“Fear is a primitive impulse, brainless as hunger, and because the aim of horror fiction is the production of the deepest kinds of fears, the genre tends to reinforce some remarkably uncivilized ideas about self-protection.

DES MOINES, IOWA (March 16, 2020) — Governor Kim Reynolds is proclaiming April as Keep Iowa Beautiful month. The proclamation will encourage all citizens to help plan and participate in local programs that will enhance the cleanliness and beauty of our communities and state. During the Statehouse ceremony Monday, March 23, 1:30PM, she will also be presenting the winners of KIB's annual awards program and three high school scholarships.

Keep Iowa Beautiful award winners are:

On March 12, the New York Federal Reserve announced a $1.5 trillion injection of money into the US financial system. Three days later, it cut its benchmark interest rate to zero and announced it would be buying at least $500 billion in government bonds and another $200 billion in mortgage securities.

DAVENPORT, IOWA (March 13, 2020) — River Action, Nahant Marsh Education Center, Sierra Club Eagle View Group, and Joyce and Tony Singh Foundation have canceled the Environmental Film Series for Sunday, March 15, 4PM, at the Figge Art Museum.

Our decision was based on the warnings and strong recommendations that have come out in recent hours regarding COVID-19.

We hope to reschedule, and we will let subscribers and the general public know all information at that time.

MOLINE, ILLINOIS (March 13, 2020) — Due to the Governor's mandate, all TaxSlayer Center ticketed events are postponed for the next 30 days. We will be rescheduling our events.

The jury is still out on which of two things — COVID-19 or the panic over COVID-19 — will cost more lives and do more damage to the global economy. My money's still on the latter. In the meantime, I've developed a surefire, Groundhog Day type test for whether the emergency is over: Watch for Nobel laureate economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to start trying to convince us it was, all in all, actually a good thing.

The Wile E Coyotes of the Internet — US Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) — are sure that this time  they’ve finally found a made-to-order tool that can take out the Roadrunn ... er, those meddling ki ... er,  the First Amendment and  Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

WASHINGTON DC (March 10, 2020) — Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced proactive flexibilities to allow meal service during school closures to minimize potential exposure to the coronavirus.

“It takes a remarkable force to keep nearly a million people quietly indoors for an entire day, home from work and school, from neighborhood errands and out-of-town travel. It takes a remarkable force to keep businesses closed and cars off the road, to keep playgrounds empty and porches unused across a densely populated place 125 square miles in size. This happened … not because armed officers went door-to-door, or imposed a curfew, or threatened martial law.

On Sunday, March 8, millions of Americans woke up an hour early, having set their clocks ahead by an hour the night before, and dug in for a week or so of bleary-eyed, irritable attempts to tweak their bodies' natural sleeping and waking rhythms. This fatuous semi-annual "spring forward, fall back" ritual, called "Daylight Saving Time," ranks high on my personal list of "dumbest ideas in the history of mankind."
