Xavier Marshall and Curtis Lewis in A Raisin in the Sun"Literally thousands of people have come through this building to perform on our stage," says Craig Michaels, past president of the Playcrafters Barn Theatre's board of directors. "But without demeaning or belittling any of the work that's been done here over the years, I was finding that I didn't feel the entire community was properly represented within our building, both on our stage and behind the scenes."

The following is the Friday, June 26 broadcast of WVIK's "Midweek Week," with host Herb Trix discussing the area's summer-theatre season with the River Cities' Reader's Mike Schulz. "Midwest Week" can be heard weekly on WVIK 90.3 FM - Augustana Public Radio, Fridays at 6:50 p.m.

Friday, June 26: mp3

Dennis Fox and Tim Budd in Richard IIITheatergoers, be forewarned: Richard III is not for the faint of heart. Riverside Theatre's production of the Shakespearian play is not only packed with violence, death, and one of the freakiest kings in English history; it's also three hours long. But for those who choose to stick it out, this Iowa City show is well worth the time. Directed by Kristin Horton, Richard III packs a punch that may just leave you breathless.

Andrea Millea and Joe Urbaitis in South PacificSouth Pacific comes to us with an intimidating load of pedigreed baggage: Pulitzer Prizes, Tony Awards, Rodgers & Hammerstein. And if you add its dramatic World War II setting, its themes of interracial romance and prejudice, its enormous scenic drops and set pieces, and its cast of two dozen plus, it'd be enough for Countryside Community Theatre's current production of the piece to be impressive, and it most certainly is that.

Eddie Staver III and Katy Patterson in HecubaNot for nothing, but have you seen the size of that freakin' tree that fell in Rock Island's Lincoln Park over the weekend?

For those who don't know, this granddaddy of a tree, which previously stood near the Greek columns of Genesius Guild's outdoor stage, was uprooted during Friday night's storm, just missing the organization's light and sound booth, and crashing directly on top of the park's stage-left risers. Considering the dimensions of the thing - the trunk is almost six feet wide, for Pete's sake! - it's really a sight to see (if it's still there by the time you read this). And it's to Genesius Guild's credit that, thanks to director Michael King's production of Hecuba, it's currently only the park's second-most transfixing sight.

Brittany Church in Peter PanBy the time the title character takes to the skies in the Circa '21 Dinner Playhouse's Peter Pan, the effect, while wondrous, is also somewhat superfluous, since the presentation had already been airborne for a good 40 minutes beforehand, and will continue to be for the two hours that follow. If ever a production deserved to be called "ethereal," it's this one, but even that adjective doesn't suggest just how enthralling this Peter Pan truly is.

Kate Hennies in Death Defying Acts' HotlineIf you were to ask me which I'd rather see - a new stage comedy by David Mamet, Elaine May, or Woody Allen - I'd have to think long and hard before giving you my answer: "Yes, please."

David Herr, Eli Pauley, and Phillip Newman in Lend Me a TenorThere are nights during the run of a happily manic, door-slamming farce when everything seems to go magically right: The actors hit their marks exactly on cue, the dialogue lands with almost inhuman accuracy, and the set's many doors open and shut with razor-sharp precision. The audience, meanwhile, barely has time in between laughs to catch its collective breath.

Laura Ambrose and Martin Andrews in A Midsummer Night's DreamIt's mid-June, and love is in the air... particularly for the actors in Riverside Theatre's Shakespeare Festival who are performing A Midsummer Night's Dream. This Iowa City show boasts stellar performers and a beautiful outdoor stage in City Park - the perfect combination for a magical evening of great theatre. Under Ron Clark's direction, Midsummer lives up to its reputation as Shakespeare's sexiest play, bawdy jokes and all.

Nicholas Charles Waldbusser, Ryan Mosher-Ohr, Ryan Anderson, Angela Rathman, and Kevin Maynard in The Last Mass at St. Casimir'sOver my many years of theatre-going, there isn't a stage trilogy I've enjoyed quite the way I've enjoyed the Pazinski-family comedies of author Tom Dudzick, a trio of lightly philosophical, understatedly touching, devastatingly funny plays that began with 1994's Over the Tavern and continued with 1998's King o' the Moon.

And I don't think I've ever loved a stage production quite the way I love the Richmond Hill Barn Theatre's current The Last Mass at St. Casimir's, the climactic chapter (written in 2002) not only in Dudzick's trilogy, but in Richmond Hill's, as Geneseo's Barn Theatre produced Over the Tavern in the summer of 2005, and King o' the Moon in the summer of 2007.
