WASHINGTON, D.C. – Iowa Congressmen Dave Loebsack and David Young today announced they will host a coffee for all Iowans visiting Washington, D.C. next Tuesday, January 12th. The coffee is open to all Iowans and is an opportunity for individuals to ask questions, voice concerns, share ideas, and discus issues of importance to them, Iowa communities, and the state.

Beginning in February, every week the House is in session, Congressmen Loebsack and Young plan to host these coffee meetings for Iowans visiting the Washington area. Event details will be made available online at www.loebsack.house.gov and www.davidyoung.house.gov once events are confirmed.

Details of next week's coffee are as follows:

Coffee with Congressmen Dave Loebsack and David Young

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

7:00 AM CT / 8:00 AM ET

121 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, D.C.

The coffee is open to all Iowans. For more information please contact Congressman Loebsack’s Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-6576 or Congressman Young’s Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-5476.


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