Beyond Elections.
Beyond Petitions.
Beyond Tea Parties.
ST. CHARLES, IL - The first time free people assembled as a Congress of the People for such a critical point in the nation's history was in 1774 in Philadelphia. Over 230 years later 116 Delegates from 48 states have convened a modern day Continental Congress to exercise popular sovereignty and restore self-governance to the people of America.
The twelve day Congress is being broadcast live via streaming webcast at:,,
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CDT through Saturday Nov 21st.
The Citizen nominated and elected Delegates, all passionate about holding our servant government accountable to this nation's founding documents, have been meeting together day and night since Wednesday November 11th, generating a written and digital record for the history books. Despite the devastation across the US and the world as a result of our government's pervasive and unconstitutional acts, the Delegates have been quick to assert that the People have only themselves to blame for allowing these continued and escalating Constitutional violations.
Thus the Delegates seek to "draw a line in the sand" and convene this Continental Congress to end the nation's distress and restore the Republic form of self-governance that made America the most innovative and prosperous nation on earth.
The format for the Congress includes two sessions per day with guest speakers and documentary films to illustrate for all audiences how unlawful billion dollar bailouts, federal spending via limitless debt that enslaves our children, trillions spent on unconstitutional wars in places most Americans can't find on a map or tell you why we are there, the Bill of Rights -- intended to protect our God-given individual rights as a free people -- is now ignored on a daily basis, and has eradicated our Republic.
In addition, the Delegates have established Committees for each major area of violation, charged with drafting Remedial Instructions to be formally served upon both the Federal Government and each State's legislature. Delegates are quick to point out that these Instructions will be accompanied by a pro-active, peaceful mass movement of Civic Actions that all Americans can readily implement in order to ensure complicity from this and future servant government officials.
The Committees have been meeting and debating during breaks and late into the evening hours each night. For approximately four hours per day, the Delegates convene formally via the live webcast in a public forum to deliberate and vote, one vote per state, and adopt proposed Instructions and Civic Actions brought forth by the Committees. Participants and supporters cite that any individual right that is not enforceable is no right at all.
The non-partisan, non-political event has been organized by the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education (
Please see the update about CC2009 from the We The People Foundation here:
Media requests for interviews and credentials can be directed to: or by calling Todd McGreevy, Media Relations at 563-650-0120.
List of Seated CC2009 Delegates
Schedule of Events & Speakers
(being updated daily)
Watch the Livestream and Rebroadcasts at:
Live Audio Stream
Access Archives & Supporting Documentation at:
(being updated daily)
Social Sites
We The People Petitions for Redress of Grievances
The Petition for Redress Regarding the WAR POWERS CLAUSES
The Petition for Redress Regarding the GUN CONTROL LAWS
The Petition for Redress Regarding the FEDERAL INCOME TAX
The Petition for Redress Regarding the FEDERAL RESERVE
The Petition for Redress Regarding the "USA PATRIOT ACT"
The Petition for Redress Regarding ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION
The Petition For Redress Regarding the NORTH AMERICAN UNION
AIG Bailout Lawsuit Documents
WTP Brings Federal Lawsuit to Stop AIG Bailout
Forthcoming As Available:
Remedial Instructions for Congress & The States - As Passed by the Congress
Civic Action Resolutions - As Passed by the Congress