization of news has reached unprecedented levels of irresponsibility. Over the past three weeks, a terrible rampage of random shootings of innocent and unrelated victims has plagued the Washington, D.
One of the magical things about art is its subjectivity. One man's trash is another man's treasure. The artist is able to express him- or herself without the normal constraints that apply to everyday life. In turn, the viewer is able to respond to an object of art with a unique freedom that only art allows.
Think of a ship at sea aimlessly wandering because, after tossing the captain overboard, none of the crew knew how to work the rudder. This is analogous to Davenport's situation after firing City Administrator Jim Pierce in 2000.
I am astounded by the controversy surrounding the issue of debating a possible war with Iraq. I can't imagine that such a debate in Congress would even be questioned, let alone objected to by either the administration or the public.
The Davenport Community School Board elections are over, and there is good news and bad. The good news is that Grant School parent Alan Guard was the top vote-getter throughout the majority of the city, representing the community's desire for real change in the district.
The current Davenport zoning issue for the old H&W property located on North Brady across from the Walnut Center is not so confusing when you strip away all the complexities involved and take a basic, common-sense approach.
There are several components to Davenport's zoning function: the city's Plan & Zoning Department (PZD); the Plan & Zoning Commission (PZC), which is a recommending body made up of citizens; and the Zoning Board of Adjustments (ZBA), which is a quasi-judicial body of citizens with the authority to decide certain zoning issues.
