"An Iowa Christmas Story" with Michael Zahs, Sunday November 20th, 2011 starting at 2p.m. at the German American Heritage Center, 712 West Second St. Davenport, IA 52802 563-322-8844, www.gahc.org. Free with admission.

Celebrate "An Iowa Christmas Story" with Michael Zahs at the German American Heritage Center. Michael is a two time winner of the "Iowa Teacher of the Year" Award and enjoys using stories and artifacts to bring the past to life. He does this so well that in 2010 the NEA named him one of the top 38 teachers in the country! Using his collection of over 30 holiday items, some from his personal 200 year family history in Iowa, you will learn how Christmas has been celebrated in our state since 1808, and how our state has grown and benefitted from its ethnic richness.

(Davenport, Iowa - October, 2011) On November 10, the Figge will host an event to celebrate the exhibition Restoring the Spirit: Celebrating Haitian Art which features art work that vividly portrays Haitian culture and history.  The Figge is partnering with Kids Against Hunger Your Quad-Cities to bag lifesaving food which will be delivered to Haiti.

Kids Against Hunger is an international food relief organization working to save the lives of starving people. The local chapter has provided over 700,000 meals to starving people in Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua, many of whom suffer from malnutrition and resort to eating mud cakes to stave off the hunger.  In addition, they have provided nearly 65,000 meals to hungry people in the Quad Cities. The bagged meals, made up of rice, soy, six vegetables and twenty-one vitamins and minerals, provide a nutritionally complete meal and cost $0.25 per meal.

The Figge is seeking over 100 volunteers to help bag food from 5pm to 6pm on November 10.  Families and children are encouraged to participate.  Suggested free will cash donations of $20 will be accepted to help cover the cost of these meals.  For a fee of $360, teams of 12 volunteers can sign up to create 1440 meals in an hour.  There will be a brief program at 5pm with remarks by John Kessler of Kids Against Hunger your Quad Cities.

At 7pm, Figge friend and Rock Island psychologist Dr. Ralph Saintfort will present a talk, "The Earthquake in Haiti and Its Aftermath." Dr. Saintfort has been a clinical volunteer with Konbit Sante Cap-Haitian Health Partnership since 2003. He was born in Haiti and lived there with his family until he was 14. This talk is offered in conjunction with the special exhibition Restoring the Spirit: Celebrating Haitian Art.


To volunteer at this event, please contact Jennifer Brooke at the Figge Art Museum 563.326.7804x2048 or j.brooke@figgeartmuseum.org

This event is sponsored by the Figge Art Museum, the Scott County Medical Association, the Rock Island Medical Association and the Rock Island Medical Alliance.

[DUBUQUE, IA.] Art Gumbo, a quarterly soup dinner that supports local art projects with community-supported micro-funding, was awarded a $2500 Mediacom Arts & Culture Grant last week to fund the upcoming Art Gumbo Bowls Project.  More than $33,000 in arts funding was awarded on October 19 to sixteen Dubuque arts groups at a luncheon held at The Grand River Center in the Port of Dubuque hosted by Kathy McMullen of Mediacom.

WHAT: Quad City Arts Art @ the Airport

WHEN:          October 28-December 27, 2011

WHERE:       Quad City International Airport Gallery, 2200 69th Ave., Moline, IL 

WHO:             Paintings by Caroline England, Yale Factor and Pam Ohnemus, with Glass by Liquid Fire glass artists.

In November and December, Art @ the Airport features watercolor paintings by Caroline England, intricate oil paintings by Yale Factor and acrylic paintings by Pam Ohnemus, with blown glass works by Liquid Fire glass artists.

Davenport watercolorist, Caroline England is known for her larger than life, dramatic depictions of flowers and gardens.

DeKalb artist Yale Factor's landscape paintings have been exhibited nationally and regionally for over thirty years. The detail put into each painting goes beyond what is usually captured by camera, each leaf and blade of grass is rendered with precision. The viewer is drawn in from a distance and then keeps approaching to find a completely different world depicted upon closer examination.

Davenport artist Pam Ohnemus concentrates on the vanishing landscape of the prairie in her acrylic paintings. She incorporates newspaper articles about the tallgrass prairie into some of the paintings as collage elements to add interest and information. Exquisite panoramas and vivid close-ups of native prairies reach tantalize the viewer with their beauty and textures.

Hand-blown glass works by Liquid Fire studio artists (Rock Island) will accentuate the landscape paintings.

Don't miss this is exhibit just because you don't have a plane to catch-the lights in the gallery are always on and the airport offers free parking for the first hour. Meet a friend for lunch and enjoy the art! Quad City International airport gallery is easy to access with one hour of free parking to allow plenty of time to browse the exhibit.

Quad City Arts is a nonprofit local arts agency dedicated to the growth and vitality of the Quad City region through the presentation, development, and celebration of the arts and humanities. All Quad City Arts programs are funded in part by Festival of Trees, Quad City Arts Partners and operating grants from the Illinois Arts Council (a state agency) and the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs. This gallery and exhibit is generously sponsored by the Quad City International Airport.

Displayed Artwork To Be Auctioned Off At Upcoming Red Ribbon Dinner

Beginning November 4th, The Project of the Quad Cities will have a display case of donated artworks at Bucktown Center for the Arts. The pieces on display will be works from local artists, and will range in size and medium. All artworks will then be auctioned off as part of the Silent Auction at the 19th Annual Red Ribbon Dinner on January 21, 2012. Bucktown Center for the Arts is located at 225 East 2nd Street in Davenport. For more information on Red Ribbon Dinner or to donate artwork, please call 309-762-5433.

Established in 1986, The Project of the Quad Cities is a nonprofit, community-based organization that provides those infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS in the Quad City area with case management and support services. Visit the website at www.apqc4life.org to learn more about The Project of the Quad Cities.
We are Mississippi River Valley Art Directory, sponsoring a bi-annual self guided art tour along the Mississippi River.

We promote 55 locations for this fall 2011 drive.  Many artists open their private studios or homes to visitors during this special opportunity weekend.

Our drives are always the weekend before Mother's Day and the first weekend of November. Upcoming drives will be held on November 5th & 6th, 2011, May 5th & 6th, 2012, and November 3rd & 4th, 2012.

Our goal is to promote artists along the Mississippi River, (100 miles either side), their events and the supporting communities.

We will gladly send a printed map at your request, or you may print one from the website at www.mrvad.com

We greatly appreciate your interest in local artists.  We hope that you will add our bi-annual events to your calendar.

[MAQUOKETA, IA] Maquoketa Art Experience welcomes Iowa artists Peter Fraterdeus and Alice McMahon to Maquoketa on November 12 and 19 for a two-session workshop studying the art of book structures and sketching techniques. The workshop, held on two consecutive Saturdays, entitled "Travel Sketching Journals: Book Structures and Sketching Techniques" combines basic non-adhesive bookbinding techniques to create a four-signature journal with a folded paper cover with plein air sketching techniques including exploration of Maquoketa's built and natural environments.

Non-adhesive books are made without glue, and require no special equipment. Covers are made with folded and tabbed heavy paper, using principles discovered in 13th Century "limp vellum" bindings. Fraterdeus will use examples from his collection of fine-printed contemporary books as examples for the workshop.

"Travel Sketching Journals have a long history, long before the days of picture postcards or digital cameras," Fraterdeus explained, "Today they provide a record of a journey, and an opportunity to heighten our skills of observation. Travel sketches are both mnemonic and illustrative, whether quick or studied, they need not be more than a few lines and smudges, or may be as closely observed as a fine drawing"

No bookbinding or drawing experience is required for participation in this workshop, but some familiarity with paper folding and drawing tools will be helpful.

The book structures section will be taught by Peter Fraterdeus who has taught letterpress printing, calligraphy, book structures, and digital typography in a number of venues, both in the US and Europe, including the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Columbia College's Center for Book and Paper Art. He is the owner/proprietor of Slow Print in Dubuque, an award-winning 'high-touch' 21st Century letterpress printing studio. In the 1981, he received a National Endowment for the Arts apprenticeship grant to study calligraphy and letter carving in Wales, and in 1986, received an NEA Design Projects grant for his first digital typeface, "Prospera".

The journal drawing section will be taught by Alice McMahon, an internationally exhibited figurative artist, specializing in pastel portraits and charcoal magic realist drawings in large formats. Her work has been shown at the Saatchi Gallery in London and featured in American Artist magazine. She is currently represented by the 33 Contemporary Gallery in Chicago. Recent work includes a 30"x50" drawing on MDF board exhibited during the 2011 Voices From The Warehouse District's Art in ReVolt exhibit at Voices Gallery in Dubuque, Iowa.

The cost for the two-session workshop is $125 plus a $20 materials fee and is open to adults 18 or older. Registration materials are available at www.maquoketa-art.org. For more information contact Paula Neuhaus at paula@maquoketa-art.org or call 563.652.9925.



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The German American Heritage Center's temporary exhibit "In Praise Of The Pencil" closes on Sunday, October 30th at 4 p.m. This is your last chance to see the amazing pencil sculptures, pencil art by local artists, a history of the pencil and how it is made, as well as impressive pencil collections. Stop in to the Center before it's too late.

The Figge Art Museum is hosting a lecture entitled "Art, Urbanism, and the Parisian Experience: An Introduction" at 2:30 pm Sunday, October 16. The lecture, presented by Dr. Heidi E. Kraus, will serve as an introduction to a four-week seminar on Paris and French art to be held next at the Figge next spring.  In addition to a broad overview of major sites, monuments, and works of art, attention will also be focused on various aspects of Parisian life, including restaurants and cafés, shopping, education, and understanding cultural differences. The October 16 lecture and spring semester seminar are offered in conjunction with the Figge's member trip to Paris April 10-19, 2012.

Dr. Heidi E. Kraus received her Ph.D. in Art History from The University of Iowa in 2010, where she specialized in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century French art.  Currently Dr. Kraus is the Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Iowa Museum of Art and is co-curator of "Napoleon and the Art of Propaganda," an exhibition opening at the University of Iowa Museum of Art in October 2012.

Admission to the museum and tour is $7. Admission is free to Figge members and institutional members.

For information about museum programs, including the Figge Member trip to Paris, please visit the Figge website at www.figgeart.org.




Quad City Arts invites artists and non-profit organizations partnering with artists to apply for funding to produce and/or present arts projects and programming in 2012.

Individual artists or non-profit [(501) (c) (3)] organizations partnering with area artists may apply for funding up to $2,000 for their projects or programs. Artists may receive funding of up to $2,000 to produce new work along with work-in-progress workshops and public presentations of the finished work. All projects must occur between April 15, 2012 and March 31, 2013. Application deadline is January 31, 2012.

An informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 5:30-6:30 pm at Quad City Arts.

Please see our website www.quadcityarts.com for an application including policies and guidelines. To request an application or if you have any questions contact Jessi Black at (309) 793-1213 x 103 or jblack@quadcityarts.com.

Funding for Arts Dollar$ is provided by the Illinois Arts Council, John Deere Foundation, Doris and Victor Day Foundation and Mary Iva Gittens Knouse Charitable Trust.

Quad City Arts is a nonprofit local arts agency dedicated to the growth and vitality of the Quad City region through the presentation, development, and celebration of the arts and humanities. All Quad City Arts programs are partially supported by Festival of Trees, Quad City Arts Partners and operating grants from the Illinois Arts Council (a state agency) and the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs.
