June 7, 2011 -- The mood at the Van Nuys National Guard Armory was both celebratory and respectful on June 5 as hundreds of Operation Gratitude volunteers and special guests gathered to assemble care packages for Sailors and Marines assigned to Ronald Reagan Strike Group, and to witness a young Marine Corporal, recently returned from Afghanistan, receive a Victory Vegas 8-Ball Motorcycle promised to him on Christmas Day, 2010.


CPL Cheek1

Cpl. Cheek, his wife Chelsea (on left), and Santa Claus flanked by hundreds of Volunteers

Operation Gratitude Volunteer Coordinator, Penny Alfonso summed up the day simply, "It was a day of laughter, tears, and patriotism."  

Cpl. Clancy Colt Cheek gratefully took ownership of the special gift presented to him by Robert Pandya, External Relations Manager of Victory Motorcycles

Cheek, the recipient of Operation Gratitude's 600,000th care package, is a member of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment and returned to Camp Pendleton earlier this spring after a deployment in Sangin, Afghanistan. During the deployment, the 3/5, also known as the "Darkhorse" Battalion, endured heavy combat and losses, including the death of Cheek's best friend, 19-year-old Lance Cpl. Alec Catherwood, of Byron, Illinois.

CPL Cheek2

Cpl. Cheek on his new Bike

Pandya told Cheek he was proud to represent Victory Motorcycles and speak on his co-workers' behalf.  "The motorcycle community has always cherished the 'Freedom to Ride,' a privilege guaranteed by the efforts and sacrifice of our heroes in the Military," he said.  "We all thank you for what you, and every member of the Armed Forces have done for those of us lucky enough to live in the United States of America," he said.


Cheek expressed his heartfelt thanks to Victory for the motorcycle and to the Operation Gratitude volunteers for their dedication and support.  Responding to a young woman who called him a hero, Cheek recalled the Marines who did not return from Afghanistan.  "I'm no hero," he said. "Heroes are those men who stood beside me in the Valley of Death and gave their lives for freedom."

Operation Gratitude founder, Carolyn Blashek, said Cheek was the perfect person to receive this gift as a representative of all members of the U.S. Military. "Cpl Cheek was humble and incredibly gracious in accepting the Victory Motorcycle," Blashek said. "He spoke to us straight from his heart, without a single written note, and with much passion, conviction, and great thoughtfulness. There was not a dry eye in the place."  

In commemoration of the anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's passing, Michael Reagan, his wife Colleen, and son, Cameron, along with representatives of the Reagan Legacy Foundation participated on the Assembly Line to create care packages for the 5,000 crew members deployed aboard aircraft carrierUSS Ronald Reagan, named in honor of the 40th President of the United States.


Michael Reagan, his family and Reagan Legacy  Foundation Board Members

Reagan, the President's son, read a letter he had received that morning from the Commanding Officer of USS Reagan, Captain T.W. Burke. "Care packages from home are always a welcome surprise and we appreciate everything that Operation Gratitude does to support our Military," Burke wrote.


Care packages were also assembled and shipped to the crew of guided-missile destroyer USS Preble and guided-missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville, both currently serving in theRonald Reagan Carrier Strike Group.


Councilman Zine presents Certificates to Kilo Co, Victory Motorcycles and Cpl. Cheek


Councilman Dennis Zine presented beautiful City of Los Angeles Certificates of Appreciation to Cheek; Reagan; Victory Motorcycles; Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, accepted by Company Commander Captain Nick Johnson and First Sergeant George Melendez, and to Lt. Col. Angel Ortiz, the Commander of the California Army National Guard Armory where the majority of Operation Gratitude's work takes place.  Each certificate eloquently stated the recipients' service and accomplishments deserving of recognition.

More photos of the day's events can be seen here and here

Operation Gratitude volunteers will continue to assemble and ship its Patriotic Drive Care Packages through June.

About Operation Gratitude
Operation Gratitude annually sends 100,000+ care packages filled with snacks, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation addressed to individually named U.S. Service Members deployed in harm's way, to their children left behind, and to Wounded Warriors in Military hospitals and Transition Units. The organization's mission is to lift morale, bring a smile to a service member's face and express to our Armed Forces and their families the appreciation and support of the American people. Each package contains donated product valued at ~$125 and costs the organization $15 to assemble and ship. For safety and security, assembling of packages occurs at the Army National Guard armory in Van Nuys, California. Since its inception in 2003, Operation Gratitude volunteers have shipped more than 640,000 packages to American Military deployed overseas. 

Learn more about Operation Gratitude by visiting:

Web: http://www.OperationGratitude.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/OpGratitude
Blog:            http://OpGrat.wordpress.com
Email: OpGrat@gmail.com

Des Moines, IA - The Iowa Tea Party, in cooperation with American Principles in Action, The Gold Standard, The Innocence Project, and The Leadership Institute is excited to announce that Presidential candidates Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Governor Gary Johnson and Senator Rick Santorum will be participating in the 2011 Iowa Tea Party Bus Tour.  Let Governor Tim Pawlenty, Congressman Ron Paul, and Governor Mitt Romney know that you would like to see them take part in the tour as well.

This is an excellent opportunity for Iowa voters to learn more about these candidates as they educate themselves about what makes Iowa's "First In The Nation" so important.  Full caucus training as well as materials will be provided in an effort to encourage Iowa voters to get out, get active and get involved.

Come join us as we highlight important issues in order take back our country and get the tools to effectively advocate for the candidate of your choice.  The tour kicks off on June 13, 2011 in Council Bluffs with stops across the state through the July 2nd finale in Des Moines.

Check our website teapartybustour.com for more detailed information on individual stops, candidates,and issues or contact our office at (515)661-6185 or email at info@teapartybustour.com


Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., to be Solicitor General of the United States
Monday, June 6, 2011 

Mr. President:

I will vote to confirm Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., to be Solicitor General of the United States, but I do so with little enthusiasm.  Mr. Verrilli has impressive credentials and noteworthy accomplishments.  In addition to his government service in the White House Counsel's Office and at the Department of Justice, he has been a litigator in private practice for more than 20 years. He has argued twelve cases, and participated in more than 100 cases, before the Supreme Court of the United States.  Mr. Verrilli served for over fifteen years as an adjunct professor of constitutional law at the Georgetown University Law Center.  He clerked for Associate Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., of the United States Supreme Court, and Judge J. Skelly Wright of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

My concern with this nomination is whether or not the nominee will demonstrate appropriate independence in the office.  His testimony at his hearing raised doubts about his ability and commitment to uphold that principle. Mr. Verrilli seemed to buy into the notion that he was still the President's lawyer.  He gave lip service to the two traditional exceptions to the Solicitor General defending a statute - first, if the statute violates separation of powers by infringing on the President's constitutional authority; and second, if there is no reasonable argument that can be advanced in defense of the statute.  Mr. Verrilli then appeared to create a third exception - one that is not supported by practice or tradition.  He stated he would defend a statute's constitutionality "unless instructed by my superior not to do so."

This position advocated by the nominee - that interference in the rule of law, by the President or by the Attorney General, is an appropriate reason not to defend statutes - was extremely troubling to me and other members of the Committee.  That position is not the standard of the office.  It is not what the nation expects from its Solicitor General. His response gave me great pause about supporting his nomination.

Following his hearing, I gave Mr. Verrilli ample opportunity to address my concerns.  In extensive written questions I asked the nominee to review and comment on testimony given by previous Solicitor General nominees.  In particular, I asked many questions regarding statements by prior Solicitors General regarding the independence of the office.  I asked him to review cases where the Department of Justice had made a determination not to defend a statute.  I asked him to analyze those cases as to the rationale for not defending the statute.  In addition, I asked him to review and comment on a number of Supreme Court cases that address serious constitutional issues.

I reviewed his answers to my written questions for the record.  I commend Mr. Verrilli for his serious approach to the task of providing responses.  In most cases he gave thoughtful answers.  In many instances he declined to provide his views on the topic, but gave general assertions that he would follow the law. In other instances he claimed confidentiality.  I do not agree with his assertion of confidentiality in most of the instances where he raised that as a basis for not responding.  In other circumstances, such a response would be unacceptable.  In the past, such responses, or allegations of similar responses, have resulted in a failed confirmation or withdrawal of the nomination.

Based upon my review of his responses, I am more comfortable with the notion that Mr. Verrilli understands the duty of the Solicitor General. I believe, because of my questions and the time he spent contemplating the issues, he will be a better Solicitor General than he otherwise would have been.  Mr. Verrilli has been exposed to decades of thought and experience by this review.  On the whole, I concluded that Mr. Verrilli now has a greater sensitivity to the necessity of independence in the office.  In numerous answers he provided a much better response than he did at his hearing.  He indicated he would not lend his name or that of the office to carry out any order which he believed to be based on partisan political consideration or other illegitimate reasons.  Rather than do so, he said he would resign from office.  I will hold him to that pledge.

I want to be clear about my tepid support for Mr. Verrilli.  He is nominated to an executive branch position, not a lifetime appointment.  My lukewarm support is based largely on the nature of the office to which he will be appointed, if confirmed.

I will put the administration on notice, as well as Mr. Verrilli, the Senate, the media, and any other interested party.  My less than enthusiastic vote for Mr. Verrilli to be Solicitor General of the United States is limited to that office alone.  No entity or individual should presume my support for Mr. Verrilli for any other future office to which he may aspire or to which he may be nominated - be it in the executive, judicial, or legislative branch of government.

Furthermore, as ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, I will vigorously carry out my oversight responsibilities to ensure the Solicitor General and his subordinates are performing as they should.  I will be watching to make certain Mr. Verrilli complies with his oath of office, with his obligation to the Constitution and statutes of the United States, with his duties of the office, and with the assurances he has given the Senate in his oral and written testimony.  I expect nothing less from all officials of government.  I have every expectation that Mr. Verrilli, if confirmed, will honorably live up to those duties, obligations, and assurances.


Seeks Federal Reimbursement to Help Local Governments in Southern Illinois Recover Costs Related to Floods

CHICAGO - June 6 2011. Governor Pat Quinn today asked President Barack Obama for federal assistance to help local governments in 21 southern Illinois counties recover from major flooding and severe storms this spring. State and local government expenses related to the floods and storms are estimated at more than $20 million.

Counties requested include Alexander, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Lawrence, Marion, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Saline, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White and Williamson.

"Southern Illinois communities came together to fight widespread flooding and severe storms throughout the region," said Governor Quinn. "That response helped save lives, but many communities will be unable to fully recover without federal assistance, which is why we must help them get the tools they need to rebuild."

In late May, representatives from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) met with local government representatives in nearly two dozen counties to review flood and storm-related expense information, including costs for emergency protective measures, debris removal and repair or replacement of governmental-owned facilities. Documentation of those expenses, along with costs incurred by the State of Illinois related to flood and storm response, was submitted with Governor Quinn's request.

The counties included in the request all appear to meet or exceed the federal government's $3.27 per capita threshold for eligible expenses.

In late May, Governor Quinn requested federal assistance to help people and businesses recover from flooding and severe storms. The state is awaiting a decision on that request. If approved, people affected by the storms and floods would be eligible to apply for grants and low-interest SBA loans. In addition, affected businesses would be able to apply for low-interest SBA loans.

On April 25, Governor Quinn issued a state disaster proclamation for the flooding and severe storms.  The State Emergency Operations Center in Springfield was activated for more than two weeks to coordinate state support to communities battling flood waters on several rivers in Southern Illinois.


Las Vegas, June 6, 2011/GLOBENEWSWIRE -- Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ:ALGT) today reported preliminary passenger traffic results for May 2011.

Scheduled Service

                                             May 2011     May 2010     Change

Passengers                               433,329        456,673          (5.1%)

Revenue passenger miles (000)   387,091        419,073          (7.6%)

Available seat miles (000)           420,002        455,062          (7.7%)

Load factor                               92.2%           92.1%          0.1 pts

Departures                                 3,206            3,341          (4.0%)

Average stage length (miles)            873               908          (3.8%)

Total System*

                                             May 2011      May 2010     Change

Passengers                               464,983        483,016          (3.7%)

Revenue passenger miles (000)   411,038        441,597          (6.9%)

Available seat miles (000)            466,664        502,350          (7.1%)

Load factor                                 88.1%           87.9%          0.2 pts

Departures                                  3,785            3,930          (3.7%)

Average stage length (miles)            825               859          (3.9%)                        

*Total system includes scheduled service, fixed fee contract and non-revenue flying.

Preliminary Financial Results


April 2011 actual year-over-year

scheduled passenger revenue per ASM (PRASM) change                23.9%

April 2011 actual year-over year

scheduled total revenue per ASM (TRASM) change                          20.4%


May 2011 estimated year-over-year PRASM change                     34.6 - 35.0%

May 2011 estimated year-over-year TRASM change                    26.7 - 27.1%


May 2011 estimated average fuel cost per gallon - system                       $3.20

May 2011 estimated average fuel cost per gallon - scheduled                  $3.47




Capacity guidance, subject to revision

Year over Year Growth




June 2011









2nd Quarter 2011




(3) to (1)%

(3) to (1)%


(3) to (1)%

(4) to (2)%




3rd Quarter 2011




(7) to (3)%

(4) to 0%


(8) to (4)%

(6) to (2)%




Revenue guidance, subject to revision





2nd Quarter 2011

Estimated PRASM change - year over year growth

+25 to 27%

ASMs - Available seat miles

About the Company
Las Vegas-based Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) is focused on linking travelers in small cities to world-class leisure destinations such as Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix-Mesa, Orlando, Fla., and Tampa/St. Petersburg, Fla.  Through its subsidiary, Allegiant Air, the company operates a low-cost, high-efficiency, all-jet passenger airline offering air travel both on a stand-alone basis and bundled with hotel rooms, rental cars and other travel-related services.  In 2010, Allegiant was ranked number one for low-cost carriers in Aviation Week's Top Performing Airline study and ranked 25 on FORTUNE magazine's Fastest-Growing Companies list.  ALGT/G

Note: This news release was accurate at the date of issuance. However, information contained in the release may have changed. If you plan to use the information contained herein for any purpose, verification of its continued accuracy is your responsibility.

For further information please visit the company's investor website: http://ir.allegiant.com

Reference to the Company's website above does not constitute incorporation of any of the information thereon into this news release.

Under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are only estimates or predictions based on our management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to our management. Forward-looking statements include our statements regarding future departure and capacity growth. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts and can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as the words "guidance", "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate," "project," "hope" or similar expressions.

Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Important risk factors that could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements generally may be found in our periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov.

Any forward-looking statements are based on information available to us today and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information or otherwise.


WEST BRANCH, IOWA– Artist-in-Residence Gaynell Gavin will read from her writings and present a writing workshop at the visitor center of Herbert Hoover National Historic Site on Saturday, June 18 at 9:30 a.m. The workshop will last about two hours. Dr. Gavin will discuss how writers find an attachment to place and use it to inspire writing. If you are interested in attending, please call (319) 643-2541 before June 18. Writing paper and pens are all you will need to bring.

Gaynell Gavin's prose and poetry has been published in many literary journals and anthologies, including Fourth Genre, North Dakota Quarterly, The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review (Bellevue Literary Press), Nebraska Presence (Backwaters Press), and Best New Poets 2006 (Samovar Press). Her poetry chapbook, Intersections, was published by Main Street Rag Publishing. Her essay, "What We Have," published in Prairie Schooner, was included among "Notable Essays " in The Best American Essays 2009. This essay, like much of her work, is grounded in the Midwest. She is originally from Illinois and is a faculty member at Claflin University in Orangeburg, South Carolina. 

Herbert Hoover National Historic Site and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum are in West Branch, Iowa at exit 254 off I-80. Both are open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time. Parking is limited so please allow extra time to find a parking space. For more information go to www.nps.gov/heho or call (319) 643-2541

WASHINGTON - Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa today released a report giving the Defense Department's inspector general audits a D- grade on a "junkyard dog" index for tracking waste, fraud and abuse of tax dollars.

"Audits are the tip of the inspector general's spear," Grassley said.  "A good spear always needs a finely honed cutting edge. Right now, the point of that spear is dull.  The best audit weapon is disabled. As a watchdog, I get serious heartburn from degraded audit capabilities.  It puts the taxpayers' money in harm's way.  It leaves huge sums of money vulnerable to theft and waste."

Grassley directed his staff to review all 113 unclassified Defense Department inspector general audits for Fiscal Year 2010.  Under the Grassley analysis, 15 reports are "good to very good."  But other reports earn more negative assessments for failing to track the tax dollars, taking too long to complete and losing the money trail, and other shortcomings.  The report assigns a D- grade overall to the 113 audits.

The report names nine audit roadblocks that Grassley said stand between lackluster audits and quality audits.  He encouraged the inspector general to dismantle each roadblock.  "The inspector general must find a way to tear down these walls," Grassley said.  "Otherwise, audit reform and transformation will never happen. My staff will keep reading and evaluating inspector general audits until steady improvement is popping up on the radar screen every day."

Today's report is a follow-up to Grassley's first such oversight review, issued on Sept. 7, 2010.  The initial report evaluated the 113 audit reports issued in FY 2009. It determined that the Defense Department inspector general audit capabilities, which cost the taxpayers about $100 million a year, were gravely impaired.  The inspector general's office pledged to improve audit quality, a promise Grassley is working to hold the office to fulfill.

Grassley began conducting oversight of the Pentagon in the early 1980s when President Reagan was ramping up the defense budget. A group of defense reformers including Grassley examined the pricing of spare parts and uncovered $750 toilet seats and $695 ashtrays for military aircraft.  As a result of the Inspector General Act of 1978, offices of inspectors general were set up at each federal agency.

In 1986, Grassley authored a major update of the federal False Claims Act, with Rep. Howard Berman of California. Since then, the law has recovered more than $28 billion and deterred billions of dollars in additional fraud against the taxpayers.   It has been used to uncover defense fraud and recently in particular, health care fraud.

Click on the following links to view Grassley's report released today, his letter to the Defense Department inspector general accompanying the report, and the video and text of a speech delivered on the Senate floor on the report.


United Soybean Board's "See for Yourself" Program Announces 2011 Participants

ST. LOUIS (June 6, 2011) -The road from the typical U.S. soybean farm to a major poultry, pork and dairy operation in western Mexico may not seem clear at first, but, as 10 U.S. soybean farmers are about to find out in the United Soybean Board's (USB) "See for Yourself" program, it's more direct than they may think.

The soybean checkoff selected the 10 farmers, who raise soybeans and other crops on farms from the Dakotas to Ohio, to take part in the fourth annual "See for Yourself" program to see their checkoff dollars in action, says Rick Stern, USB Audit & Evaluation program chair and a soybean farmer from Cream Ridge, N.J. "There's no better way to show someone the value of their investment than to show them the results firsthand," Stern says. The program will be held from July 25-30.

Participants will learn about the use of soy biodiesel at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, travel on a barge that transports U.S. soy and visit a company that makes soy ink, before heading to the number one market for U.S. soybean meal - Mexico - to get a firsthand look at the massive PROAN farm in the western Mexican state of Jalisco. They will visit the state-of-the-art facility and hear why PROAN chooses to source soybean meal from the United States over other countries. They will also visit an aquaculture farm and a refinery that produces soy and palm oil.

These U.S. soybean farmers will participate in the 2011 "See for Yourself" program:

  • Britt Anderson - Nebraska
  • Gary Berg -  Illinois
  • Drew DeSutter - Illinois
  • Timothy Dunn - Michigan
  • Tim Even - South Dakota
  • Mark Huseth - Minnesota
  • Crystal Martodam - North Dakota
  • Trent Profit - Ohio
  • Fred Paul Robinson - North Carolina
  • Jeffrey Sorenson - Minnesota

USB is made up of 69 farmer-directors who oversee the investments of the soybean checkoff on behalf of all U.S. soybean farmers. Checkoff funds are invested in the areas of animal utilization, human utilization, industrial utilization, industry relations, market access and supply. As stipulated in the Soybean Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act, USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service has oversight responsibilities for USB and the soybean checkoff.

For more information on the United Soybean Board, visit us at www.unitedsoybean.org
Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/UnitedSoybeanBoard
Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/unitedsoy
View our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/UnitedSoybeanBoard


During the summer months, blood donations often drop to low levels.The American Red Cross encourages donors to rev up their engines and head out to a nearby blood drive or donation center.

From May 25 through Sept. 14, presenting donors (age 18 and older) can register online at redcrossracing.com to enter the Red Cross Racing "Summer Drive Sweepstakes." Enter for a chance to win a new, fuel-efficient 2012 Ford Fiesta SE. One winner will be selected by random drawing no later than Sept. 19.

Red Cross Racing participants also get points for activities like giving blood and recruiting blood donors. Points can be redeemed at any time for fun racing-themed prizes or donated to support the Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces.

The American Red Cross is celebrating the fourth year of its Red Cross Racing partnership with 3M and Roush Fenway Racing. For more information, or to schedule your summer blood donation appointment, please visit redcrossracing.com or call 1-800-RED CROSS.

How to Donate Blood
Simply call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visitredcrossblood.org to make an appointment or for more information.

All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver's license, or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are generally in good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

About the American Red Cross
Governed by volunteers and supported by giving individuals and communities, the American Red Cross is the single largest supplier of blood products to hospitals throughout the United States. While local hospital needs are always met first, the Red Cross also helps ensure no patient goes without blood no matter where or when they need it. In addition to providing nearly half of the nation's blood supply, the Red Cross provides relief to victims of disaster, trains millions in lifesaving skills, serves as a communication link between U.S. military members and their families, and assists victims of international disasters or conflicts.

Fast Facts
Approximately every two seconds someone in the U.S.needs blood.
More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day.
Only 38% of the U.S.population is eligible to donate blood.
Just 8% of those eligible actually donate.
One out of every 10 people admitted to the hospital needs blood.
One donation can help save the lives of up to three people.
The number one reason donors say they give blood is because they "want to help others."
The American Red Cross supplies approximately 40% of the nation's blood supply.

Blood Donation Opportunities June 16-30, 2011
1:00 pm- 5:15 pm
Old Fulton Fire
912 4th Street

10:00 am- 2:00 pm
Rock Falls Blood Donation Center
112 W. Second St.
Rock Falls

4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Rock Falls Blood Donation Center
112 W. Second St.
Rock Falls

1:00 pm-5:15 pm
Old Fulton Fire Station
912 4th Street
Get a chance to win a portable GPS unit when you present to donate between June 27th & July 6th, 2011!

2:00 pm-6:00 pm
Rock Falls Blood Donation Center
112 W. Second St.
Rock Falls
Get a chance to win a portable GPS unit when you present to donate between June 27th & July 6th, 2011!

10:00 am- 4:00 pm
Lyondell Chemical Company
3400 Anamosa Road

8:00 am-12:00 pm
Assumption Catholic Church
147 Broadway Street

1:00 pm-6:00 pm
Milledgeville First Brethren Church
521 N. Main Ave
All presenting donors will be eligible to win a set of 2 free Chicago White Sox regular season home game tickets.

12:00 pm-6:00 pm
United Methodist Church
405 E.Locust
All presenting donors will be eligible to win a set of 2 free Chicago White Sox regular season home game tickets.

12:00 pm-6:00 pm
Big Meadows Nursing Home
1000 Longmoor Ave
All presenting donors will be eligible to win a set of 2 free Chicago White Sox regular season home game tickets.

1:00 pm-6:00 pm
Mt. Carroll Community Building
101 N. Main
Mount Carroll
All presenting donors will be eligible to win a set of 2 free Chicago White Sox regular season home game tickets.

GALESBURG, IL (06/06/2011)(readMedia)--


• Illinois National Guard and the Yellow Ribbon program


• Yellow Ribbon Reintegration event for servicemembers targets veterans of operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, but is open to all branches and all conflicts/wars.

• Event offers resources for servicemembers and their families following deployment.


• June 11 Carl Sandburg College; 2400 Tom L. Wilson Blvd. Galesburg 8 a.m.-9 a.m. registration; 9 a.m-4:30 p.m. event


• Approximately 450 Illinois Army National Guard Soldiers recently returned from a one-year deployment to Sinai, Egypt helping enforce a 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

• The Illinois National Guard's goal is to ensure every returning Soldier and Airman receives the training and care they need for a successful reintegration to citizen-Soldier.

• Representatives from several different agencies will be available. Some agencies attending include TRICARE (medical and dental insurance), Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, Internal Revenue Service and Veteran's Health Administration. There will also be several workshops providing guidance and information on issues like marriage after deployment, finances, challenges Soldiers face reuniting with their children and using college education benefits. Counselors will also be available for private consultations.

• Recent statistics indicate only half of veterans that need help actually seek help.

• Approximately 35% of Illinois National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are married.

• Department of Defense (DoD) statistics reveal a 3.5% divorce rate for Army Soldiers following deployment, a statistic that has risen each of the last three years.

• Reintegration is a process that does not happen overnight. It can take several months for a servicemember to feel whole again following a deployment. This is why the Illinois National Guard is dedicated to helping its troops when they return from overseas.

• The Illinois National Guard was one of the first states in the country to start a reintegration program for their servicemembers, with the program growing exponentially since 2007.

• Reintegration events are held in all parts of Illinois so servicemembers do not have to travel far to get valuable information.

• Illinois National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are required to go to two events after they return from overseas.

• Events are open to any servicemember of any branch who recently returned from deployment or veterans that served in previous conflicts/wars and still need assistance.

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