Back in 1996, MidCoast Fine Arts exported its "art-in-the-empty-storefronts" model from the Rock Island District to downtown Davenport with the Art Under Glass program. Rotating juried exhibits of local and regional art have filled the empty storefronts of the Redstone and the Parker buildings on 2nd Street ever since.
The largest contingent of Quad Cities' private business and public sector leaders ever assembled flew to Washington, DC, last week and spent three days meeting face-to-face with all eight of our region's elected federal legislators.
"Forty years ago, if an American man or woman meant to have an artistic career, you got on the train to New York. Today, you can be a violinist in North Carolina, a writer in Iowa, a painter in Utah." - Garrison Keillor, March 29, 1990 Like many businesses here, the Reader is participating in an exciting mission to help position our Quad Cities community as a top-tier Midwestern destination for people to live, work, and play.
Is anyone else getting tired of the world-according-to-the-armchair-quarterbacks-at-the- Quad-City-Times? Case in point: "Keeping Score in the Quality of Life," published on Sunday, March 25. Drawing on "the observations of hundreds of Quad Citians, scores of reports, and visits to other similarly sized U.
The hypocrisy and self-serving nature of the Quad City Times' editorial page knows no bounds. Case in point No. 1: Editor John Humenik's posturing on "An emotional price for finding the truth," which appeared last Sunday.
This week's cover of the River Cities' Reader features Hand of Power, a 1997 print by Enrique Chagoya. The Augustana College Art Gallery will be exhibiting From a Borderless World: Works of Enrique Chagoya through March 28, and the artist will give a public convocation program at the college's Centennial Hall at 10:30 a.
When DavenportOne was formed, in part, out of the consolidation of the several separate but similar downtown groups earlier this year, I was skeptical of how decisions were going to be made on future spending, vision, and the organization of our city's core.
Two weeks ago, the Riverboat Development Authority announced $1.55 million in grants for its fall cycle. The list of awardees follows. • Aids Project Quad Cities (endowment match): $15,000 • American Legion Post 548 (repairs on building): $6,900 • Bettendorf, City of, Department of Parks and Recreation (skatepark development): $15,000 • Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Society (sponsorship and marketing): $25,000 • Boy Scouts of America Illowa Council 133 (dining hall/kitchen improvements): $20,000 • Boys & Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Valley (Power Hour): $10,000 • Buffalo Bill Museum of LeClaire (museum expansion): $20,000 • Cassandra Manning Ballet Theatre (Introducing: Ballet Quad): $25,000 • Center for Active Seniors (carpet replacement): $16,000 • Center for Active Seniors (St.

Thanks A Lot

Near Plymouth Rock, 1621. "Look, Running Deer is coming! And he seems to be out of breath. Running Deer, what news have you brought?" "Greetings, Bald Eagle. I [cough] have just [cough, cough] come from the European visitors and [cough, cough, cough]..."

"What is the matter with you, Running Deer?"

"My lungs are killing me. [cough] The medicine man Black Feather told me to inhale the burning leaves of a tobacco plant, but it doesn't seem to be helping."

"Well, sit down here and tell the tribe what our visitors from across the ocean want from us now."

"I spoke to Governor Bradford–"

"That shifty-eyed Caucasian! Never trust anyone whose first name is 'Governor.'"

"Standing Bear is too suspicious of these pilgrims. They come only for religious freedom."

"Don't be taken in by their pious ways, Sitting Duck! Do you forget that they said they would go back home next spring? Mark my words, we will rue the day that boat showed up."

"So what did they want, Running Deer?"

"To invite us to some sort of dinner."

"What, seriously?"

"That's what they said."

"They must be up to something."

"Sounds like the time they gave spirits to Runs Like the Wind and Drinks Like a Fish, then tried to buy the Eastern seaboard."

"What sort of dinner does Bradford have in mind?"

"A feast of thanksgiving, he calls it. They're so relieved that they survived the winter, they're throwing this big party."

"I knew it! We'll never get rid of them now. And another thing. What are these fire sticks they shoot? They're going to kill someone if they're not careful."

"They're called guns, Standing Bear – get with the 17th century. And they're a lot better to hunt with than throwing rocks at a turkey's head." "They want us to dress up for this dinner." "Meaning what?" "They don't want us to show up naked. They seem to be a very shame-based people." "Those prissy pumpkin-washers! They have a lot of nerve telling us what to wear. What's up with those hats with the buckles?" "I'm not getting a rash from some stupid loincloth just to break bread with those turistas." "I think we should go just to see what they're up to. We can feed them wild turkeys so they become sleepy after dinner, then go through their pockets." "White Rabbit is right. Why not have some sport with these trespassers? Let's give them some mincemeat baked in a pie." "That stuff made of bear grease we put on burns? Red Fox has a devilish sense humor!" "Uh oh – here they come now." "Shhh! Don't look like we were talking about them. Welcome, pilgrims!" "Greetings, savages." "We will be honored to join your feast of thanksgiving." "We are glad to hear it. There is a proposition we would like to talk over, and we have some very valuable beads to show you. By the way, do you have any more of that tobacco?" Copyright 2000 Newrite, Inc. All rights reserved. GLW's on WGN Radio AM 720 and
It's hard to believe that The Beatles have yet to authorize an official Web site, but in conjunction with the release this week of the 27-track number-one-hits collection, the much-anticipated site (http://www.
