The Quad City Health Initiative (QCHI) has elected the following individuals as new Board members with terms beginning January 2010:
- Major Mike Brown, Scott County Sheriff's Office
- Mr. Alex Calder, Alcoa
- Mr. Thad DenHartog, Mel Foster Co.
- Ms. Sharon Hodson, Deere & Company
- Dr. Ed Littig, St. Ambrose University
- Dr. Ed Littig, St. Ambrose University
The following individuals were elected or promoted to serve on the Executive Board beginning January 2010:
- Dr. Fred Burnham, Dentist
- Mr. Jim Horstmann, Community Member
- Mr. Jerry Lack, Illowa Construction Labor and Management Council
- Ms. Anne McGlynn, Mid American Energy
Ms. Denise Bulat, Bi-State Regional Commission was elected Chair of the QCHI Board and Mr. Jim Horstmann was elected Vice-Chair beginning January 2010. Dr. Bud Phillis was appointed to the honorary position of Past Board Chair.
The Board also extends gratitude to the following retiring Board members:
- Ms. Karen Dowsett, Community Member
- Mr. Jerry Jones, City of Rock Island Martin Luther King Center
- Ms. Jill McLaughlin, Community Member
- Dr. Bud Phillis, Community Member
The Quad City Health Initiative is a community partnership working to create a healthy community. A 35-member community Board that was established in 1999 oversees the organization. The Initiative seeks to be our community's recognized leader for creating collaborative action on health and abides by the core values of commitment, collaboration and creativity. Major financial support of the Quad City Health Initiative is currently provided by the generous direct and in-kind investments of Genesis Health System and Trinity Regional Health System. In 2010, additional financial support is provided by St. Ambrose University and the McLaughlin Family Foundation. Support is also provided by QCHI Board members including the following member organizations: QC Medical Societies, Community Health Care, Rock Island County Health Department, Scott County Health Department and United Way of the Quad Cities Area.
For more information or to join the efforts of the Quad City Health Initiative, please call 563-421-2815 or visit our website at