Washington, D.C. – Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement this evening after President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address to Congress.

“Regardless of who occupies the Oval Office, the State of the Union speech provides an important opportunity for all Americans to hear directly from the President. Recently, we have seen some improvement in our economy, but we still have a lot of work to do to grow it and create jobs here at home. Since first being elected, my number one priority has been to fight to protect and expand the middle class. Far too many folks are still struggling, with the wages of many remaining flat. We have to work to ensure all Americans have the tools necessary to pull themselves up and fulfill the American dream.

“I strongly support the President’s call to expand education to ensure workers can receive the training they need to secure good jobs and employers have access to a workforce with the skills that are needed for them to expand, boost our economy, and out-compete the global competition. To truly succeed in this 21st century global economy, it will make more than just a high school degree and that is why I helped create the 21st Century Skills Caucus. On the other end of the spectrum, we have to ensure our retirees and seniors have access to the promise of economic security in retirement. That is why I will continue to make sure that Social Security and Medicare remain strong for seniors and their families.

“As a longtime champion of harnessing Iowa’s natural resources to create clean energy, whether that is with wind, solar or biofuels, I am pleased the President used his speech to highlight their importance in Iowa and across the country. The industry is investing in our rural communities, and moving us toward cleaner, homegrown sources of energy. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the House Biofuels Caucus to advance these initiatives that will strengthen our economy right here on our farms and in our rural communities.

“I especially appreciate the President’s call to set aside politics and work together. None of our priorities will be possible if Congress can’t put aside the partisan gridlock and ideological divisions that have threatened our economy time and again. I will continue to work with anyone, regardless of party, who wants to advance our shared principles. Our democracy functions best when all citizens are engaged and have equal access, which is why I have and will continue to fight for Iowans over the special interests that are trying to run Washington.”


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