In this age of high tech, there are some new services available that literally change the quality of your life. Online grocery shopping is one of them. I was introduced to this new way of marketing through Hy-Vee in Bettendorf (Devils Glen location, but all Quad Cities Hy-Vee stores offer the service) after reading about the trend nationally.
American voters are in for a rude awakening if we continue to ignore the loss of identity that plagues the two major political parties. One's party affiliation should help define how one's candidate conducts him- or herself with regard to policy and legislation.
It appears that no amount of contempt from American voters can change the methodology by which candidates, running for elected office, campaign. Predictably, during election years, the public is exposed to the same tired messages, delivered with the same contrived sincerity, that promise all kinds of positive changes, including solutions to the most pressing issues of the day.
Ask Quad Citians what red brick building sits at the foot of the Arsenal Bridge in downtown Davenport, with the slogan "Welcome to Iowa" crudely painted on its side, and most will tell you, "The Judy's Antiques building.

Here we go again, forced to suffer playground politics with Davenport's city council, evidenced by infighting rather than cooperating, reacting instead of reasoning, and plotting versus planning. This term, the thorn in the Davenport council's side is Ward 3 Alderman Keith Meyer, who used bad judgment in delivering a Christmas carol that was less-than-flattering to various aldermen.

For many of us, Christmas can be a stressful time due to the strain on finances that gift-giving can cause. We look for bargains and value-added without sacrificing quality. Well, as luck would have it, this year brings a new Quad Cities enterprise that provides all of the above and much more.
Many Republicans must be fairly dumbstruck this week, after the recent vote (55-44) to pass a new Medicare bill that critics say is no reform at all, especially because it only significantly benefits the pharmaceutical and insurance companies, giving precious little relief to seniors and other participants in Medicare.
Anniversaries are great motivators for self-evaluation - a good time to take stock of where you've been and where you're going. In taking such stock of our 10-year history, the themes watchdog, critic, and cheerleader rise to the top.
You are always writing that we, as citizens of the USA, are obligated to exercise our right to vote. I agree, however, this Tuesday, November 4, we have a citywide election in Davenport and quite frankly, neither mayoral candidate on the ballot looks like an attractive candidate.
For those Quad Citians who experienced the late '60s as young adults (my friends and I were still in our early teens, but no less loving rock 'n roll as the great catharsis of strong emotion), The Night People sustained us in an era of incredible creativity and music that will never fade away.
