MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 17, 2021) — Monmouth College faculty member Chris Goble has a lot to say about one of his passions — comic books.

And one of the things Goble says when speaking about that topic is that comic books themselves have a lot to say.

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 16, 2021) — When Monmouth College theatre professor Todd Quick was planning his department's next production in the midst of a pandemic, he decided to think small.

Very small.


David Konstan, a professor of classics at New York University

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 15, 2021) — Can a person be angry at someone and afraid of them at the same time?

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 12, 2021) — Monmouth College philosophy professor Anne Mamary has been a huge fan of the Harry Potter series for two decades, so much so that she even teaches a course called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Soul.”

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 11, 2021) — Rebecca Quick, an art and mathematics major from Moline, is one of the artists whose work has been selected for the Annual Juried Art Exhibit at Monmouth College.


Best-selling author Stacie Berdan will deliver a Global Scots Series talk titled "Why Do You Need a Global Mindset to Get a Job" via Zoom February 17

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 10, 2021) — Promoting a global mindset will be the focus of a talk kicking off a new series at Monmouth College.

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 10, 2021) — COVID-19. Economic collapse. Civil unrest. Iowa caucuses. Representative Steve King's defeat. President Trump. Kenosha. Georgia special elections for the US Senate. The storming of the Capitol on January 6. Election 2020.

Monmouth College graduates were eyewitnesses to all of those historic events.

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 8, 2021) Compeer Financial's Fund for Rural America has awarded $25,000 to the Monmouth College Educational Studies PLACE Site, through a MORE for Agriculture Grant.

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS (February 8, 2021) — An altered academic calendar delayed their arrival, but a pair of traditional Monmouth College events will make their return to campus on February 10.

MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS. (February 5, 2021) Viewers looking for the top advertising campaigns from Super Bowl LV on Sunday might not find them during breaks in the action between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, according to Monmouth College business professor Tom Prince.
